Gallbladder pain
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Av been told i av gallstones and my gallbladder was inflamed the pain will calm down but then come back. The last couple of nights its gone bad again but i have been on a low fat diet an have been very carefull with what i eat..
Is there anything people have tried to help with the pains thats worked?
I have tried different gallbladder flushes an i have been using herbal gallbladder flush capsules..
Can anyone help?
I have been off work 3 weeks an due back but am worried going to be making it worse.
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lynda20916 lauramc1988
Sorry you're going through this. Gallbladder flushes are useless, and can actually make things worse. Your gallbladder is diseased and you need to get yourself to a doctor. Please don't keep up with the flushes. Gallbladders can rupture. They affect your other organs, too. Please don't delay! xx
lynda20916 lauramc1988
lauramc1988 lynda20916
biliarydyskines lauramc1988
lauramc1988 biliarydyskines
lisawilly biliarydyskines
That sounds like great advice in theory but in practise that's not how it goes for a lot of folks! I've just been reading the forums and it doesn't sound so straightforward and a lot of people have continued pain and other issues without a gb.
judy13495 lauramc1988
For pain, get Tylenol extra strength. You can take up to 6 per day with no harm to your kidneys or liver...aleve or advil will harm these organs. Narcotics do not help with the pain you are having; my primary care physician said narcotics work on muscle and bone pain but not organ pain (nobody ever told me that until recently). Please also get some Pepcid 20 mg and start taking it before every meal. The Gastro guy I saw last week started me on that and in two days, the pain subsided about 50 percent, which let me sleep! I have had pain off and onfor 15 years since my gallbladder was removed and for the past two months, it has been non-stop so finally went to see him and he will do a scope on 20th. He thinks my issues are related to stomach and not where gallbladder used to be. Those two drugs CANNOT hurt you and may help but it sounds like you need to see a gastro guy and have your gallbladder removed. When it is giving you this much problems, it's not going to heal itself and you aren't going to get better, in my opinion. When it is diseased, it just needs to get removed. Then you will have different problems, maybe, but you will learn to cope with them. You need to see a doctor. The recovery from the surgery is REALLY easy these days!
lauramc1988 judy13495
lynda20916 lauramc1988
Laura, it may be infected, whether or not you're running a fever. Inflammation is often a sign of infection. If the pain gets too much to bear, I suggest you go to A&E. xx
lisawilly lauramc1988
Hi there. I've just recently started having gall pain. Last night was tossing and turning in bed so got up and had a terrible attack, pain under my right ribs, up into my shoulder and neck and down right arm. Bloated tummy. (I noticed that my right shoulder was sore for a few days, with pain coming down to my elbow) Hottest shower offered no relief. I was able somehow to google homeopathics for gall bladder attacks and there was a remedy suggested for when the pain is under the right scapulae (chelidonium) .. well that was definitely me, and unbelieveably i had the remedy suggested (bought it for my ducks lol) , took it and within about 2 mins the pain was gone. There were other remedies suggested for other symptoms (not everyone has the right sided pain) but that was my most urgent symptom. Some other remedies would suit people who have a lot of bloating or vomiting from what I read
I know a lot of people say homeopathics don't work but for me that was better than any painkiller.