Friend experiencing serious headache problems. Seeking advice.

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I have a 29 year old friend who is having, what seems like to me, a very serious headache problem. I am wondering if it is advised for him to go and see a doctor. He has always seemed to have a headache problem his whole life on and off and has had strokes when he was a child, but refuses to go to the doctors because that is just the way he is. I am a bit concerned because these seem like they are worse than the last time he was having problems with headaches. He has tried to eat more regular meals and drink lots of water. Is there anything else that could be tried in the case that this could just be mild headache problem and anything really serious could be ruled out?

Thank you any information or advice you may have! 

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Please do your best to get that stubborn friend of yours to the doctor pronto! Since he had strokes as a child, he is prone to having more. And when he has another stroke, it might not be as mild as his previous ones. I was unfamiliar with what strokes can do to a person, and perhaps he is too.

    Find someone(s), male so that he can relate, on the internet who has had a stroke which caused a head injury and significant disability. Find one that tells a story or at least shows a picture.

    Many people think, "Well, if I have a stroke, it will probably  another mild one, or else it will be serious and kill me. Nothing I can do about that." But there's so much inbetween that is so challenging for the person and his whole family for the rest of his life. OR, he could have a quick exam, a brain scan perhaps, and, then, finding nothing, you can both relax a bit. Get a massage--tension can cause many a sore head.

     See if you can bribe this chap into seeing a doc if you take him somewhere he likes to go afterward. Like a restaurant or even a bar! Entice him--we all have our price! You are a good friend, and  you are right to be concerned. He's lucky to have you. smile

  • Posted

    Thank you so much for the prompt reply!

    I will definitely try to do my best to get him to go to the doctors. One of the reasons he does not wish to go is a money issue and he doesn't have health care. Also he doesn't like going to the doctors if its not necessary and if he can "cure" it himself.

    I ended up doing hours of research online about all the different headaches and realized that since I am not him and don't really know all there is to know about his headaches I am suggesting to him to at least keep a headache diary. I found a couple online to show to him. Weather or not he will do it is all up to him... I know he has gotten headaches after drinking alcohol but I haven't noticed when they come on otherwise. It just seems like a common problem for him and they happen in any situation. I am hoping to learn more about the specifics of them if he keeps a journal. That would help tremendously. I will also look into story's of people with having strokes, and bribe him! smile

  • Posted

    He should try an elimination diet to see if he has any food allergies or sensitivies. Our gut is everything, 80% of your immune system is in your gut, it has more nerves than the brain, is very connected to the brain and when there is inflammation in the gut there is most likely inflammation in the brain, and the gut produces 90-95% of seratonin! I would say that eating organic is the best option because his body dosen't need to do extra work to filter out toxins. Food should be real food. Food is the best healthcare. I have heard feverfew can help with headaches. I also learned in my psychology class that acupuncture is an effective way to deal with pain as well. Good luck!
    • Posted

      He has been trying to eliminate certain foods from his diet mostly fermented things, such as sauerkraut and minimize his alcohol intake. Avoiding fermented things was found online recommended. Also clams and other underwater things. We made a deal together about him keeping a headache diary so he is keeping one now! He eats almost all organic food with a few exceptions such as going out to eat and if he can't find something particular organic. Thank you for the advice! I am excited to share with him about the feverfew! Do you know where I might find some? 
  • Posted

    NOTE! I made a mistake above. He had SEIZURES when he was a child NOT STROKES! Sorry about that! 

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