Frozen shoulder symptoms
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Hi ladies,
I have pains in my left shoulder and upper arm underside where it's flabby,
Just wondering if anyone going thru Perimenapause had this symptoms and how long it last?
What Did you use to ease the pain, especially during the night?
1 like, 25 replies
monique_93857 gilly_64426
Yes this is very common in menopause I still have issues with my shoulder my elbow my wrist I'm pretty sure there's more ladies out here that can share the same story I'm praying it does go away one day
may69987 gilly_64426
Hi me too I have pain in shoulder ,elbow ,wrisk specially around my period and sometimes my fingers I hope one day I will wake up and everything’s will disappear 🙏
jazzy77001 gilly_64426
Yes I have this too. It's my right shoulder, elbow, neck. I also have pain in my left shoulder blade. Everything seems to pop and grind, it's awful. Seeing a rheumatologist on the 25th (seen everyone else imaginable, it's been going on for two years), hopefully they can shed some light. I have just started using magnesium oil, will let you know if I have any good results. I also take magnesium, vit d3 and acetyl l carnitine. Copaiba essential oil helps a little with the pain. I've been rubbing it on and injesting. Also very interested if any other ladies have any remedies, how long it lasted??
Sochima822 gilly_64426
jazzy77001 Sochima822
Sochima822 jazzy77001
The better one of the only 2 they sell here is arniflora. If that isn't available then arnicare is second best but not as good as the first one.
jazzy77001 Sochima822
Fantastic thank you! I will see if it's available in Australia, otherwise I'll have a look online. Thanks again xx
gilly_64426 Sochima822
Thank you ladies so much, I will try the arniflora and let you all know how it works😊
betterMonica gilly_64426
Guest gilly_64426
I had very painful frozen shoulder. Sleeping with a pillow under your arm may help. During the freezing stage it can be excruciating. I wasn't able to take nsaids, but if you can, that will help with the inflammation. Eventually it went to the frozen stage, not as painful, but still hurt, and very limited range of motion. It took about 18 months, sorry to say. My shoulder still hurts at times, when my other symptoms are acting up especially. And it doesn't have the range of motion it did before. But overall, not much of a problem anymore. I tried cortisone shots, but it didn't help much. Some people opt to have surgery to break up the encapsulation, but I chose not to do that. I've read that it can help, or might get worse with scar tissue. Basically, it's something you just have to wait out.
Hope yours gets better soon.
audra86673 gilly_64426
Hi Gilly.
I second what Suzanne has told you. Frozen shoulder is an awful condition that is very painful and can last a long time. I am at the 12 month mark with mine. I have been to an Orthopedist and had some PT, which did not help as I was in the freezing stage. And it made my pain worse afterwards. My Orthopedist said it can last up to a couple years and that doing PT during the freezing and frozen stages is just a waste of time and money. When it starts to thaw is when you will regain ROM and when the PT will help. I take Tylenol when mine bothers me too much. At first, the pain was horrible. I'd fall to me knees gasping for air if even bumped it or made any sudden jerk movements with my arm. For sleep - as Suzanne mentioned - pillows!! I now use 5 pillows but at one point while it was still frozen I was using 8! Whatever it takes to get comfortable enough to sleep. I'm in the frozen stage now and my pain is much better. I do have pain daily in my neck and the humerus muscle area but it is not intense pain anymore. Just annoying pain now. If I overdo it by pushing my arm past it's limited ROM ( I helped my son move into his apartment and even though I didn't lift anything heavy I pushed things around and lifted too much) I will pay for it and my neck and upper shoulder area will be very painful for the next week. So I will not be doing that anymore as I've pushed myself too much twice now and both times I was out for a solid week! I do take Tylenol when it hurts a lot but I try to space my doses at least 3-4 days apart as I just don't like the idea of what my liver would suffer with daily acetaminophen use for a year or more! When it was in the freezing stage and very painful I would take it more often. I don't use NSAIDS as they upset my stomach but my Orthopedist recommended alternating days between the acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Maybe try that if you can handle both meds.
