Gabapentin Withdrawal IMPORTANT
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I spent 4 days in intensive care following a spinal operation. This was found to be the result of the sudden complete withdraawal of Gabapentin.
For 3 whole days I was, to quote my surgeon, 'on another planet.' The only drug, of the many I was taking for pain, the only one that could not been given in an alternative form was Gabapentin. Fortunately, on the 3rd day there happened to be a charge nurse on duty who had seen a [b]previous case similar to mine, also resulting from withdrawal of Gabapentin.
My husband insisted that some way was found of administrating the drug. (I myself was una\\ware of any of this until later). There were objections from the staff since I would need sedating and was unable to consent! My husband over-rode them - thank goodness - and said he would take full responsibility and 'just do it.'
Some time after he left they did sedate me and administer the Gabapoentin. Then, as now, I had been taking 900mg 3 times daily for nerve pain, so I had obviously fallen off a cliff in terms of amount taken.
The following morning I woke up back to normal and asked for a cup of tea. When my husband arrived I saw him wipe tears from his eyes. If not back from the dead I WAS back from a living nightmare.
16 likes, 474 replies
It does say on the leaflet that comes with it that stopping suddenly can result in death - very scary
During a recent stay in hospital, they insisted that gabapentin only came in capsule form. I am vegetarian & do not take capsules so I have tablets prescribed instead but the nurse was insistent that I must be mistaken as they were only available in capsules. This does not give me a lot of faith in hospitals.
Glad the OP made a recovery & also glad that pins is now tapering off.
EmmaGemma83 sheep_ali
john14398 sheep_ali
sandy97889 john14398
You are so right..I was taken off this nasty drug that had been on for way over a year for Osteo pain..My rhuematoligist had me drop from 3200 a day to 1600 a day for 5 days then 800 a day for 5 family Dr. was very upset..said I should of gone down 100 mgs over a period of months..
?This was in February..went thru the anxiety, nervesness, sleeplessness, headaches..chest pain, stomach pain, acid reflux..was horrid.
?All withdrawal is pretty much gone except for still having stomach issues, bloating, stomach aches off and on.
?So if you get off this drug please do it very very slowly..
?Good Luck..keep us posted..
dlokeefe76 sheep_ali
Sheliab dlokeefe76
I received capsules first time 300mg. Then prescribed 600mg no capsule, pill form. So I'm confused also why they advertise it does not come in pill form.
Meganpooch Sheliab
Looking online Sheliab, Gaba only comes in capsule form in 100mg, 300mg and 400mg - all other strengths are tablet form. I am interested as i want to come off it for the bad side effects i'm experiencing and it looks like i will need all 3 strengths if i'm going to only drop 100mgs per few months from 1200mg.
rita52071 Meganpooch
Actiquser rita52071
Hi Gabapentin comes in liquid form which I got as I have absorbtion issues.
When I got it I was doing Chemotherapy and the liquid cost £120 a bottle as opposed to a few pounds for the tablets. My GP practise phoned me up and said I WAS COSTING THE PRACTISE TOO MUCH MONEY.
I got it for side effects of Chemo !!!!
lou26532 sheep_ali
Hi sheep_ali, just new to this forum, but what concerns me is this.........
i am Sister for an NHS hospital, and the capsule form they were talking about is a drug called Lyrica, NOT Gabapentin!!
Hope this helps 😷
lou26532 sheep_ali
sandy97889 lou26532
tonyev sandy97889
Hello Sandy I was taking gabapentin for 3 months recently for lower back pain L5 discs worn away) and started having panic attacks because of it. I stopped taking it over a week lowering the dose each day. I have been off it now over a month but I'm still suffering from these attacks. I can go 3/4 days with nothing then can have days where I feel like I can't breath, tight chest, struggling to swallow spit and even speak and that my hearts skipping beats (scary). It happens most at night. I don't understand it, lm not panicking, i'm not worried, scared or anxious so can't understand why it's happening but it all started since taking this drug. For 3 months of taking it I was fine then it just hit me. I ended up at A&E thinking I was having an heart attack but ecg and chest xray came back fine and told it was a panic attack. How long does it take for the drug to totally leave your system if you know. I feel like it's messed my whole nervous system up. Any help or advice would be great. Thanks Tony.
sandy97889 tonyev
I know Gabby messes with your brain, I went thru sleeplessness, anxiety, nervousness, chest pain, stomach pain never had panic attacks. Everything is pretty much normal now except for stomach
Good Luck!
tonyev sandy97889
Good to hear your better and I hope the same for me. I would never take Gabapentin ever again and would advise anyone taking it to be careful. I still don't understand how for 3 months I was good and then suddenly went down hill on them. I've never had a panic attack in my life until now and their horrible.
sandy97889 tonyev
It does something to the brain.
