fsh 60, no symptoms?

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My doctor advised me my FSH is 60. I'm below 35 so this is..unexpected.

I dont have any menopause symptoms? i dont even miss a period? and he asked me if i have menopausal symptoms but i dont...i

s there a differential on high fsh?

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    Eva apparently there is. And blood work for numerous reasons can be wrong. Lab errors do happen.  And keep in mind that lab references are just that (references that show the expected and normal averages). 

    I guess I’m curious though. Most of the time we almost have to beg a physician to order menopausal lab work, even with symptoms. You are younger than 35 with no symptoms. So WHY did her/she order this blood work?  Did he also run your Estradiol?   

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      yes he ran estradiol which was normal. he said if fsh is higher than 16 then I should have had low estradiol as well.

      maybe I am one of the lucky ones that wont experience major symptoms...? or any at all?is it possible?

      he is anew doctor in town,and he is trying his best to get customers. so I assume thats why he is looking after us a lot

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      evaMisty, I started perimenopause at 42.  It was a very stressful time in my life.   I wound up getting some  strange symptoms which included drenching night sweats.  Yet when my hormone levels were tested they were all within normal range.  And it was another 10 years before my periods stopped. There are just some things that these labs don't show.  (This is what can make labs very frustrating) And honestly, sometimes I do wonder how much of this has been studied enough in younger women.   Your labs indicate that your FSH  is screaming (at least in this cycle)  for estrogen, but your ovaries are keeping up with normal values for estradiol.  But that also doesn't mean that two months from now, your FSH wouldn't be within normal range. It might be interesting to get another reading at some later date. 

      My suggestion is that you get and keep copies of all your labs in a notebook for future reference. Write on the top of the lab sheets where you were in your cycle.  (Day 1, Day 24, etc.)  Keep track of your cycles.  And do everything possible to take good care of yourself. Take a good multivitamin, eat good whole foods, get to sleep around 10pm, plenty of water, a little exercise, destress as much as possible.  Anything you can to help support your body.

      Typically, it's the women who's estradiol drops rapidly that experience the most symptoms.  Those of us who do a very slow decline are less symptomatic.  So it's hard to know if you will be the woman who has aggressive symptoms, or not, once your ovaries start to fail.       


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      this is what the docs said.they dont know when it will decline..but is it normal to have goox estrigen with such a high fsh? could it be something else besides menopause?
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      Keep in mind that your lab value was only a snapshot in time.  That day, that specific day of your cycle, that moment.  If you did labs next cycle, your FSH would be different, and possibly within normal range.  And apparently, that lab value was normal for your body at that moment. (LOL)  You are still having normal period cycles, and aren't having symptoms, which can continue for years.  

      So do you know which day of your cycle you had your labs drawn?  Typically it is recommended for perimenopause, that labs are drawn on day 2-3 of the cycle.  That helps show how loudly your brain is screaming for estrogen, and how well your ovaries are responding to the FSH signal.  Many women notice that they just feel very wrung out at the start of their periods, when their estrogen and progesterone drop, but as the cycle gets rolling, their energy returns and they feel better. (like the second week when their estrogen is ramping up.)    

      I doubt it's something other than standard random changes of hormone levels.  But this is what I meant when I said I'm not sure this has been studied enough. I really don't know if they have done broad range studies for women in their fertile years.  Who knows how common and random this may actually be?   Probably the most common study have been done with women who are trying to conceive and are having difficulty. (That's where I'd look for studies on abnormal FSH values in 30 year olds. Infertility studies!)   But women in the thirties, who are having normal cycles, and no symptoms of Estrogen deficiency, I bet there haven't been any large scale studies on that.  So that's my point.  I don't really think we would know how common this actually is to have a random high FSH.  Or if that would effect how many more years you will have periods.  

