Gallbladder is gone so where is this pain from?

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Had the dreaded gallbladder removed last June after only 7 months of pain (so I'm pretty lucky).

Everything went well, home the same day - took a good 4 weeks to feel totally better after the op but eating was ok and I don't seem to be affected by bowel issues like some people.

Only problem is I have dull ache in exactly the same place I used to get the gallbladder pain. It's not intense pain but it's in the front RUQ under my ribs and moves round the side and to my back.

It doesn't seem to appear after anything in particular and most of the time it's there constantly. Suppose it's more of an annoyance than anything else because I'm always aware of this ache. I'm quite reluctant to go to my GP because after spending about 7 months constantly in the surgery last year updating painkillers and nausea pills I don't want them to think I'm addicted to medical attention.

Just wondered if anyone had anything similar or if it's just a by-product of surgery that I'll have to get on with?


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    I have had the same pattern of pain that everyone else is describing. My diagnosis is sphincter of oddi dysfunction. It's unfortunately something that some have to deal with post gallbladder removal. It can become severe every so often and result in extreme upper abdominal cramping type of pain. I know this is a old post but I thought I would try to help.
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      Were you prescribed anything for your SOD? I'm wondering if that's what I have. I'm only two weeks post op but I occasionally get a pain on my rt side under my ribs. Feels similar to a gallbladder attack but definitely not as severe.
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    Hello so glad I found this group. I feel alone and not sure what to do..i went into the hospital Sep 6, 2015 with severe pain & vomiting. I was admitted with pancreatitis, obstructed liver and jaundice. I was in the hospital 3 days and as soon as my pancreas healed my gall bladder was removed. Also had a balloon extraction of stones from my liver and in my ducts. I had stones everywhere. I went hone two days later and two weeks later i had pain feeling dizzy went in again and was admitted again and had another balloon eztraction on stones that were left behind in three different areas. Well now the pain ia creeping up again on the right side hurts when i breathe in. I been right twice that i had something wrong. I hate though being at the hospital and what if its in my head. Should i go oe should i wait the laat balloon extraction was 11 days ago. I did feel better there after but the pain is constant? Help! im glad in not alone...sorry so long.
    • Posted

      Hi Nydia, 

      so sorry to hear that you are so poorly after all the stuff you've had done .

      from this forum it does seem that some people do get severe pain post op .i did and had to be re admitted , then I had severe pain which could last days , but would then go . These 'attacks ' have then occurred less and often . My GB was removed urgently in May and I'm now only getting an attack say every 6 weeks and they are no where near as intense as they were . I've came to the conclusion that it was the nerve endings all settling down after the op .

      you may be the same and your pain will settle in time , but it can be other things . If your pain is really intense and severe , then I would for your own peace of mind , go back to hospital . At least they can control the pain , give you a prescription for maybe tramadol , codine and oromorph or similar , so that you are not in agony at home . 

      Dont loose heart , there is a lot of helpful advice on this forum and most people do seem to improve significantly in time . Best of luck .