I hope you will get through this quickly and not suffer too much. Although it sounds innocent enough... FS is an a$$ whipper and like no pain I've ever experienced before ( and I had all 3 of my kids with no pain meds!) hang in there and come chat with us if the pain gets overwhelming or you just need to vent. Chronic pain is hard to live with and especially if you appear healthy people seem to not understand.
** I forgot to add... I used those self adhesive air activated heat pads. They helped me at night. I'd attach 2-3 on the different painful areas and that would help me sleep. Ice didn't help me but some people say it helps them.
gilly_64426 audra86673
Hi Audra
Thanks for your email, it's comforting to hear from you and the other ladies who are going thru this very same pain, I honestly don't recall if I pulled the shoulder or how this happened😣my doctor had insisted that must have done when exercising or some heavy lifting, all above no😣, I went to my whole food store today and purchased the Arcinia cream suggested by all you ladies , keeping my 🤞it works,
jazzy77001 gilly_64426
grace50455 gilly_64426
I'm not sure if mine is frozen shoulder,
The pain is in both my shoulders and it runs down my arms wrists and hands ... the pain is worse at night and I am now sleeping in sitting position due to the pain.
It's 4:30 am and I am wide awake I don't know what's up with that.
gilly_64426 grace50455
Yes Grace
You have Frozen should
My pain kept me up all night, I was prompted up with pillow😣it was awful, you need to go to your local health food store and purchase Arnicare cream or gel, suggested by the ladies on the site. Also massage your ankles, a tip from my naturopath.
monique_93857 grace50455
Mine started when I started menopause my shoulders give me the business my elbows my hands it's all connected I don't know if any of you ladies are going through menopause but that's what mine started
grace50455 gilly_64426
I will keep you posted.
grace50455 monique_93857
audra86673 grace50455
Hi Grace. I know you posted this question to Monique but thought I'd let you know I had pain in my chest from my frozen shoulder. It was very concerning. My FS is on my left side, so when my left chest started hurting ( more a tight pressure type feeli) I was thinking something sinister with my heart wa going on. It wasn't. My PT told me the muscle that runs across the chest area can tighten up as the shoulder freezes. He had me take a lacrosse ball and roll it on my chest. I'd put the ball on a wall with hands down by my side and press my body into the wall and roll the ball around my chest area -but avoid the breast tissue. Just use your natural body weight and don't add any pressure the the ball. Too much pressure will aggravate it and make it hurt even worse. Doing this 3 times a day for around a minute each time helped my chest pain recover in about 3-4 weeks.
grace50455 audra86673
Thank you Audra, actually I went to Dr. today and when I told her I was having shoulder pain and chest pain she immediately ordered an EKG.... thank God everything was fine , she said she doesn't believe that the shoulder pain is causing my chest pain so she referred me to a cardiologist and chest x-ray. She also is checking my hormone level and thyroid
She said that my joint pain could be rheumatoid arthritis but she has to wait till she gets those results to make any diagnosis.
She told me to take ibuprofen for the chest pain but to go easy on it.
Thanks for that info at this point I will try anything that will help!!!
Guest grace50455
Guest grace50455
This is the thing, we will keep going to all these specialists and nothing is ever wrong! It's so frustrating.
gilly_64426 Guest
I can't even do this 😣 I reached to far to close my car door and bam, it hurt like 👹,
Guest gilly_64426
I forgot once and was holding the dog leash in my right hand when my dog decided to lurch at a squirrel. It hurt so bad I sat on the street and cried for 10 minutes! The freezing stage is just awful. Hopefully you will get to the frozen stage soon!
Someone suggested those pain pads you can stick on your shoulder, I used those too. It helped a bit. I also would get acupuncture which seemed to help a little too. Physical therapy only made it worse at this stage. The orthopedic doc I saw suggested marijuana would help. Never tried it though, not legal here yet.