I took it for Osteoarthritis for pain. It did nothing but make me sleep.
That's why I got off of it!
Hope things get better for you. Lot of people on here have used Magnesium I took Epson Salt baths.
Keep me posted.
marilee43089 lou26532
linda88918 sandy97889
sandy97889 linda88918
They lasted for a few months. Some days good some days bad.
Been a year still have stomach issues but hoping they will go away soon.
I was taken off such a high dose so quickly. Lesson learned.
I have Osteoarthritis arthritis in knees & feet. Did nothing for pain. Now I am so careful about taking anything anymore. Don't want to go thru anything like that again.
Good Luck.
arlene69125 sandy97889
I was on gabapentin 800mg at night for neuropathic pain... on 1-9-17 I was advised to discontinue the medication to try another... 3 days after I stopped the Gabapentin I ended up with an explosive migraine that lasted 9 days
I started suffering anxiety attacks heart palpitations flu like symptoms and many other things
It is now 2-22-17 and I'm still having bad anxiety attacks and I have this jittery sensation in my body like a inner restlessness that I can't shake off... I feel like I'm losing my mind.. has anyone experienced this and how long were the symptoms for?
It's been over a month since my last gabapentin and I'm still a mess
I thought I'd be good by now
tonyev arlene69125
Hi Arlene I was on gaba for 3 months Aug to Oct 2016 for disc problems. I took 1200mg a day. 2 300mg tabs in the morng 1 tea time and 1 at night. For the first 3 months I was fine and then suddenly started having bad panic attacks. I decided to take 1 tablet a day for a week and then stopped, I had to get off them. I ended up at A&E on one occasion thinking I was having a heart attack and ended up fitting on the floor. I'm still to this day getting the anixtey and panic attack symptoms but are becoming less. 6 October was the last time I had a tablet so the side effects can last a while. I'm feeling 90% now so getting there.
lilhimer arlene69125
I feel your pain. You WILL get through this. My misguided doctor tolld me to titrate down 300mg per day!! fo
rom 1500. by day 4 I was sweating all over, not sleeing at all, had chils and was vomiting. I called and absolutely demanded that I be taken down 100g fr three days, then another 100 for three days and so on. She agreed and I came off it fine. The symptoms it was creating were exactly like Gastroparesis and they wanted to do a gastric emptying study. If you can't handle solid food, I strongly suggest Kefir (liquid probiotic yogurt drink) to keep food in your stomach. If withdrawal causes gastric reflux, I recommend Aloe Vera Stomach Aid that you can get in your health food store. Take as directed on the bottle. Hang in there. It seems like forever but it's not. You WILL come through this. I wish you all the best. it is pure hell to get off. I'm gad I was only on it for a little over 6 months. It's hard to believe but it could have been worse.
sandy97889 lilhimer
Was horrible. Nasty drug.
Good Luck!
lilhimer sandy97889
The bloating and acid reflux were reallly helped by Aloe Vera Stomach Aid liquid from the health food store. There you can also find Kefir. Whatever you do, DO NOT take acid reducers (PPIs). If you are, read online about what they can do to you and the withdrawal symptoms of them. They are dangerous and also prescribed by doctors who do not educate themselves on the poisons they are prescribing. Best to you.
sandy97889 lilhimer
Have been taking Zantac & Tums told to by my doctor. Not good.
Don't know anything about probiotics???
Thanks for the info.
julie_12950 sheep_ali
Have they tried you on codeine based drugs? I can't take codeine myself, but if i could i would....
My pain largely stems from fibromyalgia and arthritis in multiple smaller joints..have you considered chiropracter and accupuncture?