  • Posted

    Hi there I had my gallbladder our last November and have had allot of bloating etc and wind pain, but I also have the same type of pain under ribs and also in groin, do you get it in the groin as well, this has been constant apart from after 6 months I thought it had gone and then it came back, its a dull heavy kind of ache and a bit pinchy in groin also I feel some inflamation around these areas, I have heard that there is a meridian nerve that is affected after the gallbladder is removed but it supposed to settle, but mine doesn't seem to be going this.  Stella
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    Yupp. About two years ago at 16, I got H.Pylori, caused hell and an ulcer. Got H.Pylori knocked out working on the ulcer. After many er visits got confirmed with a hernia. After a couple more months and repeat er and physician visits had a couple more tests done to see the pain and my gallbladder too was too swollen to be on there and working doc said so we took it out. Pathologists found little gallstones in there. Exactly two weeks on the dot woke up to excruciating pain in my back and front, couldn't breath barely could walk. Went to the we and the diagnosed me with severe pancreatitis and admitted me for three days on dialoted every two hours with NOTHING to eat or drink for three days, not even water or ice. I am currently driving two hours to a decent hospital for my constant burning and irritation with the hernia, feeling exactly like the ulcer did but doc swears up and down it's gone, what was the main reason for visit anyways. And now crossed with pancreatic attacks daily, after I drink coffee after I eat fake sugary foods like little Debbie, ANY fast food, and almost everything else. I am too scared to go back to the er in fear of being starved and thirst dehydrated and losing three days of work for something no one knows. Curriently having an attack now and just woke up. Torn between ulcer like symptoms and pancreas.. Any help or home remedies would be greatly appriciated, literally have resorted to going to the nearest dispensary in case of paralyzing attacks.. It angers me to no ends all of you are going through the same things, I am a little comforted to see im not the only one but it as well is ruining my life! Carhopping became too much walking and stress I had to leave my job because of these mystery symptoms...💔
  • Posted

    I had my gallbladder removed 18 years ago and I still get that pain under my ribcage and breastbone. I was told years ago that it's probably a rib out of alignment. Now, every time I get that pain, I have my husband pop my back and within minutes it goes away. It's strange how the body works and it sucks that doctors don't have all the answers. But maybe this will help some of you. Good luck!
  • Posted

    I thought I should report back about what's been happening with this thing no one seems to have an answer for.

    I saw my gastroenterologist this past Wednesday and I was finally able to confirm what I suspected all along.  After weeks going through this (I'm not having any pain on the right side any more as I did earlier - I now have some back pain due to muscular issues) my doc essentially said that the pain almost certainly was due to a build up of sludge that may have been blocking the bilary ducts.  She told me that scans and/or MRIs will NOT pick up the sludge buildup.  The only way to know for sure is to do an endoscopy (ERCP).  She also explained that this is very common post surgery, specially if the recommended diet is not followed.

    Being that I no longer have any pain the area where the gallbladder was, she recommended that I do not go through with the ERCP.  She told me that if the pain returns, she would have me do some bloods and then do the procedure.

    Of course, I've been doing my part since this all started 8 weeks ago.  I've been excercising regularly (lost 40 pounds already), been eating non-fatty foods and no sweets.  My diet is stringent but not bad once you get used to it.  I'm no longer eating red meats and I'm having plenty of fruits and vegetables.

    You all need to ask your doctors if they can check for build up of suldge as this is more likely the issue.

    Anyway, I'm hoping everyone here finds a resolution.  I'm happy I no longer have the horrific pains where the gallbladder was that ended up in my back.  I do still have back pains but it's related more so to my current physical activities and posture than anything else.

    Take good care all!

  • Posted

    18 years and it could be just sludge build up? Wow! My diet isn't the best, but I'm trying. Thanks for that info!
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      Yes, it could be just as simple as that.  My MRI (done specifically to find stones in the biliary duct) came back so clean it was amazing.  The thing to watch on the MRI (according to my primary and gastro doctors) is if the biliary ducts are dilated.  if the scan shows them being dilated then either there are stones or a build up of sludge potentially blocking things.  The MRI will pick up the stones (if they aren't really small) but it will not pick up the sludge.  Again, the KEY thing to look for here is IF the ducts are dilated.  By the time I had my MRI my ducts were not dilated at all (hence why I wasn't in much pain anymore).

      My gastro doctor was very clear that very fatty foods can not only increase sludge build up in the ducts but also form new stones inside the ducts.  According to her, not having a gallbladder does not mean stones or sludge cannot reapear, causing the same pains we felt when we had our gallbladders.

      I'm finding out that diet is everything.  I was told not to eat fatty things after I had my surgery 4 years ago but I didn't listen.  Well, it seems I had to learn the hard way.

      Ask your doctors to do an MRI with MRCP (a simple ultrasound scan won't do) and have them check for duct dilation.  After all I've gone through with all the tests, etc, I find that the MRI was essential to, at a minumun, put a spotlight on the biliary ducts.

