Frustration after a good day
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OK ladies, today was a pretty good day of course I had my normal bloat/tightness but even that did not last as long, which is good, I have been drinking LOTS of herbal teas ginger lemon water, maca, and garlic, Apple Cider vinegar, OK, here is the weirdness issue and anyone can jump in, tonight I felt leg pain, arm pain, joint pain chills ect. I took my temp its OK. I have had all of this before with peri so I am not alarmed too much, but its odd how we can have a great day or most of it and wham, peri comes back in full force. I just needed to vent., I am so angry, frustrated, and honestly bitter. I have to get some relief from this , I just cant take it.
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gentleballads lennie45832
Im surprised how some of the symptoms are lurking somewhere and without indication wham they hit you overnight kinda, straight in your face again
ive never had a full day of being well but i welcome even half a day ( evenings are better for me) but old symtoms plus a 'new friend' comes back and bring you down again !
lennie45832 gentleballads
ellacraig lennie45832
whats our temp supposed to be?
but good you felt relatively ok today.
i LIVE on herbal teas and ACV and lemon water etc these days...
im taking my temperature now btw... I saw a Chinese dr today and she advised for those who experience digestive disorders to keep away from cold food/beverages.. Apparently they use a tonne of energy trying to process.
Ok my temp is 36.4. Is that normal?
sorry to ask but you mentioned it so I figure it must have some significance
Fairy28 ellacraig
ellacraig Fairy28
Fairy28 ellacraig
lennie45832 ellacraig
elizabeth2244 lennie45832
elaine33371 lennie45832
Yep the chills thing is the menopause, feels a bit like the flu, although your temp is normal, its your inner temp thats gone whacky, so when this happens, drink hot drinks, sounds odd i know, but, your body will then obviously go even hotter, but that then sends signals to the brain to say god shes even hotter, best lower her temp then!! so you should feel better not long after the heat of the drink has died down, just depends on how long the messages take to get in, standing by a hot radiator, fire, bedding, ironing, hot weather etc, will all take your temp up during menopausal flares, so, find ways to keep cool, to stop it causing hot flush etc, some drs say, menopause should not make you feel poorly, some say it can.
Ive been on menopause now for nearly 10 years, no period for a year, so considered post, most of my symptoms have declined somewhat, still get them, but I promise you when your post after a year of no period, your symptoms will get less and you will start to feel more balanced, can take up to 15 years in some women!!
Your symptoms will fluctuate depending on how your hormones fluctuate, they normally come around when your period is due, 7 /10 days before it, then go off again just after you have finshed your period, until it settles down again, what your body actually does in the early days is, produces more and more hormones, to try and stop you from finishing your periods, this is because the body senses this is not what normally happens, she must have a period, so, it compensates to achieve this, but eventually because of increased shrivelling ovaries, it cant keep compensating, i felt great around this time, but it can have its down sides having too many hormones in your system, Then you get your period changes. So, in the early years, you get masses of hormones flying around causing your symptoms of, pmt, depression etc, to increase, i felt like i was going mad during this time, it really came to a head, but of course it cant continue, because once your post, its more balanced off, due to other hormones dropping along with it by then, when i get my symptoms now, i know, eventhough i am having no periods, i still get, little twinge of period pain, so i tie it in that way.
Remember symptoms will start, 7/10 before your period, just like PMT, it will be worse and will fluctuate during that time, then feel better when on your period, but then down again immediately after, again fluctuating until it settles, then wait for next time.
DO NOT drink caffinated drinks, stick to De cider vinegar is foul to drink, just stick to plain water especially through the night, if your having night sweats, you will lose water then and dehydrate, this will in turn affect electrolytes causing leg cramps etc, drinking water will help all this, stick to home remedies, rather than buying lots of herbal, etc recipies, costs less, however if your getting relief then stick with them,
lennie45832 elaine33371
elaine33371 lennie45832
Great tip on the ginger for inflammation, will defo be trying some of that love ginger, fish oil another good one. oh dear your first year................yuk. some people you know, only on it for 3/5 years, so fingers crossed this is you, my friend went through it very early, aged 33 didnt know anything about it until aged 35 her periods stopped, she then said looking back, thats why i must have been hell to live with, she wondered why she kept storming out of the house to hold back her temper................haha........... best wishes to you............
missmacca77194 lennie45832
The feelings you get you have to work out whether its serious or not .
not not easy being a woman.
lennie45832 missmacca77194