frozen shoulder~ its been so difficult
Posted , 9 users are following.
Has anyone ever dealt with this ? Any input would be great.
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Posted , 9 users are following.
Has anyone ever dealt with this ? Any input would be great.
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ImagineOneDay pam85132
pam85132 ImagineOneDay
its been pretty difficult deal with and quite painful. I have been doing therapy for about 4 weeks and last week ortho doc gave me a shot of cortizone . i dont think that helped at all
?Everything i have read about "frozen shoullder" makes me frusturated.
?i cant imagine this lasting a yr or longer
metamorphed pam85132
Hi Pam. This was the first symptom I had, last year. Came on suddenly and got progressively worse until I could not raise my arm to any height. I had physio and acupuncture and got slight relief. This only fully improved this year around April. I had started taking Omega 3, a really good one, in February and I believe that this really helped. By the way, it was diagnosed as tendonitis. I had an injection also that did nothing. It is completely gone now, over a year later but as I said did take up to April this year. This was one of the first symptoms I got when I missed my first period, so the start of the bad symptoms. They have never related it to hormones, even though I had never had it before and knew myself that it was hormones that caused it. I sympathise, as this was the worst thing and the pain was excruciating.
pam85132 metamorphed
helen10706 pam85132
Hi Pam,
a frozen shoulder will just go of its own accord but could take up to 18 months! My acupuncturist says he can treat a frozen shoulder in three treatments. I didn't know him then, and I found yoga helped keep mine more mobile.
Good luck
terri16632 pam85132
yes alot of us have dealti with this on this site. For me, it went away when I changed my nutrition. I thought it was frozen shoulder but it was a deficiency. I went through all the tests, steriods, etc. Putting seriously proper nutrition in place, tons of veggies (through supplement shakes), dense nutrition and probiotics - and it went away rather quickly. Finding the right powder to drink every day was key. I don't miss a day and I feel really good now. Organic turmeric and curmerin took care of whatever any arm pain not cured by that. I picked up that tip from someone on this site as well. The only issue I still experience is lower back muscle tightness but I find a spoonful of calcium/magnesium powder in my oj or cranberry juice before bed greatly helps this. Browse this site thoroughly search joint pain and perimenopause. There are many people who found ways to fix all these issues without resorting to medicaitons. Best of all to you.
metamorphed terri16632
pam85132 terri16632
I actually have just gave serious thought to maybe it would improve if i changed my diet. I tell you it is wearing me down not just phsyically but mentally. I am 48 but im starting to feel like im 75 .
thanks so much
shallah24 pam85132
Have bee suffering from this for the last 5 months . Started physio about 2 weeks ago . Am also in peri so don't know if there is a link ?
Movements are restricted . It takes a long time I believe to heal.
Deep tissue massage by good physio provides temporary relief .
pam85132 shallah24
Isn't it so frustrating ?! It's such a mysterious thing.
Yes I am constantly massaging my arm /shoulder when I'm not at therapy
skypop22 pam85132
Hi I was diagnosed with a servers frozen shoulder
last year,then pain was so bad it made me cry if it was even tapped a little bit. My GP referred me to a surgeon where I had an arthroscopic release and manual manipulation under anaesthetic. I had discomfort after but ice painkillers and an excellent physio helped. I was told that I could see what would happen but he said injections wouldn't work for me as I couldn't even lift my arm above my hip without being in extreme pain so this was my best option and it's worked no more pain
metamorphed skypop22
you've described the pain of frozen shoulder so well. I remember the sickening pain on any movement or if anyone even touched my arm. uhhhh. So painful to do anything even sleep. I really really sympathise with anyone who's had this... glad that surgery worked for you.
cynthia00141 pam85132
Frozen shoulder is quite common during menopause. Like mentioned above, look at your diet. I don't suffer from that but I do get the achy muscles. I take two tablespoons of fish oil daily for inflammation along with D3 and magnesium. I look at everything I eat and drink. No sugars or processed foods either. Diet plays a huge role when it comes to our hormones fluctuating.
helen64949 pam85132
Had a frozen shoulder many years ago, agonising isn't it. Lots of ibuprofen and physio sorted it in the end. Try cold compresses too.