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      Thank you for the information. I do appreciate it.
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    I just found this post.  I had my gall bladder out about 2 and a half years ago.  A week ago I started to have pain in my side where the gall bladder was.  The following day was so bad I could barely move around the house.  I had my wife help me get dressed and we went to an ER facility. They did a CT and X-rays scan with no results.  They thought it may be a broken rib or damaged cartilage between the ribs.  I was told to follow up with my PCP as they did see some spots on my liver.

    I got to my PCP the following day.  She ordered an ultrasound.  This too yielded nothing.  Worried about the spots on my liver and the pain she got me in with a gastroenterologist the following day. 

    He repeated the rib cage/cartilage diagnosis but sent me for an MRI to be sure.  The MRI came back negative as well.  They state the spots on the liver were collections of blood vessels and nothing that would cause the pain or to be worried about at this time.

    A note about my original surgery.  The day after I had my gall bladder out I had severe hiccups just about on the hour for about 12 hours.  They hurt so bad because of the surgery they were causing me to vomit on top of that.  At one point I felt something tear in that area.  My wife called the surgery center and they stated that I was having a reaction to the anesthetic and that it would pass.  They were not concerned about the feeling I tore something.  Ever since then I have had occasional cramping in the area but nothing long lasting.  When I told the gastro doctor about this he just looked at me like I was stupid.  I will keep my language clean here but you can imagine a few choice thoughts I had about that.  How insensitive!!!  This is what I was told.  If I was lied to at the time, which could have happened, that is not my fault.  I am not a medical expert.

    I have one more appointment with my PCP this coming Monday.  I will most likely be sent back to work in pain with no resolution.  I have tried to watch what I eat and only eat small portions.  It has not really helped.  If they find a solution, which I doubt, I will post again.

  • Posted

    Hi, I've been reading through most of these comments and I feel so bad, I know as most said it's already been a year, maybe you found your cure who knows.

    I just wanted to share with everyone my progress so far.

    Years ago in highschool I had what I believe now is a gallbladder attack, same old results. "Clean, healthy, no issues" fast fowards years later I'm working as a Security guard in a museum when the pain strikes again after my shift, rush to the ER slanted in the trucks seat because I couldn't sit properlly at all. Same tests, once again "Clean, healthy, no issues" but with an added "Maybe you pinched a nerve" fast forward until two months after my son is born and the pain comes back as hard as it can. I'm hunched over in tears, staggering around my appartment scared for my life, hunch myself over the bed and call the Health Hotline to which I was instructed to go to the ER immediatly. I wait for my ride, leave, the pain comes and goes away randomly on me on the way there. Then when in the waiting room it stops for good, not once came back as I waited 2hrs to see a dr. This time he askes me what I ate and did during the day this happened. 

    I was awake, felt tired but hungry, cooked hashbrowns and eggs, ate and went to lay down. Awoke several hours later to a weird upset stomach, figuring I was having a bowel movement I went to the bathroom. Upon sitting down the pain grew so quickly, spread to my back, up my spine and around my rib cage. When I got up and out of the bathroom I staggered myself to the living room by then it blew up and I was in level 10 pain. 

    The Dr nodded along and then suggested to me "There a two things it could be, now you've had these pains or 'attacks' a few times now. I'm suggesting it may be Reflux, or your Gallbladder. Mainly because you had greasy food and laid down for awhile. I'm going to have you get an Abominal ultrasound and blood work. A week later and my family dr tells me it was my gallbladder an that he is sending me to meet a surgeon in a few weeks time. Time flies until I meet her, shes nice and informative but I've read so much information about gallbladders, stones, bile ducts, bile, the liver and pancreas along with all the bad horrible stories and side effects after surgery. 