Had both for years, they are wonderful if you get good ones ( registered) I only went back to Drs as i wasnt responding...thats when i found out i have fibromyalgia...As an old nurse I also have chronic back probs, and sciatica is not an unknown to me...
If you have hot baths the warmth helps, and swimming is good but not breast stroke.
tammy64533 sandy97889
sandy97889 tammy64533
Hi Tammy,
Been a year for me everything back to normal except stomach. Dr thinks could be hiatal hernia, or ulcer, have bloating & acid reflux. She wants me to have a scope done but done want to do that. Hoping this will eventually go away too.
Good Luck!!
linda88918 tonyev
tammy64533 linda88918
How long do withdrawals last I'm a month in not as bad but just when u think u have turned the corner it hits u like a train keep getting head aches and sore neck ears buzzing too shakes
rita52071 tammy64533
tammy64533 rita52071
sandy97889 rita52071
Takes a long time to rid your scoff this horrid drug..
Good Luck!!
rita52071 tammy64533
Yes, I get that too!!! lol.....times where I don't even think about the situation and I am like I was before this all started with me......had alot of trouble with acid reflux, dizziness is now coming back and the passed 2 night felt really weird...can't explain......felt anxious.....and it was like my brain didn't know what to do.....I know it sounds crazy......I am lucky considering what other people are going through...I exercise 4 to 5 times a week at the gym.......just started pilates......think I am ust going to give myself a break today...
rita52071 sandy97889
You ain't kidding.......I keep telling myself every day is another day closer to I hope recovery....I was on it for 15 months .....was taking 400 mg only once a day.......but I was also on depakoe...which basically exact same withdrawls ...been off of that about 6 months before getting off of gabapentin....maybe even longer........did pretty good with that one...gapentin was the one where I couldnt even take 100mg every other day 6 couldnt function...had to go back on gabentin 100mg once a day for another 3 months........i pray alot too!!! God help all of us
Just so glad I was able to get off of it...
tammy64533 sandy97889
Actiquser tammy64533
Hi tammy,
Everyone is different. A few people report no withdrawals, other say they suffer up to a year. Try some herbal remedies to aid sleep and try to exercise if possible. I got really sweaty legs which was so distressing as it was really weird.
I do hope it doesn't last much longer for you. You have done well to stop so try to concentrate on the positives and keep blogging here for support.
tammy64533 Actiquser
Hi actiquser yes I have heard up to a year I am starting to use herbel pillow spray so fingers crossed would be so niece if anxiety backed off I dout all I do and think I can't cope with anything but must stay positive just so hard when most days are rubbish x
rita52071 tammy64533
Hi Tammy Everyone is different some people get very little which Worrell symptoms others get it much worse and some don't get it at all from what I am hearing . But I did hear it could take up to one year to feel 100% which were all free it's a pens how long you want on it for and what the dosage wise I have been off it since October 2016
kirk51905 tammy64533
tammy64533 kirk51905
No not dieting still struggling to eat most days and exercising I do yoga now not the gym have poundIng head ache today and shakes from inside out 😢😢
kirk51905 tammy64533
Carmen722 tonyev
I was given 300mg 3x a day for 11 days but no one said I had to wein myself off the drug so I just stopped. I've had two violent dizzy spells that feel like panic attacks. And now I'm seeing black tarry stools. Going to the doctor on Monday to see what I need to do to get this out of my system. I've been off for 14 days. Just not sure of 11 days can cause that many problems or if my systems are really tied to gabapentin.
Jamesbabe john14398
Please write back ASAP. Thank you,
Jamesbabe Carmen722
Please write back ASAP. Thank you,
kirk51905 Jamesbabe
rick04189 Carmen722
I've got the same except the stools. Took it in 2013 and stopped without problems. Took it again this year after spinal fusion and stopped abruptly. The side effects were killing me. I wonder how long I'll suffer with the pressure in my head and dizzyness. It's been 5 day off now.
seth58255 tonyev
This is the exact thing I experienced after attempting to drop my 600mg 3x daily by half. I would be generally ok during the day... a little uncomfortable with pain and irritability but as soon as the night creeps in its go time for my panic disorder. I was unaware of just how dangerous it was to just stop or drop like that. My doc didn't tell me. When I showed up at the ER I went thru precisely the same scenario
To the T. You're not alone.
