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I have had a cough for a year and a half I have had all kinds of test and they come up with acid reflex allergies and asthma I’m 47 years old and never had promblem a before I am on a birth control for s fibroid tumer could this make me have symptoms of allergy’s and asthma please I am on inhalers and acid medication and cough is still there please help
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pjapip sherri88926
I had a prolonged cough last year so bad that I ended up being referred to a chest specialist. He didn't know what was wrong and prescribed inhalers which made no difference at all so I stopped. I was on Omeprazole for reflux too and he told me that the reflux was probably the cause. I then decided to stop the Omeprazole and went onto Gaviscon Advance instead and guess what? The cough stopped within a week … Google it, a well-documented side effect for some X
sherri88926 pjapip
What kind of medication isGaviscon and what is it used for
sarah05599 sherri88926
Hi Sherri
I sympathize with you as I have had one now for 2and a half weeks it's no where near as long as yours but like you have never had one out the blue like this. It keeps we awake some nights then I can have nights days where I don't cough as much like today so I'm baffled. The only time I've ever had coughs is with a virus in the winter. Mine is tickly and dry and made my throat feel rough and first thing in morning I feel like I have been partying all night it's horrible ?? I figured it might be the extreme temperatures we are having so dry air or an allergy then thought could it be acid reflux and brought some indigestion tabs but it's still there.
tmpearce sherri88926
sherri88926 tmpearce
pjapip sherri88926