    She schedules me for 6months time, I pray for months for no attacks to happen, I watch my diet, take things slow. Surgery day comes and goes, all went well and as expected my gallbladder was full of stones, some large ones and the rest the texture and size of a handful of gravel. I go home and heal quickly in 4 days, but by the end of the week I'm jolted awake at 2am from an intense pain, exactly like a gallbladder attack. I'm crying, panicing, scared and in so much pain. I cry for my bf to wake our room mate up so I could go to the hospital ER. I'm eventually kept over night for 9hrs as they run tests on me, I'm given T3's and strong medication for the pain and told to have an ultrasound done the next day and blood work. I follow along and wait 1 full week in pain which never did go away, it was an everyday constant ache, a dull sharp ache that would make it hard to lay down, to sleep in peace. Sometimes it would be so bad I'd have to take the heavy meds. I couldn't do anything with my 8month baby boy, even when I would take the heavy meds that dull ache was always there, it was so damn annoying that my depression was coming back and clouding my thoughts. I worried what if I had phantom pains, chronic pains, an undiagnosible problem as I read about happening to other people. I cried that my life was over or ending, that the pains would never go away and I couldn't live a healthy life with my boy. When the week came to an end my dr got all my results and found there was a blockage in my lower bile duct of some sort, it was cutting off a regular flow and backing up my liver. I developed Jaundice and lets say my liver needs to be around 6-8 to be heathly. My tests came back at 796, 568, 649. Three different enzymes came back like that compared to healthy 5's, 7's or 10's.

    I was sent back to the hospital I had my surgery, I was admitted and given more medication, the next day I had ERCP on thanksgiving weekend. I was on heavy sedation so I fell asleep instantly, I only woke up when they were pulling out the stones, it hurt and they knew because I started struggling until the moment they got the stones out. After that, the dull ache, the constant pain went away immediatly. I felt so much better, I thanked everyone and had to wait two more nights as they waited for my liver to recover, I was put on a liquid diet until I was discharged.

    That was October 10, 2015 I had ERCP.

    My Gallbladder surgery was September 21, 2015.

    Something extra, during my recovery of my ERCP my mother came to stay with me and help until one night, she had what I knew right away was a Gallbladder attack. The only difference was she had hers removed the next day. 

    I hope to those still suffering years later, who have not been checked for a blockage will consider it as a possible solution. Sometimes after removal of the GB, there is a small wedge in the bile duct where a stone can sit out of the way, only ever becoming a problem after maybe some meals, exercise or whatever. Then it fits back into the spot without showing up as a blockage anymore. 

    I really hope one day you all can be pain free again some day!!


    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing your story with us. My brother had gallbladder operation two days ago, he also developed severe jaundice and his liver is not in good condition. I wonder how long did your jaundice last? I hope to hear from you, I'm extremely worried about my brother, his jaundice is little bit improved but still very evident.
    • Posted

      hi. I experienced the same as your brother. got taken to AnE 3 times alter gall bladder operation 8 weeks ago. They eventually gave me a scan to reveal another stone in the bile duct which causes jaundice and extreme pain. I had this removed 8 days ago and I'm now home and getting fitter with no more pain. I do hope your brother receives the same treatment to relieve him of this dreadful problem
    • Posted

      Thanks for getting back to me.  It's good to know that you are recovering well. I wonder how long did your jaundice last after operation? My brother is still jaundiced three days now after his operation, it's not getting worse or it's not as bad as before, its a little bit improved.  
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      hi worried sister. I guess I was lucky in a way because I was persistent and the jaundice left after second stone was removed..what I don't understand is why are the doctors leaving your brother with jaundice

      he should be treated. I do hope he recovered soon as this gall bladder thing is a nightmare.all the best

    • Posted

      OH my goodness I apologize for not getting back to you sooner, my jaundice lasted a few days maybe a week, you have to keep up with fluids constantly and flush your system out. I'm not a fit or slim person so I believe it depends on the persons body. Everyone is different when it comes to healing. It's been 2 months since you posted this and I hope everything went well for you and your brother.

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