      Just keep in mind that hormones change throughout the day, change on a daily basis, change by the month, change with each cycle, and certainly change over the years. But perimenopause is considered to be a 10 year period!   It takes a long time for your ovaries to decline in function, just as it did when you hit puberty.    Unless you are one of the very few women who has a natural early onset menopause. (Very rare, but it happens)  

      I guess I'm a little worried that you have been given some information that you are finding very upsetting.  When possible no worry is necessary.  You aren't symptomatic, and still have regular cycles.  Obviously something you can keep in mind if you see some abnormal things.  But I don't think it's doing you any good to worry about it.  As an example, when I had some pretty aggressive symptoms of perimenopause (aggressive hair loss, random intense hot spots on my foot, tingling, drenching night sweats)  things calmed down and I didn't have any more symptoms, and my periods continued for another 10 years.  And stress can play a huge role in our hormone production!  And yes, i was under some really big stress at that time.  Now yes, my hormones bases at 43 were probably declining and my body didn't like it. And yes, menopause is inevitable for all of us.  But my thought is, you probably aren't having abnormally high FSH levels and low estrogen often enough to cause you to be symptomatic.  

    • Posted

      that high level was midcycle. we rechecked it on my 2nd day and it was 19. which is still premenopause

      and speaking of periods...i got my period yesterday out of the blue and it lasted until today. 

      so..i guess adding the shorter cycles in the picture shall mean its premenopause. 

      im not only upset...i am a step before having an aneurysm because of distress. i quit my job today as  a result

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      That is the point.  Whether you know it or not, all this stress is adding to your issue.  Stress will play havoc with your sex steroid production.  

      If I'm not incorrect, our FSH does rise mid cycle.  But the fact that on day 2 your FSH was normal speaks volumes.  What it says is that a whispered FSH and your ovaries were responding fine.  Did your doc also test your estradiol on day 2?  

      And girl, premenopausal doesn't mean you are into meno today, tomorrow, or years from now.  Are you hoping to have a baby?   Is this a factor relating to your stress?   

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      it wasnt normal during period .it was 18. how could it spike so much within a few days difference? my estrogen was normal both times.

      yes i would like a family sad

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      Oh ok, so now we're getting to the real source of this stress.  I get it.  But please know that it's possible and probable, with and without help. I've been a natural birth educator since 1985 and have attending hundreds of births.  I'm also getting my second grandson in April (the second pregnancy where help was used).   There are plenty of options for having a baby when things aren't exactly perfect for the mother. This is where a good reproductive endocrinologist comes into play.  

      How could it spike so quickly?  It's a hormone and that is seriously the explanation.  Look at your stress hormones?  Every get frightened?  You know how quickly adrenaline can surge. Every hormone in our body fluctuates on a daily basis.  As I mentioned (without looking it up) I do believe that our FSH normally goes up in mid cycle.  But again, the fact that you have tested in normal range for estradiol shows that your ovaries are working.  FSH is just there to tell them to work.  (And yours are)

      I can't answer about the 18 FSH, as I didn't see the lab values that are always listed.  But thought you said it was within normal range.  But please keep reminding yourself, your estradiol is within normal ranges and you aren't having any symptoms of perimenopause.  Trust me, you'd feel them!!!!   

      So ok, go have unprotected sex, and DESTRESS yourself.  If you want a family, get on it girl.  Because eventually that ship will sail.   But in the meantime, have fun trying.  


  • Posted

    Hi! If your estradiol is normal, you will have no symptoms. When your estrogen starts to decline you will have some symptoms. FSH show how hard your ovaries work. My FSH was 35 when I have been diagnosed 8 months ago, a bit older than you. 
  • Posted

    hello, believe me that it is encouraging that you do not have any symptoms yet...  Did you check the prolactin levels?  I am not sure but I  think I have read somewhere that there are women with high levels of fsh caused by high prolactin....for unknown reason and it is a benign condition without symptoms ( maybe stressors....)

    In my case, my last months results are the following : fsh 20,5 lh 18,3 and estradiol 23!

    I am only 32 years old and I have severe perimenopause symptoms for 2 years now...I have everything on the list of menopause symptoms..

    my last ultrasound showed a large ovarian cyst ( maybe endometriosis according to my doctor)...the doctor told me that the low levels of estradiol on day 3 is a good sign....but the problem is that I am not feeling normal since May 2016...no quality of life...I quit my job, I quit everything...I am miserable 

    ?some of my symptoms are hot flashes, joint and bone pains, fatigue, IBS, bile reflux ( I have been officially diagnosed), allergies, itchy and crawling skin and scalp, hypoglucemic episodes, insomnia, vivid dreams every night, irritability, depression and generally sudden mood swings, panic attacks, agoraphobia, painful and early ovulation, PMDD...etc

    ?I still have regular periods ....Any advice? Any help? 

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