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Hi, girls, anyone gets frighten by the slightest of things..somebody only got to mention there was accident and my heart takes off errr..I went to the surgery and i don't feel to relax sitting always looking for something to happen or doing a research in the mind to find something wrong with mind races with thoughts of kinds of negative things, I'm trying to change it and tell myself nothing wrong with me. I hate hear about anyone sick.
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arlette98229 maria76995
Yes constantly thinking the worse if someone is late etc and thinking of scenarios that might happen. Cant take lifts, planes and fear even trains! Living in London so terrorism has also not helped. Meditation apps are good - Barry McDonaghs DARE program also good for fear
therese72856 maria76995
Hi Maria , since the last year I've had health anxiety . Started when I started peri menopause . I avoid any conversation or programmes that have anything to do with health , especially cancer . I am having a colonoscopy on Friday & my heart rate is through the roof thinking about it . I try looking on you tube for relaxing ideas to help .
maria76995 therese72856
Hi Therese, I'm having bowel scope test in January don't know if that's the same thing,and yes I avoid all programmes on TV that scares me not think about the percedure just let the day come put your clothes and go,that how I go to things I block it from my mind because if you keep thinking about it your not going to go so block it out you can do it.
juanita93228 therese72856
Yep, that's me in a nutshell. Even when commercials come on television talking about cancer or some other disease I mute the television or change channel. Prayers for your colonoscopy. Don't worry, you'll be fine. I know it doesn't help much, but I had one and all was ok.
littleme1969 maria76995
Just try and remember thats this is not you.. its just your body trying to balance things out. It does eventually.. but it takes time for things to settle. You can try beta blockers as these block Adrenalin and help with all the physical stuff, and when that calms down then you can get on top of your thoughts easier.
maria76995 littleme1969
Hi, I don't take anything for the menopause because it effects your hormones then when you stop it gets worst so I try to get through it daily thank you for replying..hope you get better very soon.
littleme1969 maria76995
maria76995 littleme1969
Hi littleme, Dr don't think nothing of it she just say it was a not a bad I manage to go out and do stuff another time it's push through the door,but I will ask my Dr about those meds TY
kelly55079 maria76995
I try not to get 'all worked over' things.. But today I opened a X-mas card with a nice family photo and I got irritated. Why I don't know except maybe I'm jealous that I didn't send a nice family photo myself. I just hate the way I feel about certain things.
therese72856 maria76995
Bowel scope sounds like the same thing. I'm having mine due to bowel change habits , being constipated 1 minute & diorrhea the next & having blood in my stool . Can't help overthinking 🙈 I know I have to get it done for my sons sake if not my own . I have to look after myself for him . I hope yours goes ok & results are normal . Good luck .
maria76995 therese72856
Hi, the reason my doctor might have sent me is because I'm over 55 and I had a itch up the rear going and coming..can you tell me what they do it doesn't matter if it's gross talk Lol.
nanette44686 maria76995
hyacinth08689 maria76995
maria76995 hyacinth08689
amanda59745 maria76995
maria76995 amanda59745
Hi, I try and stay away from Mr google it tells you one page your fine on the next it's bad news..keep away because you always have fear and worry..I just had few bloods done by self so far they happy with results, all I would like is good nights sleep again with out waking up it does start the day on a good foot, but it seem everybody is like this in menopause so I think it will stop with time..good lucjk with your bloods I'm sure your fine Hugs xx