Frequently reoccurring stomach issues.
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so I keep having these issues where I'll either wake up with it or i will suddenly develop symptoms late at night.
it starts with very rotten burps, then I will get nausea and diarrhea. it will last about 24 hours and go away, and maybe a day or two later it will start over again.
I use a CPAP machine and I think this might be a cause? that I might need an auto titration CPAP.
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mary19068 shuyler61466
Hi Shylur614
CPAP machines need regular cleaning. Do you clean yr machine regularly? as it can hold bacteria. Why not try and stop using the machine for a short while if you can and see if your symptoms stop. Other than that see your Sleep Apnea Consultant, you may need a new machine if you have had your CPAP machine for long time....
shuyler61466 mary19068
thanks for the reply. I probably dont clean it as much as I should but I thought that could cause sinus infections, not stomach issues? I'm only speculating at this point because I read that you can swallow air in your sleep and have these types of issues. other than that, I cant stop using the machine even for one night because I drive a bus 8-10 hours a day.
I'm trying to figure out how to stop these issues cause it makes my job really hard when I'm driving and have nausia and diarrhea. it's not like I can stop and run to the bathroom lol
mary19068 shuyler61466
mary19068 shuyler61466
Hi shuyler614
I would suggest you see your doc or call Sleep Apnea clinic.....
mary19068 shuyler61466
Hi shuyler614
I have sent you some you think you may have the machine turned up too high??
pippa58442 shuyler61466
What's a CPAP machine?
mary19068 pippa58442
Hi pippa58442
A CPAP Machine is a machine that produces oxygen and is worn on the face by those who suffer from sleep apnea. It is worn at night or when one wishes to sleep and it supplies them with sufficient oxygen when they breathe thus stopping them waking several times during sleep. Sleep Apnea sufferers wake several times at night because they are unable to breathe in sufficient oxygen and the CPAP machine enables them to have a good nights sleep and enables them wake up refreshed....without the machine they feel as if they have had no sleep at all...
pippa58442 mary19068
Thanks! You learn a new thing every day.
mary19068 pippa58442
Hi pippa58442
Your very welcome!....