seth58255 sandy97889
Hiatal hernias are permanent without intervention and ulcers generally are too except they get worse. So can a Hiatal hernia in some cases. You should get a scope... they're not that bad.
tammy64533 kirk51905
Hi kirk thank you for your advice now been 3 months since last gabapentin I am better still struggle with eating have to realy focus on food I know I can eat have good days and then hits like a truck shakes from inside sick feeling and very anxious have got all that going on now after having such a good run of feeling well. Does this sound right after quite a while with no gabapentin? My doctors say it's not possible it could be gabapentin after all this time but I'm not sure on this drug anything is possible.
kirk51905 tammy64533
sandy97889 kirk51905
Went thru months of withdrawal. Everything is pretty much back to normal now except my stomach! Still having issues there. Not as bad but still there. Bloating, acid reflux. Hoping in time this to shall pass.
This is a nasty drug. If you get off it do it v e r y slowly!!
kirk51905 sandy97889
gloria41088 sandy97889
I to am having a lot of stomach issues. Thinking it is from neurontin. I have tapered myself off the medication. I'm on day five with no neurontin.Took me three months to get here. Still having a lot of stomach issues. Pain, burning constantly hurting. I think I have had every test there is. They did find an ulcer in stomach. This pain is not ulcer pain. It's smack dab in the middle. I'm pretty sure it's from taking neurontin and Ativan. I'm still tapering off Ativan. I'm down to 1mg a night. If I knew the terrible side effects and what these meds do to you I would of never of taken them. One of the doctors wanted me to start a antidepressant and I stood firm. I asked him "Are you not listening?". How is it going to help with all my stomach pain? The gastrointestinal doctor looked at me like I was crazy. I told him I would only take herbs. I've had it with so called modern medicine.
sandy97889 gloria41088
Been a year in February that I got off Gabby. All the withdrawals went away but stomach.
It is better still have some acid reflux and bloating but not as bad.
Just praying in time this to will pass. Was on such a high dose that it totally messed me up!
Hope you get better..I too am staying off meds after this.
Hang in there 🖒
Peony75 lou26532
I can't speak to the form gabapentin takes in UK but I know for sure there are 100 mg capsules in US because I have them in my possession right now!
And I just spent the day in ER yesterday after having apparently withdrawn from gaba too quickly - I went from 1950 mg to 0 mg in 2 weeks and yesterday experienced an inability to walk other than in very small baby steps. Was discharged finally after my ability to walk normally returned. I had actually been off the gaba for 2 days when that terrible withdrawal symptom kicked in - it was very scary,
And btw I was put on the gaba to help me taper off from Valium which I had been taking for insomnia - the gaba helped me slee as well but finally solved my sleeping problem so didn't need valium or gaba.
brenda20365 Actiquser
brenda20365 Carmen722
kirk51905 brenda20365
brenda20365 kirk51905
what is freaking me out is i only took 4 pills..over a month ago now have severe headaches and in the last few days severe face pain..been to emerg they just dismiss me. went to the ear nose and throat guy he says it is not your sinus...they once thought i had polymyalgia...and started me on prednisone before the whole headache face pain started....and now i read up if you have polymyagia you could have Giant Cell i went back on the prednisone i had planning to see my doc tuesday but that isnt taking all the pain has been so weird my symptoms are growing and getting worse and the docs are not taking me serious...the emergency dept keeps dismsissing me saying they "dont diagnose problems"...only fix broken bones etc...dont know what to do if the prednisone is not working....think i am going to go to the hospital and say put me in and fix this or i am going to camp out in your waiting room until you do..funny my previous doc had serious back pain they would not put her in she slept in the emerg waiting area for 3 days before they put her in.....her kids had to bring her food every day and she is a doctor !!!! i did see your video by the way...dont know if this withrdrawal after only taking 4 pills and now its been a month since i have been off them
kirk51905 brenda20365
tracy09398 Meganpooch
Sorry fo rthe late reply but they do also come in 50mgs if your still having problems. I hope you are sorted though now. this is one bad ass drug!
Take care,