Frustrated and Tearful
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Been feeling good for a while now and bam yesterday was chest pain on and off and gas and today im on couch with no energy and feeling sorry for myself cause i just dont feel good...Its hard when you feel good and doing things again and keeping busy and then you feel like crap all of a sudden again....sorry just needed to vent...
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HotDot7 laurie70017
jayneejay laurie70017
sounds like your having PMT love.... symptoms no period .. happened to me every month to six weeks ... tears from no where ... its all stopped now, I am as tufff as old boots again 😃. Jay xx
kerry91 laurie70017
I've been tearful too today, not been good for a few days then I get a bout of cystitis (is there anything worse?) you have to say to yourself that tomorrow will be better because nothing stays the same. Hang on in there. It helps to talk to people who know what's going on.
jayneejay kerry91
its all passed now... Jay xx big hug
jayneejay kerry91
this was what he gave me. oxybutynin chloride (Ditropan)
it was fab, i just used it when i felt like cystitus... its relaxes the bladder muscle.. no spasms and feeling of cystitis . ( no you dont wee yourself) it was so good and cured me
Jay xx
Blessed_Mimi laurie70017
I have these up and down days also. I take advantage of the days I feel good and get everything done while I can...laundry, groceries things I can't do on bad days. I started to wonder if I was causing my bad days by doing to much on my good ones lol. Takes these days to find a new passion or a new hobby and rest. I always keep my laptop by me on these days. I'm into pinterest. I look up new ideals to do around my home for the days I can do them. Its just something to keep me busy and take my mind off of my health. Prayer works wonders too 😇
Be Blessed xx
laurie70017 Blessed_Mimi
Blessed_Mimi laurie70017
Yes my hubby is the same and yells at me and has even started to text my kids behind my back and tells them dont let your mom over work herself when he's at work and can't watch me. I'm stubborn though when work has to be done ill push myself and pay layer.
My kids don't take my sickness very well they are usest seeing their mom never down. I have 3 in their later 20 's and it kills me on my bad days to hear them say we don't bring your grandkids around because your always feeling bad.
That hurts the most on my days I have to lay around because we have so much time to think about all the gets us down even worse!
How do most of you ladies deal with not being able to be around family and loosing out on having fun??
Anyone else have to be the party pooper in the family?
HotDot7 Blessed_Mimi
HotDot7 Blessed_Mimi
jayneejay HotDot7
what ever helps each person, each to their own.
wouldnt help me ... i am agnostic hun...
think its mind over matter half the time 😑
Jay xx
laurie70017 Blessed_Mimi
jayneejay laurie70017
i do that, i tell everyone, wish people didnt hide it then we would all understand it better... if i go out now on a weekend at night, I just say, jeeeez excuse me i am having a lady moment hahahaha one guy went to his car and gave me a spanish fan to keep cool ... its nothing to be ashamed of, and yes like you i explain to my som and my daughter so they both know about it ... especially my son hes 29 ... so they arent ignorant what happens to women or how a older women may be feeling around them, tearful etc etc ..
its good if you can be open about it.. Jay xx
HotDot7 jayneejay
HotDot7 laurie70017
Blessed_Mimi laurie70017
Im hoping they wont have to endure as much pain as I've had.
My oldest always says ...can't wait til I get to heaven I'm going to kick Eve for eating that apple and putting the curse on the woman! 😃
Blessed_Mimi HotDot7
HotDot7 Blessed_Mimi