Fuzzy head
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Woke up this morning feeling shaky (experience this quite often) and like I had a head full of cotton wool. Felt really muddled, so much so I bumped in to someone I used to work with and I could not remember for the life of me who they were!! Made me feel really disorientated and confused, even quite physically sick!! I haven't been able to shake this horiible wibbly wobbly heady feeling all day and keep thinking is this really peri or am I suffering from MS or Parkinsons (because of the shaking). I have a GP's appointment in 3 weeks but my anxiety is growing by the day. Have started taking a Vit B Complex but only 5 days ago so probably not kicked in yet, any advice would be greatly appreciated
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jayneejay kelly-ann2308
first dont think the worst, feeling off balance and walking like a drunk happens
B complex good, make sure it has lashings of B6 in it, at least 100mg
B12 is good Jarrows methyl 5000mcg red label cherry flavour .. amazon uk £13
B6 really helps with anxiety and perisymptoms thats B6 not complex although the complex should have it in, all B's are good...
i take 150mg daily of B6 and my anxiety went ... and the wobbles..
Maca is good too capsules i used these in early peri and still take them, also Estroven Max or Menapol plus is good... also amazon uk 😀
we are all on here to support each other so fire away if you get fed up or want to chat
Jay xx
kelly-ann2308 jayneejay
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
oh you are very young.. I started peri at your age I am 50 now..
just turned the corner... ( no periods for almost a year)
hope they have checked you via ultra sound make sure all in order ..
check no cysts etc..
good luck Kelly... Jay xx
anxiousface kelly-ann2308
otherwise i may think about jumping off the roof, not really i don't like heights. I do however have good days and they are coming more often
so keep fighting it kelly-ann we can do it. sending you a tuesday hug x
kelly-ann2308 anxiousface
jayneejay kelly-ann2308
thats the spirit, keep positive and think of it as a natural phase of a womens life, we have to keep positive..
i found some days hard, and other days lovely, and take each day at a time.
do what you can chore wise when you can, a little is better than nothing, dwelling on it is not good..
i say this as to be sympathetic as been like it 9-10 years, but found a positive mind helps and accepting it.. as its lifes path... 😥
it does get better kelly ann.. and try and help the symptoms with supplements .. the sooner the better ...
Jay xx
Bouncyville kelly-ann2308
jayneejay Bouncyville
your doing just great, youve been through alot ..
treat it as an annoyance, and dont let it beat you..
i have felt awful some days in past .. still have a blip, then i think right i need to do that ... and I just do it ... slower if feel not so clever, but when i get stuck it i actually focus on the task in hand and forget about the way i feel.. so dwelling certainly is proven to make things worse.. especially when we tell ourselves ' I cant dont this today, i feel too bad ' often its because we arent moving and exercising and occupying our minds..
praise yourself... you doing great and dealing with it ...be kind to yourself.
Jay xx