Gallbladder is gone so where is this pain from?
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Had the dreaded gallbladder removed last June after only 7 months of pain (so I'm pretty lucky).
Everything went well, home the same day - took a good 4 weeks to feel totally better after the op but eating was ok and I don't seem to be affected by bowel issues like some people.
Only problem is I have dull ache in exactly the same place I used to get the gallbladder pain. It's not intense pain but it's in the front RUQ under my ribs and moves round the side and to my back.
It doesn't seem to appear after anything in particular and most of the time it's there constantly. Suppose it's more of an annoyance than anything else because I'm always aware of this ache. I'm quite reluctant to go to my GP because after spending about 7 months constantly in the surgery last year updating painkillers and nausea pills I don't want them to think I'm addicted to medical attention.
Just wondered if anyone had anything similar or if it's just a by-product of surgery that I'll have to get on with?
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phil97225 fraser22098
bebe33104 fraser22098
I think I can help you with the back pain! I had my gallbladder removed (cholecystectomy) two years ago and still have pain after eating foods high in cholesterol and hydrogenated fats and other processed foods. I try to only eat whole foods but sometimes I mess up. When I get my "phantom gallbladder pain" I can get rid of it almost instantly by lying on my stomach on the floor and placing a tennis ball below my right breast (not ON the breast but BELOW it). It will feel like it's on a rib. I gently place some of my body weight on the ball and rib and roll my body around so that the tennis ball massages the crampy area. I came up with this on my own and I know it sounds weird but it works for me instantly! My pain refers to the back and shoulder blade but after I do this massage technique it goes away completely. I also will turn over onto my back and place the tennis ball near my shoulder blade and spine and put a lot of my body weight on it and roll around so the tennis ball loosens up all those muscles. This seems to help too, but not as much as massaging front rib area with the ball. I hope you get this comment and get some instant relief! Please copy and paste this to other people suffering. NO doctor has ever been able to help me. My surgeon was NOT helpful either after he removed my gallbladder and acted like I was imagining it. Go get yourself a tennis ball. Let me know if it works for you too.
After the surgery I was so happy to get back to life,even the frequent diarrhea didn't bother me much!
It is now 3yrs later and I have been getting the same episodes of pain.I have had an ultrasound and than an MRI to rule out a small stone in bile duct,but all clear.
I now have daily pain that has settled in my back high up between my shoulder blades.
I have had massage,chiropractic adjustments and accupuncture. I have spent a small fortune on trying alternative routes,but no relief.
The only thing that helps are strong pain killers I have been prescribed,so far no one has sudgested any other option.
This is making me desperate,as I don't want to be on these forever.
Cwilliam Marketa
Would you provide an update to your situation, please......thnx.
jessica27987 Marketa
chinyere41698 jessica27987
beepbop88 chinyere41698
carol47350 beepbop88
interesting reading these posts. I had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago and still experience pain at the site of both operation and gall bladder, as well as urgent bowel movements maybe 3 times a day. My surgeon checked me over when I first returned after a year and said there was no reason for this to be happening. My GP arranged for blood tests, scans to be done, and nothing was found. I took anetryptelene for 3 months to "realign" the neural pathways, as my surgeon said my brain was still registering pain when there wasnt any (?) All that happened was I operated in a brain fog for 3 months. Still have the pain problem.
tracy280 Cwilliam
I also have a dull ache where gall nladder has been am a checkout girl and if i work that area when i get the pain its so intence that ma words start to slur and ive felt numbness in that area 2 times and going to ma arm but only get server pain when i work into the pain hows your pain now and what tablets you on please x
wendy70167 carol47350
It sounds like you have CRPS/rsd. It is something that can happen after surgery, or anything small like stubbing toe. I have it in my legs from a fall down the stairs. It started in the injured leg, then spread to the other leg and now it feels like it spread to the area my gall bladder was. I had mine removed a month ago but am experiencing CRPS symptoms. What your doctor told sounds like he diagnosed you with CRPS but didn't tell you that's what it is. You should Google it and see. The sooner treatment is started the better chance you have at being able to control it and the pain that comes with it. Best of luck. I sincerely hope you do not have it. There are FB support groups that you could join to learn more about it.
cathy_94688 Marketa
i was reading your post and all went trough was excatly like mine. i had my galbladder out 3yers ago too and i am in the same situation like yours. the surgery spot is still in pain and it burns and goes to my back too. my shoulders are hurting. i did all the tests exept endoscopy and colonoscopy and all of them came back normal. i dont know if i do thoes two scopes that i mentioned above will find the problem or not? and i dont know why should i suffer all these years too. i do not have diarrhea but i am constopated all the time. this pain scares me and it makes me to worry alot. i went to many GI doctors but none of could find anything. tell me did they find what was you cause of pain? and if so then how and with what test? thank you
bebe33104 Marketa
I think I can help you with the back pain! I had my gallbladder removed (cholecystectomy) two years ago and still have pain after eating foods high in cholesterol and hydrogenated fats and other processed foods. I try to only eat whole foods but sometimes I mess up. When I get my "phantom gallbladder pain" I can get rid of it almost instantly by lying on my stomach on the floor and placing a tennis ball below my right breast (not ON the breast but BELOW it). It will feel like it's on a rib. I gently place some of my body weight on the ball and rib and roll my body around so that the tennis ball massages the crampy area. I came up with this on my own and I know it sounds weird but it works for me instantly! My pain refers to the back and shoulder blade but after I do this massage technique it goes away completely. I also will turn over onto my back and place the tennis ball near my shoulder blade and spine and put a lot of my body weight on it and roll around so the tennis ball loosens up all those muscles. This seems to help too, but not as much as massaging front rib area with the ball. I hope you get this comment and get some instant relief! Please copy and paste this to other people suffering. NO doctor has ever been able to help me. My surgeon was NOT helpful either after he removed my gallbladder and acted like I was imagining it. Go get yourself a tennis ball. Let me know if it works for you too.
Lorao bebe33104
trish74375 carol47350
Urgent bowel problems is typical with a lot of patients who've had gb removed.
I couldn't live a normal life without Imodium.
mike28333 carol47350
ann55375 Cwilliam