Gab and PHN-Throw something? Cry? Give up? Now what?
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Hi all, many of you know me here, diagnosed October 2016, PHN since then.
Since then I use Aspercreme pain cream with Lidocaine, Extra Strength Tylenol 3 times a day (both of those were 4 times at day at my worst), I was at 2700 MG of Gab, now at 1200, and a prescription anti-inflammatory I'd been on for years. I've been tapering off my Gab for a year, only 100 MG/month as I get really crummy side effects and I now feel trapped. As I got to 1200 some of the pain is worse, as I'm no longer numb from the Gab, I'm also having more anxiety and depression. I've written about this before, but now it's really getting to me and I'm tired of no answers, I'm scared and feel lost. I don't know if I should keep dropping and risk more misery or stay the course. The emotional/brain side effects are almost worse than the increase in pain.
I finally reached out to an addiction center for answers as so few people seem to understand Gab. Several transfers later, they said they couldn't help, no answers or suggestions. I Googled it, no new info, so I resorted to calling my doctor asking what I should do. I'm afraid to taper any faster as 3 pharmacists recommended again that as I seem to be very sensitive but the thought of becoming physically dependent (which I probably am) is terrifying.
My doctor had been very supportive, so I thought after talking to the nurse I'd get some suggestions or insights. This is what I got: I can't be getting side effects from tapering, I'm doing it too slowly and at too low a dose. See a neurologist.
So, add me to the growing list of those let down by healthcare. I KNOW what happens when I decrease these meds. I've talked to drug counselors who know this is real (i also called a relative who does that) and pharmacists. I've read stories here about how terrible this drug can be and how debilitating this condition itself can be. I also believe a neurologist can't do anything to help me. The nurse didn't want to hear that, but we all know it's true.
I guess it's time for a good cry, thanks guys.
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Jibby1 babs99203
I just had to reach out to u when I read your post. Please forgive any typos tho because I had shingles on my cornea and retina and can't type for long periods of time without getting worse pain. I was diagnosed with PHN in Nov. of 2016 and can totally relate to everything u wrote. I have a primary care dr. That told me it's impossible for me to still have pain!! I cried for a solid hour after he said this to me 4x n a row as I was telling him this pain is real and horrible! I do believe it is worth a try to find a new dr. And am n process of doing so. I can't take GABA any longer , but it sure helped me when I took it. I ended up with severe reaction to
It that sent me to hospital n an ambulance, my skin looked like someone took a blow torch to it! I did acupuncture and saw a holistic dr. For healing nutrition. I really think it helps somewhat. Are your eyes affected? Is your pain worse in the morning? Mine is terrible upon waking most every day! Sometimes I wake up crying from the pain. It has gottensomewhat better tho... sending positive thoughts, hugs and well wishes your way!
babs99203 Jibby1
Oh Jibby, I'm sorry. I understand the typos, pain and PHN will do that. My PHN is in my torso. It runs along the bra line, but of course extends through the back/shoulders and a bit to the front on the left sternum/breast area. The back is the worst section.
Yes, the pain is real. Can you try Lyrica? It can help but it's chemical makeup is different so you may not have the reaction. I've also heard that your area is one of the worst. I'm lucky that like Sue mentioned above, I can use Aspercreme with Lidocaine and my prescription anti-inflammatory is similar to using Advil. You can take ibuprofen type products along with Tylenol, have you considered that?
When I wake up, sometimes the pain is more present, but who knows what we do at night to aggravate it. I avoid actions such as reaching, bending and lifting which increase my pain. When I do need to do this (which of course I do all day), I do it carefully.
I did call my doctor's office back. This time I got the nurse who knows me, she even recognized my voice. I was very upset yesterday by my doctor's response, which is why I came here. I later realized that it's very likely this other nurse did a bad job of conveying both my concerns and my doctors. I wanted to clear up any misunderstanding, that's why I called back. We had a really good talk. My doc is very good, but he may not have had a patient on Gab this long or have had the level of PHN I had, so my guess is he thought he was helping with: it's not gab tapering causes symptoms, keep dropping and see a neurologist. Too bad our medical professionals don't know more about PHN and it's treatment, but at least we have each other, right?
sue2910 Jibby1
Hi Jibby--How was your experience with acupuncture? I'm considering trying that, too. I'd love to hear how it worked for you.
Jibby1 sue2910
Anyone in any way with this horrible pain, I will feel better mentally. Good Luck!
