full hip replacement

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​I  ​am on my third week and doing my exercises but one is giving

me trouble that is lying on my back and trying to lift my leg 6 inches

​of the floor its like being a puppet and your wire been cut everything

​else working I am walking around the house without my sticks and

​use one when I go for walks     just wondering if anybody else has

​had the same problem 


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26 Replies

  • Posted

    I was given a sheet in hospital post op by the PT.

    It had 3 exercises to do twice daily building to three times daily.

    1 stand upright behind an armchair. Hold the back of chair. Swing op leg behind you as arc gently hold at your maximum comfortable limit for 5secs. Build to do 10 secs eventually.

    2. In same stand position. Swing op leg out in gentle arc away (my left leg so to the left). Same time and repetition.

    3. Sit upright on bed. Elevate op leg so foot raises from mattress. Same repetions.

    Sucess rate has improved dramatcally at week 5 now for me with 1&2. However i struggle with 3. Can manage 4/5 reps and height of 2inches at first but then each on less.

    Just going gently. Stopping if hurts. Try again later. 😊 o and a walk or two now can manage 20 mins n gentle inclines on two crutches. Just using one indoors.

  • Posted

    Hi Alex, I had exactly the same thing couldn't lift it a mm, I got my hubby to lift it slightly up and down.  My problem was the groin area ( and still is truth be told) so I told my body bit by bit to relax and concentrated on that area and then pow I managed to lift it, with a little pain, but not hold that comes later.  Funny things our bodies! 
    • Posted

      ​Hi Suzie thanks for taking the time to reply Ihave now done the same thing as yourself with my partner and its starting to  work

      ​thanks again


  • Posted

    This sounds more sensible.  I have a printout from the PT as well (with pictures!!!).  I have decided that I am not going to do the exercise where you are lying flat on your back and have to try and raise your operated leg, I just cannot do it right now and I am not prepared to put more strain on it.  My hubby helped me with that one yesterday but it was a strain. The top of my left leg is still very sore.  The other exercises are not too bad but will do them gently.  I can get in and out of bed on my own but leg is very stiff/sore in the mornings, once I move it feels a bit better.  Thanks to everyone for the information and tips. 
  • Posted

    Hi Alex,

    I am also a '3rd weeker' and I am doing my exercises to the letter, but there is no way I could do a straight leg lift yet. That is a tough exercise even with a good leg and for me the groin pain is still a bit much. If you can manage it, go for it, but if it is really hurting it might be worth building up a bit more strength first. Good luck and wishing you a swift recovery.

    • Posted

      ​Hi Bertie hows ya doing  thanks for taking time to send your regards

      ​if your having the same  problem try what Idid got my partner to help

      ​by taking some of the weight it was as if my leg had to be shown what to do  ok bud take good care and all the best Alex


  • Posted

    Try using a towel or yoga strap around the bottom of your foot and use the ends to lift your leg. Be careful to pull UP rather than IN.

    Another variation is to roll up a towel, place it under your knee and then straighten your leg, tensing your quad. This is one of my PT exercises and it is working well.

    • Posted

      ​Hi Monty good of you to reply just like the rest of the nice people

      ​on here I am glad to say the piece of meat is now working as my leg once again thanks take care ALEX


  • Posted

    Leg that feels like a ton weight is attached and won't move .... sure.

    It will go eventually, three weeks is real early in the recovery y'know.

    I have been there twice now, and had it more the first time around.

    I found abduction very hard both times too.

    Best wishes

    Graham - 🚀💃

  • Posted

    Hey Alex

    Yes me to l found it the hardest one with both my thr's l used to do it in my bed at night and at fitst l could hardly do it but keep trying it will come l would count how long out load and at first l could barley get to 5 without it falling back down and l could only lift it a tiny bit but keep trying as time goes by l got to 10 then 20 and l could lift it higher now l can do it for a minute or over if l really pushed in both legs but l am 12 weeks gone now on my last one. It will come through time and trying. My PT at the begining used to put weight on it and make me push towards her. It was really hard.

    Good Luck


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