FSH levels

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Hello ladies,

I had a blood test 4 days after start of my period to measure the FSH levels. At 15 mIU/ml he levels seem to be kind of high for that time of the cycle. Any thoughts on this? Would this be a sign of perimenopause. I am 49.



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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Naz, 

    i had mine done not long ago,

    and was told anything Over 13 is premenapausable, mine read 17:5!!!!,

    im 47, and being experiencing peri for nearly 3years! And on HRT !

    good luck with this peri crap, 

    has your GP not told u anything?

    in regards of ur reading??.

    • Posted

      Hi Shelly,

      Thanks for the reply. Well, I haven't seen my doc yet, this results just came in on my patinet portal today. I know that I perimenopausal as I do have all the signs and even skipped a period in December. This test is really done becasue I have a fibroid and I have some decision makings to do regarding its removal. My primary thinks I am close enough to menopause that the fibriod might shrink and so no need to worry about it now. I am actually happy I am getting there. At least something good might come out of this. Lets see!


    • Posted

      HI Naz,

      I was diagnosed with fibroids when I was 35. I never did anything about it. Now that I have gone through menopause, they shrunk. The sonohystogram did not even show any. My doctor was right on that one. Told me they will shrink as I get older.

    • Posted

      Hi Debbie,

      That's great to know and thanks so much for replying to me. I think I will also wait. My fibriod is at 10 am, so it's quite big but I still think I want to wait until at least my next Ultrasound in July. If there is not changes in size then I will definetly wait longer.

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