Frozen Shoulder torture continues..
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First off, Happy New Year!
Hope your start is better than mine. Two years exactly and the frozen shoulder I had in my non dominant shoulder is finally almost gone. But of course I'm not allowed any peace, I can now feel it starting in my dominant shoulder. Why not? Just keep the torture coming, I havent been thru enough God.
Anyway, I read about a doctor in Ny who said if you catch it early enough a cortisone shot and easy manipulation may clear it up in a month instead of years. Hopefully i can find someone in FL who knows how to do it.
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Guest Guest
I get bursitis in my left shoulder and it is so unbearable painful I mean you cant move it the slightest or turn over in the bed without ex curating pain I was in horrible pain for 4 weeks maybe 5. But what is frozen shoulder?
I forgot to say the left arm too all the way to elbow!
Guest Guest
Did you also lose range of motion?
Frozen shoulder is also referred to as 50s shoulder. They arent sure what causes it but it's believed to be caused by hormones, common in women 40-60 years old. Look it up. I bet thats what you have. The freezing stage is the painful period, and I mean excrutiating pain. Then it become frozen and you wont be able to do things like put a jacket on normally. Finally the thawing stage where slowly it all goes away.
Takes about two years.
Like we dont have enough to deal with already!!
amanda07618 Guest
I had surgery for rotator cuff last feb and developed frozen shoulder left arm also the anethatist damaged my vocal chords. I have had 2 manipulations done 3 cortisone shots none worked. I have now been told that i need open surgery again something i don't really know if i want to do. The pain is awful right through my elbow even my wrist but i had to have vocal chord surgery in October and suffered a heart attack when i woke up . Scarey i don't drink smoke not overweight exercise . i am in New Zealand they might have different approach where you are but i found the MUA painful and didn't help
Guest amanda07618
OK Amanda, this is just horrifying, and I can't believe you went through all of this!!
I opted not to have surgery to break up the encapsulation, I read that it may or may not work, plus I saw what my husband went thru when he had rotator cuff surgery. So I just toughed it out, it was when I was so ill with everything else.
If I were you I wouldnt operate again given your complications.
I'm wondering if cbd oil would work?
For me, it was two years exactly that my frozen shoulder got back to normal. Can't remember how long the freezing stage was, sleeping was the hardest.
Guest amanda07618
Amanda, since my other reply is being monitored, just want to say how sorry I am that you went through all of that!
I wouldn't do another surgery if i were you. I know the torture of frozen shoulder. If you can get thru the freezing stage, the pain does start to let up.
amanda07618 Guest
Thanks Suzanne what is cbd oil ?? I really am weary of another surgery i have had nothing but problems since i had the hysterectomy never did i think i would have so many things go wrong. I know i need more surgery on my vocal chord but that has risks as well. My shoulder is 11 months now you rekon 2 years and it might improve how did you manage it
Guest amanda07618
It's medical marijuana, supposedly you dont get any effects like being stoned but it helps with pain. When i saw the ortho doc here two years ago it wasnt legal here but he said it really would've helped since i couldn't take NSAIDS.
Honestly, I'm not sure how I got thru it all. Amazing what a human can endure.
amanda07618 Guest
Suzanne our little country is way behind the eight ball it's totally illegal here we are still battling to get the bill passed through parliament. My shoulder is awful i have little respite from it . I refuse to take opiate painkillers so just manage it . I don't know if to go ahead with the surgery they have said may fix it because the nerves are trapped or just bear it. My other arm is getting overuse syndrome such a pain in the butt
audra86673 Guest
Oh my gosh, Suzanne!! I can't believe your other shoulder is now freezing.... and in your dominant side! As you may recall, I have a frozen shoulder too. I'm 17 months in with my non dominant left shoulder. I'm no longer in pain and have regained a lot of rotation, but still not where I want to be with my external rotation. I'm not sure it will ever be normal again. I have had a couple times that I felt my right shoulder feel strange and just knew it was freezing! I'd get so upset thinking it was happening because now I know how painful and debilitating it is. Fortunately, it would calm down and has not frozen - yet! I am so sorry to hear your other shoulder is freezing. I have heard very early intervention can help it. Anything is worth a try if it will help. Good luck! I think we had pretty similar stories with our left side frozen shoulders, so I'm sure you know that manipulating it once it gets far enough in the freezing stage will just make it worse and you'll pay to basically be tortured for no improvement. I did this and boy do I regret it! 6 Arrosti physical therapy sessions, paid over $700 and actually made my shoulder feel worse! I have heard there is a trend that after your first frozen shoulder, if the other shoulder freezes it usually isn't as painful and doesn't last as long. I hope this is the case for you. Like those of us that suffer terribly with peri and meno symptoms, nobody can comprehend how painful frozen shoulder is unless they have experienced it themselves. Huge hugs to you.
Guest audra86673
Hi Audra,
I agree with you about PT, that was torture for me and i only did it twice. Acupuncture helped a little. At the time I couldnt take pain killers because of gastritis. It's been two years for me and I finally have full range of motion again.
I think I'm like you, yesterday my other shoulder was ok, this morning its hurting again. Maybe it will be Ok, I think I have PTSD from the whole experience!