Frozen shoulder and finger joints
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I'm on my way to thawing out after 8 months of frozen fun. For the past month I've noticed that my index finger on the affected arm has gotten stiffer and stiffer. Now I have a lovely swollen joint and the finger is hard to bend. So now the opposite hand is going the same route. I'm thinking inflammation has kicked up a party in my hands? Physio jumped on arthritis. Anyone else experiencing this? Want to find out if it's permanent.
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hope4cure leah08809
You might check out with a doctor that specializes in Xiaflex shots for frozen shoulder.
i had this done it was amazing to have ROM back again ad the capsule in th shoulder was frozen. Injection is a enzyme that helps break up the guild up of collagen in the shoulder and fingers if diagnosed with the symptoms you shared it might help you.
i'm in the US AND XIAFLEX inj cations opened up two fingers frozen and same shoulder . Check online for doc in your area and more info on Xiaflex.
Now I can use my hand and shoulder is much better. Still use precautions lifting and PT for both fingers and shoulder after injection.
leah08809 hope4cure
hope4cure leah08809
LessrTuberosity hope4cure
I had a bad shoulder fracture 11 months ago, 3 surgeries and am still stiff and painful. It's interesting to read your comment, as I developed a ganglion cyst on my 2nd finger at the joint with the palm about 3 months after my injury. It is painful to touch but does not affect my rom. The dr thought it was a mere coincidence and not related to the supposed 'frozen shoulder' issue. Maybe there is a connection after all. I have not had any treatment for it, may be too small to do anything yet.
Maz57 leah08809
I have the same problem. My index and ring finger both stiff on affected arm. I too have Dupuytren's contracture in same hand. I'm 8 months in to this nasty affliction (caused by a fall) although im thawing nicely. Have mention fingers to Doctor but didn't get much of a response. Perhaps I'll do more research and go back armed with a bit more info and hopefully get better response.
hope4cure Maz57
Plz see a dr that specializes in Dupuytrens. Surgery in never recommended for first treatment. As it will cause the collagen to drow and spread more and as a result more fingers can contract .
i had three fingers contract tight to palm after hand specialist did surhpgery. Started with one pinky curl. Could not use rt hand. Wear gloves or just do normal daily tasks. Xiaflex injections are painful but well worth it. Now I have full range of motion with fingers. I wear a nightly glove splint.
also if have interest in a online web site let me know . They have all the research and treatments for this horrible disease. It can also affect the feet. Usually most docs don't recognize it and diagnose plantarfacitis, when in reality as I discovered I had this in my feet too.
frozen_stiff leah08809