Funny sensations
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Hi,about a year and a half ago I had weird sensations that reminded me of the first 'flutterings " of pregnancy, like movements.I had an ultrasound that revealed a polyp in my uterus that I later had removed.
Sometime later I had a yeast infection that I went to the doctor and was prescribed a pessary for.It may have been 6 months later.
For two days after administering I had light uterine contractions,intensifying then ebbing .
Has anyone else had these or other strange sensations of your body telling you somethings up?
4 weeks ago I missed a period and had another ultrasound that showed I had a total of 5 simple cysts in my ovaries all together about the size of a grapefruit.I had felt a bit bloated and missed the one period, but there are no other symptoms.
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carol62649 Fairywren
ive been having flutterings in my belly since march last year, like a baby flutter. Drs have no idea what it is, ive had mri cat scans, blood tests. Ultrasounds, my ovaries have shrunk and are not visible on any scans. I now have anxiety depression, most drs say its anxiety. This has only been an issue after i had my gall bladder removed in march. I also have the flutters in my anus and occasionally vagina. Along with muscle twitching all over. I did have gastritis so the hospital dr said, ho hum. All i can say is its really doing my head in, im hoping it will disappear, im low progesterone, im 59. Hormones are not being nice to me these days!
Fairywren carol62649
That must be hard Carol,
it seems to be really hard to try and ignore because it just isn't right.Your body's sending signals of sorts .
I haven't had muscle twitching yet,could that be a magnesium deficiency or something?Or is that low progesterone related?
I hope you're having a better week this week Carol Xx
sam91 Fairywren
When I first started perimenopause two years ago my first symptoms were flutterings in my uterus. There was no pain, just a strange surging, fluttering feeling, most of the time. I worked out what is was. My progesterone levels were starting to drop and my testosterone levels were either rising, or became dominant. The result of more testosterone was the fluttering that actually led to an increased libido. The fluttering was i think due to little contractions in the uterus and I could only think about one thing! If I wasn't thinking about it during the day, I was dreaming about it at night!
Then more recently I developed a different type of fluttering. This was like a tingling fluttering. Again not painful. I worked out this was the lining of my womb building up for a big bleed. This has caused me a lot of trouble with heavy bleeding so I now have the mirena coil fitted to stop the problem of bleeding. Now my progesterone level is a bit higher due to the coil, I no longer get the flutterings.
Fairywren sam91
Funny about the testosterone surge and reactions
I could have sworn I was pregnant with my flutterings,I was newly married and really desired a pregnancy.I remember waking up with a fright at lightening out the window on night, and was sure my 'baby' jumped too!It was just the fluttering jump starting with my fear
I felt so silly later having the ultrasound and seeing nothing there.
I do get a bit of fluttering sometimes before a period starts.