Frustrated! Male GP
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So frustrated! I am 51 years old, my periods are all over the place, I've missed it completely some months, bled really heavily at times, had spotting between periods. I overheat at night, have times where I ache all over, my hair is falling out in handfuls and my memory and mental capacity are awful. I went to see my GP recently due to a badly aching back. I explained that, due to the increased muscular aches and pains I'm getting, I was pretty sure it was due to approaching menopause. To be fair, he did arrange blood tests and a pelvic scan and I was told to ring him back a week later. Everything is normal apparently - obviously I'm pleased. However, after telling me he 'shouldn't have done a FSH test' he said it was normal which means I am NOT pre-menopausal. I explained that I had actually come on my period 48 hours after the bloods were taken - which would have skewed the result I'm sure, but he was just rushing to get me off the phone. I asked about my hair loss, he said that if I was getting stressed about it, that would cause hair loss. I only spoke to him again because he asked me to - I was hoping for some tips on how to cope with pre-menopause because, despite the FSH result, I have no doubt that this is what I'm experiencing, but he couldn't wait to get me off the phone. I'm sure he thinks I'm some sort of hypochondriac - but then again, I'd been suffering with stomach pains for over ten years and told it was 'all in my mind' until a different doctor checked me out and it was found that I was coeliac! Now on a gluten free diet guess what? No stomach pains. Where can I get some helpful advice about approaching menopause? Any suggestions please?
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Ok - calmed down a bit and of course, the fact he is a male GP makes no difference, I guess I was just left feeling that he did not understand. Please forgive the sexist title! I would still appreciate any good sources of information that may help me though. Thanks in advance.
Guest lorraine21138
Hi Lorraine, Your FSH means nothing because you have not lost your period for a full year. That number will spike up and down until you are officially in menopause...then it will be consistently high. I have irregular periods and have tested post meno several times...this was when I was 40...41 now. You are in perimenopause...he probably does not even know what that means. I am impressed that he did not pull he anxiety card and throw you a prescription for pills... most do!
My primary dr is not helpful at all with menopause or perimenopause...I like him...just does not have knowledge in that area. I even saw 3 endocrinologists and they were completely clueless about female hormones! finally, found a female obgyn in her early 50s...and she gets it. Because I am only 41, so I have been scoffed at just bring up the word perimenopause. But, I have irregular periods and am very symptomatic.
Please try and find yourself an obgyn at least, then go from there. Pathetic, but, unless we are pregnant....Even some of the female obgyns are clueless...just weed them will find one. Good luck!
lorraine21138 Guest
Oh I've frequently had the 'anxiety' card....for years my coeliac disease symptons were put down to anxiety!
Guest lorraine21138
Ha, ha! Not sexist at all...some of them are idiots!
Woo3353 lorraine21138
unfortunately this is typical of most of the NHS within the UK, most doctors are clueless and ignorant & some simply can't be bothered. I self medicate using BHRT, don't care if this isn't recommended I have no choice, mixed with gentle exercise and changes to my diet and lifestyle it helps. Unless you pay for private medical assistance you won't get any help or sympathy, well not in the UK anyway
Claire4474 Woo3353
Hi Woo
I'm in the UK too and I want to try HRT, the doc insists I can't have it unless my periods have stopped. I've got irregular periods and from what I've read taking HRT could regulate my periods and get rid of some of the awful symptoms I've got.
Where do you get BHRT from and is it expensive? Has it helped you at all?
Woo3353 Claire4474
I had irregular periods until I had a Mirena coil fitted (still do but only spotting but still a period none the less). Mirena doesn't take away the other symptoms of Peri and I have been offered HRT but I refused (pregnant horse urine us how its made!)
I use natural Estriol (which buffers your own estrogen) everyday. You also need to use BHRT progesterone for 14 days in the month to protect the uterus (I don't as I have a progesterone coil).
It costs around £25.00 a pot (make sure its a pump pot. Use small amount, varying places you apply everyday i.e upper arms, wrist, inner thigh and never on breasts. It can take around 3-4 weeks to take effect. Generally the rule is if you start a period stop the progesterone for 14 days (if you have irregular periods that is)
I can't put the make on here as they don't like advertising but if you PM me I will let you know.
The help you get with BHRT is virtually non existent unless you pay Privately so I have spent over 2 years researching. The pharmacutical companies don't promote as they can't make money out of natural ingredients, nor do Doctors or healthcare practicioners (pharmacutical companies pay them too) but in USA it is what most women use or are starting to use
modesty007 Woo3353
You can actually get evorel/estradot patches on prescription together with Utrogestan all of these BHRT
modesty007 Woo3353
And also get rid of mirena coil will only mess it up better to use the patches and capsules I suggest if extra progestrone needed use a BHRT cream
Woo3353 modesty007
Depends on whether your healthcare practitioner will prescribe BHRT, mine won't and I am not in a position to pay privately.
kerry20523 lorraine21138
can i ask if your back pain is a burning sensation? I have bad days where my whole body is in agony and feels like its inflaming.
The GP nurse advised im at perimenopsuse stage. It makes me question if im going through peri, i feel the symptoms are really severe and taking over my body.
I have had lots if blood test, Ct scan, xray and they are normal.
just really worried its something sinister and they have missed it.
lorraine21138 kerry20523
Hi Kerry - the backpain is more like a muscular type ache - but the pelvic aches and pains I get along with it yes, I would say have a sensation of burning most definitely - I imagine its like muscle fibres being slowly pulled apart if that makes sense.
kerry20523 lorraine21138
Hi Lorraine
yes its an awful feeling, lower back is a burning sensation. up the top is like an aching feeling. I have been told i have possible endomitriosis which im having a laracoscopy in a couple of days which could explain the burning. I have been given estrogen tablets as the Nurse is convinced its menapausal,
Hope you start feeling better soon