Friction results or sti?

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hello I am worried to death.

I am not a sexually active man I only had unprotected sex once in my life in 2017. i ve been worried since and I became hypocondriac. I managed to get myself togather in 2019 (2 years after the exposure) and i tested myself in a laboratory for hiv1/2 and the results came negative.

in december 2020 I ordered a syphilis auto test kit and the results came negative.

what I am worried about is these spots that comes directly after masturbation (I masturbate a lot without lube).

I am worried about the spots kn the picture they do not itch but i thing some

of them is wet. i get that after masturbation and usualy they heal in a week, what are they please help.imageimage

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10 Replies

  • Edited

    you are circumcised right? Chafing during masturbation because of circumcision is kind of a given if you don't use some sort of lube. That's literally the reason circumcision was invented and practiced, to prevent masturbation. I wouldn't worry much as it doesn't look like herpes. Use lube next time you masturbate

  • Posted

    i am trying to convince myself so. the problem they are round that s why I suspected herpes. i ll try to move on and live my life. thanks a lot

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    can I get another opinion please I am breaking down

    • Posted

      These are literally just friction burns from masturbating, you said yourself you get them right after masturbating. You need LUBE. You cant just go and raw dog it on your hand when you have been circumcised, it will cause friction. You have already came back as negative. Herpes usually blister and ulcer as well? I think you are over reacting, go out and buy some lube though if you want to keep masturbating without these showing up.


  • Posted

    i am sorry. but their shape (circular) freaks me out. usually i get one or 2 also but this time there is 5 (as shown in the pic).

    they are a little bit watery also.

    and i am negative for HIV and syphilis. i didnt take herpes test.

    • Posted

      Go take a test if it bothers you so much. It doesn't seem like anything i or others say is going to convince you otherwise. I think you need to convince yourself

  • Posted

    thx a lot. i needed someone to confort me. last question. i had this on my buttcrack since a while. it can get itchy sometimes. can you relate to this image

    • Posted

      that i dont know about, you actually might wanna worry about that more than the bumps on your penis. That looks worse imo

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