From Seroxat to Mirtazapine
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:? Just got back from doctors after finally coming to terms that Seroxat just doesn't seem to be working for me anymore..... Have been on for about 2 years and over Christmas noticed that all my old symptoms were back... Exhaustion, Apathy, Sadness, Anger, Confusion, Headaches and just generally feeling seriously crappy... I put on 56Ibs on Seroxat and now cannot bear to look at myself in the mirror. Am 39 and do not want to be fat and forty!! Doctor perscribed Mirtazapine but have now found out that Mirtazapine can cause weight gain...need this like a hole in the head as can't afford to put anymore weight on!!! Any comments or help would be gratefully received, am desperate here, couldn't face work this morning as have just no energy.
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You will feel genarally lethargic with Mitrazapine, in fact you will prob sleep most of the first week, but you will get there. Just remeber it dosent matter what size you are, its who you are, and take that from a guy in his early 30's.. So keep your chin up and smile, it will get better again
Try not to think about it to much
I was on Seroxat and I switched to Mirtazapine and It worked really well for me.
The first week I was like a zombie but after a while it got into my system and I felt so much better.
I've been on Mirtazapine for about a 1 year and i was really paranoid as I was 32 and putting on weight as a side effect. I was constantly hungry and was craving sweet things.
With will power I cut out all the bad thig and replaced them with Fruit, Nuts & Raw Veg.
I started to jog & swim and with will power got myself to a better weight than I was before.
I'm heavier than I want to be but I'm happy which is the most important thing !
One thing you must remember is that it is usually pier pressure for us to look good. What is good for you might not be good for somebody else.
Take the positives from every situation and try to live each day.
Who cares about age !
[i:ddab07d28c][b:ddab07d28c]The Only Thing In Life Is Living [/b:ddab07d28c][/i:ddab07d28c]
Take Care & Good Luck
Thankyou again
Birdy xxxx
Glad to see you read our views and it makes u feel better, im glad u feeling a bit better, and there is no anxiety..
I know what u mean, i feel like i am constantly moaning to my other half as well, and its great to come on here and talk about Mitrazapine.
The dozy days soon pass and go into a haze, and ure memory lapses and forgets them ha ha, I was telling a friend about the effects of the tabs, and he told me i could sell them for £2 each and make a fortune lol..
Think the dreams are amazing, I was flying thru the air the other night with Rita from Corrie as we were going to open a new sunbed shop in Spain ????? confused lol lol
Hope to hear back from other peeps soon xx
I'm fairly new on this site and have just started on the med, I feel absolutely knocked out. All I do is sleep, sleep, sleep. Oh and eat lots! My dreams have been really vivid and random. When I was awake the other night I was laying in bed feeling really tired and saw a butterfly flying around the room, I blinked a couple of times and it disappeared! Obviously a figure of my imagination. Is good to here I'm not alone in my feelings x
Best wishes,
I started this medication 4 weeks ago and the first week i had great sleep which i still have and real weird dreams , i found i couldn't sit down for about 5 days and my house was spotless , but this week i feel i have to push myself to do anything and feel really low ! I'm hoping this will pass. Has anyone else felt like they were going back the way ?