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Does having gallstones cause bloating and abdominal weight gain along with chronic body pains? 

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    hi Bellaboo1973

    still a bit sore from my surgery but that I can cope with as it is a lot beter than the gallstone pain

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    Hi, I'm 26 and was diagnosed with gallstones 10 months ago in March, in April I was admitted to hospital for 4 days with pancreatitis caused by gallstones then in November I was admitted to hospital because of extreme pain and had acute necrotic pancreatitis for two weeks where I spent most of that time on morphine because of the pain. I've just got home and am now waiting for surgery which they say can take up to four weeks to happen. I'm still extremely uncomfortable all day every day and get batches of pain and am extremely weak. But I'd suggest if in servere pain get checked out for pancreatitis as it can become a life threatening condition if left untreated. I'm just scared about the upcoming op now sad 
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      Hella amanda I have same age as yours same symptoms Could you tell me about your report and are you happy to remove your gallbladder 
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      Hi Amanda. I was also very frightened of surgery.  So much so I cancelled my op last year.  I had keyhole surgery on Monday 29th Dec to remove my gallbladder and I just wanted to reassure you.  I posted on here the following day if you want to read my story.  Have you got a date yet?
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      I have just had symptoms for the second time in 7 days.  Both times during the night....pain under my boobs, feeling sweaty, can't lie on right side, whatever position I sit or stand in it's painful.  The 1st lot of pain lasted about 5 hours and this lot was about 10 hours.  Went to docs today and she said it could be gallstones.  Sent me to the hospital for blood tests and I have to wait for a scan appointment.

      It was awful, couldn't even breathe without hurting or string a sentence together. 

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    Hi everybody sorry but I'm gonna talk about my story cuz I really really need answers... I'm 19 years old and I'm very very healthy I'm n gym person mild bodybuilder but no steriods... So I drink at least 5 cups of green tea per day and about 20 big glasses of water.... I drink calcium ,fish oil and flax seed oil it helps with my skin and everything... But I get strange attacks right.... Since about 2 years ago... I wake up very late I'm so so sick my stomack works like water and my stool is really really dark yellow and greenish and sometimes there blood and I get headache so bigs that I can't even open my eyes... I've been to the ER so much times the first time they told be it was GERD so I went for the G scope... And they said I got GERD... No it was next im 40 mg per day for the rest of my life... And the next year I got the attack again and about couple of months later again... It happen when I eat like really milky food or rich foods if I eat anything rich I'm screwed...  I went to a new spec and he is the top doc here in SA .... I explained all the stuff that happen to be and he was puzzled.... We'll he send me for I 24 sur test don't know what they call it but it's like a monitor and I monitors all my stuur and stuff and we'll the results was weird... My stuur count is half than the normal persons sour.... ( how the hell is this possible !!!! ) he told me it's not my stomach it might be my gallbladder or something of oddi muscle or I don't no... He gave me a special blood test and he said that if I get that attack again they MUST do this blood test right then.. I looked at the paper and the test was for Calcuim,Magnesuim and foes for or something I men why would he test for this ?... Anyway and last week boom woke up was so sick a can't walk or eat or anything my stool was so bad water I actually slept on the toilet... I mean I live so healthy and everything so why why why ?. I can't even live I can't eat like anywaything....   Anyway I was again at the ER and they gave me some pills for gallbladder disease.... And did a ultrasound of my spleen, gallbalder and they picked up that my spleen was extremely enlarged and guess what ! No gallstones !!!!   He said I must go back to the doc spec because he said I must get that spleen checked out and he recommended a " Hilda scan " so I'm waiting for the doc to get back from vac so what can you people tell me what do you people think is wrong ? The ER doc told me to drink a lot of Apple juice ... I just came back from the gym and had a smoothie with espresso , choc, bannana and low fat mild,, 30 min after I had the smoothie my stomach went again and again it was water yellow brown stool and the smell is like I have poisen in my system... .. .? I'm getting to think its my gallblader but I drink so much water and detox and everything and if eat a little bit of rich food I'm off to the toilet but every few months I get this extreme attacks ..... So yeah I changed my diet to more high in fiber and stuff but still get this sick... So here is my question what the hell is wrong !?



