Fright sensations
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Hi girls does anyone in meno gets a frighten feeling out the blue that goes right up to the neighbor upstairs just knock on the door and my whole body was fill with fear or sometimes just napping in front of the TV and I wake up I don't feel like myself I just have to sit there waiting to come back to myself which I could explain it more but could wake up panic/frighten way anyone familiar with this symptom or something like it if you got the answer let me know.
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maddysmom2015 maria76995
I get this panic when I wake up in the morning. I call it "active shooter in the building'" level of panic. (I'm an American!)
Any unexpected noise can spike my anxiety for sure.
I did find this got better when I supplemented B complex vitamins. But it still happens to me.
I try to check to see if I am over-stimulated generally in my life and scale back a bit. That helps too.
marisol06794 maria76995
Hi maria yes i no exactly how you feel it's almost like if you are talking about me it's a weird sensation i was watching tv and out of the blue my dog started barking and he scared me to death my heart started racing i was shaking all over i just sat there for a while then i felt better I'm guessing it's one of the lovely symtoms of meno I've gotten all the bell and whistles of this chapter in our lives it's so frustrating and scary at times just wanted to let you no your not alone hugs!!!
Lotti1966 maria76995
It's a form of PTSD. I get it too. I'll fall asleep on the couch and jerk awake, heart racing, scared too death..
I was driving the other day and someone pulled up next to me. I looked over and he was looking right at me. I got scared too death.
I guess our nerves are on edge too.
Nita1960 maria76995
yes, I get it when my Husband is driving, I can feel myself braking, jumping forward as if someone is going to run into us. Supermarket on my own, I get clammy and shaky and feel like I'm going to be sick. It's horrible. I have been going to same hairdresser for many years and started to think she was horrible to me so the next appointment I cancelled and coloured it myself, now I hate it!!! I'm scared to get in car in case neighbours are out. Frightened of my own shadow!!!!! It will get better I'm sure. It's a horrible feeling though. I feel like a little girl again, finding my way in the world. Not nice
pinkcatfairy maria76995
Yes I have had these episodes a sudden fear as if im about to go into a panic but I somehow calm myself down and the feeling passes x
ImagineOneDay pinkcatfairy
jamie50513 maria76995
I definitely get this feeling more often than none. I wake up sometimes with my heart pounding, body shaking scared out my wits. I could be cooking, driving, or doing anything and all of sudden I get scared thinking something is going to happen to me at that very moment. I immediately try to shift my attention elsewhere because if I don't I am going to lose it and send myslef into a bad panic attack. You are definitely not alone with these crazy sensations.