From good to bad

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Had been on citalopram a couple of years at 30mg. Stoops working due to some major life stressors as well. Dr put me on to sertraline in a strange way. Has me move from 50mg sertraline to 200mg in 16days,at the same time as reducing citalopram. Anyway, it's been since the start of June I have been on 200mg. I take I morning , and all was ok ish, part from the bloats was after every meal, but for over a week now, several hours after taking, I feel very spaced out,light headed , dizzy,this lasts for around 2-3 hours. I then get some energy boost around 5pm , go to bed around ten, I have 4 kids lol, and cannot get to sleep at all for maybe 3-4 hours every damn night. Why have these effects started now, when for a few weeks, I felt pretty good, a lot of energy, but now, I feel up and down and all over the place?? Could it be that maybe the 200 mg is now in system and is too high ? Could I maybe get the good effects but not the lightheaded and faint feeling and staying awake by maybe reducing these ?? Any suggestions or thoughts or similar experience please let me know!!thanks

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    interesting I was on 200 and I dont sleep either, and  feel vague which I hate. I also am badly up and down, extremes.
    • Posted

      Hi mark.

      Did you start at 20 or build up over time?? My dr said this way for me would get in system quicker and the. If need be he could reduce. I thought all was good until last two weeks??

    • Posted

      no, 50, 100, 150, 200 as there was little effect, the first month is bad, but it never really had a possitive effect for me except feeling vague and a shell of a person, Oh and it also effects certain male parts
    • Posted

      It certainly does. I have had some food effects but like I said ,now I don't sleep more than 5 hours and feel very weird during day. Maybe too high dose as it did start to work?? What are you on now??
    • Posted

      honestly, I am 2 weeks trying to get off from 200 to 150mg...
    • Posted

      Ah ok. How's that ?and how long have you been on 200 mark if I can ask
    • Posted

      Why, because when you have no emotion, no interest in anything, have lost your soul, you realise the doctors are not always right, I am sure there are people that get on okay. I was on 100mg for about 5 years went upto 200mg xmas. now I want off. And coming off, omg,...
    • Posted

      No, not why, you obviously doing right for you. I'd love off all these anti depressants I've been on and off since 1992.

      Has the 50mg reduction been hard ??

    • Posted

      Sorry I dont want to offend anyone, yes me also since 2005. Has the reduction been hard, well its difficult to say, you know you can generally feel sh*t sometimes, well I have been low, fuzzy headed but the dreaming is most obvious, I dreamt I snapped all my toes last night, sounds funny but it wasnt at 6am after little sleep. My sleep it terrible, I use alcohol but it works, I absolute hate that I do. And I am not recommending it to anyone.
  • Posted

    I'm on 125mg Dr wants me on 150 but my anxiety goes through the roof. I'm very anxious and I feel dead inside just flat nothingness. Not sure if it's the meds or me.
    • Posted

      Answer is obvious if you feel dead inside increasing the dose could be worse
    • Posted

      They say it's depression not the meds though u just never know do u till u try stick it out and see. I think my issue in GAD not depression although I have been depressed

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