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      you are in the right process getting scanned etc just don't give up keep going back to your doctor. Sometimes we lead doctors by what we say we have a preconceived idea of what it feels like and gp s just go along with our hints so to speak..try and just go and list your symptoms you get now..and keep going back until they figure it out ...

      the trouble is you eat healthy but then it hits you when you don't.

      you have a instant reaction in your bowels and stomach 

      try and keep a list of what you ate when it happens

      coffee causes spasms in the gallbladder .

      as can chocolate 


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      sorry cut myself off in mid flow ..

      there is irritable bowel syndrome, allergies and no doubt a whole host of other conditions and gall bladder ...

      one thing is problems with gallbladder do arise when we diet and lose weight and then when we have a binge agony ...

      why I am not sure does our body become hyper sensitive to fat as we have totally excluded it ..

      don't dispair you will figure it out just keep being a pest at your gps 

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      Hi sweetie. I just think that this might be useful info to you. All of this just could be gallstones for all I know but it maybe sounds s little bit like crohns disease. I was diagnosed with it on 9-24-02. I also has my first kidney stone at the age of 17 and then again at 18 when I was 7 month's pregnant. Had my gallbladder removed due to stones in Jan 09. Stones are a very common side effect of crohns disease. It comes and goes and there's a ton of stomach pain on the upper right side of your abdominal. Just a thought
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    Hi all. Im not from UK but from New Zealand. Am constantly reading these posts and feel sorry for the people going through this pain. Im 22 female and am still waiting for surgery to have my gallbladder removed. I started having abdominal pain 18 months ago and got shrugged off by doctors telling me it was in my head. I had a scan 4 months go and they found that i have gallstones all most the size of golf balls. The pain that comes with gallstones are hirendous!!! I wouldnt wish it on anyone. No matter what i eat now im curled over on thw ground crying in pain. Ive been to e.d many times and they have sent me home with pain relief. Im worried that the stones are going to block the duct. The pain is getting worse and i am starting to notice my eyes are turning yellow slightly. Any tips to keep me going as im ready to give up!!!


    Nicky x

    • Posted

      Hi Nicky.

      I am waiting to have my gallbladder removed following many bouts of sickness and relentless pain, which finally ended up in a trip to A & E and a 3 day hospital stay in November until the pain was stabilized.  If the pain had not eased, I was told that my gallbladder would be removed by emergency surgery.  However it finally did.  No medication can help with the pain which is severe!

      I was told that the best that could happen, was for the pain to subside and for me to get a scan with the gallbladder being removed some weeks later.  I was also told that if I ate more than 5g of fat in 100g, I would be back in hospital.  So with that in mind and the memory of that terrible pain, I changed my diet overnight and have never  felt better, albeit that I have a huge gallstone!  I have more energy and generally feel better in myself.  I have been pain free since November.  I only wish I had known to seriously reduce my fat intake months ago! 

      There are so many recipies available where we can eat good, but low fat food.  It's challenging as you can't eat on the go as easily and you really have to think about your food. You have to be strict with yourself but you will feel so much better.

      You should google some fat free recipies.  You'll be surprised how much you can eat without the worry of pain.

      All the best

      Karen x


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      Hi karen.

      Have just come out of hospital as the pain got so severe that i ended up going to a.n.e. they removed my gallbladder in surgery and said that was wasnt very nice. The stones were blocking my duct and bile couldnt pass through hence the reason i was in so much pain. Can only recover now and hope to get better.

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      im in agony myself but have to respond to your post as i feel so sorry for you. i have only 1 gallstone and they say it is very big and that is a good thing becasue it wont get stuck in the bile duct as its to big.  i hope that is a help to you. i can hardly walk or eat and am in terrile pain burning round my waist is the latest symptom that started a few days ago. i haven been able to have a bath or wash my hair for over 1 month. i feel as though my flesh is tearing up under my skin. keep going keep on going as it will come to an end you keep your chin up and if it helps read the posts here. its helped me already as the worry about the pain and if its gallstone ralted or something else is terrible as well. as i did not think gall stones could cause problmes and so much body pain. 


  • Posted

    Need some advice I have gallstones and I've just found that they have increased in size, even though doctors are telling that they don't grow well they have and found this out through an ultra sound also I'm gaining weight instead of losing weight and I don't have a huge appetite due to the pain I'm in please can you help me.
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      Hi Colette 

      who said they don't grow ...they most grow or how would they get there ? I had mine 15 odd years not realising my vomiting attacks and agony were passing stones... Mine were enormous ..

      and when I asked the surgeon if I could see my gallstones ..he said mine were horrible brown smelly balls of cholesterol ... 

      If you are in pain you've got to cut out all fat from your diet ...and all foods that your stomach will request more bile to digest red meat , hard to digest veg even boil vegtables have bland almost what you would give a elderly person with digest problems...the other weird thing is ....dieting triggers attacks ...I can only think when we diet we burn our own fat whether that gets in the system somehow... Try the bland no fat diet the pain should ease ..hope that helped 

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      Hi Sally thank you for your reply I do most of these things and I'm very use to blending my foods also as I've had a lot of problems with my digestive system in the past, I try to follow the diet they recomangd I.e eating brown rice wholemeal bread and having barley as part of my diet but still I'm very bloated, I also  try to even avoid certain fruit because of the acid. I'm trying to remain positive but cause the pain is there wheather I eat or not, find it a bit differicult happy and comfortable.

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