Jibby1 babs99203
Hi Babs, thank you for responding to my post. They did try Lyrica on me. I appreciate your ideas though and am hopeful I can try Ibuprofen. I also have Chron's DiseAse and have to
B careful with drugs. Do U know of anyone with PHN after shingles on face, retina and cornea? Best Wishes to you and thx again!
sue2910 Jibby1
Thanks! I'm asking my chiropractor this weekend for a recommendation re: acupuncture therapist. (my neighbor does it as a post-retirement thing, but she's kinda flaky!).
babs99203 Jibby1
I don't personally know anyone, but many people on these forums are dealing with it. So if you want more information, you can try a search. It's a difficult type and I guess I'll take mine over that. I've got enough oddball things going on with my eyes.
Jibby1 babs99203
Thank you for your response. I hope your eyeissues get better. 💕
bonnie94603 Jibby1
Hello. Just wanted to tell you to tell that doctor to stick it where the sun don't shine. Please find a new doctor and give that ignoramus the boot!!! Print him out some articles about PHN with trigeminal neuralgia and optic PHN. How are you going about finding a new doc? Do you not have a pain management doc?? There are even ones who have an interest or specialty in PHN. They can help you manage your PHN better than any internist can. Is there a reason you didn't switch to Lyrica when the neurontin was d/c'd? Have you tried nortriptyline or amitriptyline for your nerve pain? I know a lot of people get nutsy about side effects. But if you are in this kind of pain that is making your life intolerable, isnt it worth a try? Especially if you don't want to take narcotics. Remember some meds can take several weeks before it starts to work. That is the case with the nortriptyline and amitriptyline. There is also several supplements that are necessary for nerve healing, inflammation and pain. If you want to know the list I've generated from months of reading studies and articles about them, shoot me a note. I feel horrible for you. I actually feel lucky I had the shingles where I did when I read about what you're going through. Hope you are finding some good help.🌺🌻🌺🌻
Jibby1 bonnie94603
Thank u so much for taking time to respond and support me. It means a lot to me! I am
N midst of switching docs. I did go to a pain clinic and she said she could offer no help! My retina specialist is referring me to a new dr. I would love the list of natural anti inflammatories u spoke of. They have tried the drugs u spoke of and side effects were not good for me. Long story there..... thanks again!!! Best wishes to you🍀
ruth57682 babs99203
babs99203 ruth57682
Yes Ruth, I'm taking lessons again. I had to take a break in November because of the rib injury, then we had a break during the Holidays, so I was pretty rusty when I started again in January. I had some good lessons, but this past Sunday is when I had kind of a meltdown because of the Gab. How can I be in the midst of something that brings me so much pleasure, yet as I was dancing, all I wanted to do was start crying? Got in a corner, curl up and start crying. My thoughts were racing and I couldn't concentrate. I held it together, but my instructor thought it was because of the difficulty of the figures we were working on. I had to finally tell him, and I started crying. We're in a public area, but no-one could see me. He knows what I'm dealing with as he had PHN and stopped the Gab as it was so awful. That's when I realized this was getting out of control. This from a woman who could go YEARS without crying. I'm rather unemotional, analytical and think tears are stupid. Oh yeah, that was the old me.
85, I am so impressed! I've only done Cross Country skiing, and this was the first time in about 6 years we had decent snow, but I can't now. I carefully go on my Nordic Trak for a few minutes, without using the arms. I was very active too. When this happened we were in the SW touring the National Parks and Monuments. I was hiking and walking up and down all kinds of trails and savoring every minute of it, not knowing what was lurking beneath. May I ask where you live? I thought it was MI, are you in the UP near the Porkies? Or is that someone else in Michigan. I need a spread sheet.
As far as the immunization, I have no advice. I won't get one even tho I urge others to do it. I had a bad reaction to a flu shot (similar to Guillian Barre--which causes paralysis) so the doctors don't want me to get one of those. I don't know if it carries over to all immunizations. I know it's been very effective, however, I don't know if I'd personally trust it. After my levaquin and gab problems, I'm starting to distrust meds. I never thought I'd say that, after working in healthcare. I totally support immunization, but this IS a very new medication, tho it's been successful in other countries. Hypocritical or just scared and confused? I think the latter.
ruth57682 babs99203
babs99203 ruth57682
I think I've heard about this one before. If it's the one mentioned before, I believe he discusses diet. It's ironic that you bring-up allodynia. Mine has been a bit better, but I bought some new sweaters as I, again, had to pack some away. I was SO excited about this new one I got two days ago. Well, now I'm starting to feel the pain start, REALLY!!? The good news is I got it from TJMaxx so I didn't spend much money on it. I'll change and try it again soon. I'll check on that book. Thanks. I'm also going to send you a PM about a different topic.
I have no idea if this is legit. I copy/pasted the address into my email account. I then sent it and immediately a message popped up in my virus protection, blocking an email. Whether it was an incoming email or it was this email, I don't know. Be VERY careful, I don't know if it's a coincidence or not.