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hi all need to ask if any postmenopausal women get daily headaches and off balance i'm 54 and been postmeno now for 5yrs had no problems in peri but for the last 12 months i'm getting frequent/daily headaches and off balance and hot flushes from neck up do not get or had night sweats it's now affecting daily life to the point i do not go out cannot take hrt is this a normal thing as i thought i would of had these symptoms earlier and not 5yrs in it's makeing me so frustrated and angry as anyone i've spoken to have breezed through it am i normal.........
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mrs_susan74280 wendy94366
I am 59 and going through lots of the same had a hysterectomy 2007, hot as soon as I wake up dizzy, joints ache , also have migraines, tried lots of natural products , to old for hrt doctors say, struggerling out all the time carnt relax, came on Citalopram 4 months ago, going to ask to try another anti I think, sitting in tesco cafe today nightmare with grandkids, tightness in chest all time as well, had full blood count , ok, want to cry alot on and off,
wendy94366 mrs_susan74280
thanks for your reply i forgot to say also my bloods my wbc has been raised to over 8yrs wbc 17 neutrophil 11.3 got to see a haemotologist in sept but my gp says it's nothing to do with my meno it's just these headaches and off balance i can't cope with
mrs_susan74280 wendy94366
I am 59 and going through lots of the same had a hysterectomy 2007, hot as soon as I wake up dizzy, joints ache , also have migraines, tried lots of natural products , to old for hrt doctors say, struggerling out all the time carnt relax, came on Citalopram 4 months ago, going to ask to try another anti I think, sitting in tesco cafe today nightmare with grandkids, tightness in chest all time as well, had full blood count , ok, want to cry alot on and off,
debra16694 wendy94366
hi Wendy - interesting that you posted this today...i am 62, been post 7 years & basically the last 3 years i have experienced every meno symptom known to mankind - i have suffered horribly with tingling extremitites, electric shock sensation, trembling and intense burning in the last year & 1/2. i experienced night sweats early on, but this sensation is entirely different. It starts off in the base of my back and travels up myback to my neck & literally feels like i am a volcano ready to erupt withburning back, sometimes chest, forearms & front of calves involved - it seems to only come on in the early morning like around 4:00 am - the burning in my extremities can last a bit but seems to diminish during the day. i cant get anyone to tell me what this it a horrible hot flash? i also can get a heat flush come over me during the day for no apparent reason. i recently tested positive for auto immune, when after going to rhematologist he said many people have false positves & didnt think i had auto immune considering my symptoms, but thought maybe fibromyalgia. i looked up those symptoms & i dont really think i have that either. i just dont get why i am experiencing these symptoms so late in the menopause game. i do have the achy legs, but mine have gotten better & i dont get headaches so much but definitely get the "off balance" thing - it all is really not fun -
Keljo48 wendy94366
I am 51 and postmenopausal for 2 years in Oct. I had a rough perimenopause, but the issues I have in post are more disturbing because it doesn't seem that anyone talks about problems in post. I have been to my Dr, a breast surgeon, I have an appt with my GYN right after I get an ultrasound for what feels like my ovary burning/ache. I have right calf ache that makes me practically snarl I have had it for so long. I have an appt to see my NP next tuesday (soonest) about the leg ache. I have breast pain. Heart beat skips (Chelated magnesium seemed to help that). I am either freezing or burning. I am not a candidate for HRT because of heart.
I am beyond frustrated and fed up and completely depressed. No help to be had for post menopause imo. I mean what the hell is this? Did I serve my menopause duty? Isn't there a reprieve?? Can I not have just a week off here and there? It apparantly is too much to ask.
To be honest. I am talking to my husband about getting my affairs in order. Women don't live long in my family, except my mom who has pickled herself (bless her heart). I just can't see me surviving long term living like this. I don't smoke, I only drink water, I avoid caffeine, chocolate, alcohol and anything that makes like enjoyable. I don't leave the house. I only shower every three days now, I feel like patting myself on the back for getting out of bed,.
I went through an off balance with headaches one lasted three weeks and one episode lasted two months. Dr diagnosed BPPV. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. I don't know that I had the classic symptoms of BPPV but I had vertigo, off center feeling and headaches. I could not function. Dr. prescribed meds for it. Ironically the meds for it can cause dizziness. Go figure.
No one I know has had any symptoms. |: Just disgusting and depressing.
debra16694 wendy94366
HI keljo - Wow! i am so sorry for your health issues, but i know exactly how you feel - i havent experienced the vertigo (fingers crossed i wont) that must be horrible! i am curious if you ever experience the burning/electric shocks & almost like a nervousness like you are shivering, but you are not cold, you are actually ready to combust with heat - nobody gets or wants to really understand menopause...its like who cares about those "washed up" women - i do a lot of reading on health blogs & try to read recent studies that have come up about menopause & when i bring things up that i read to my drs, they look at me like i am from another planet - i just dont get why some of us have to suffer so much & others do not -
sara97862 wendy94366
Hi Wendy,
I am not post-meno yet, I'll be 49 in Oct, and I still get periods, but can't predict them anymore.
The women in my family seem to be plagued with this during post-meno... our family name for it is "the swim heads".
Haven't found the thing that fixes it yet. If I do, I will report back for sure.
Hugs to you,