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At last i got my appointment to see the surgeon about my gallstones. Can anyone help on how long after this appointment does it take to get the surgery for the gallbladder? As ive been in pain everyday for the past 4 months and can't wait to feel normal again thanks.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Really is dependant on where you live and how urgent your consultant feels it us. All waiting times are different.
    • Posted

      I got admitted to hospital through the on call doctor last week. She did put me down as urgent as ive lost so much weight.
  • Posted

    can i ask you a question how did you know you had gallstones and what kind of pain were you in ? I have had pain in my upper right side under rib for a month
    • Posted

      I would like to know as well... i have gastritis for over 4 months... with no pain... and doc is saying most likely gallstones.... waiting for scan to confirm... but how was your pain? I mean was it sharp strong ? Or just little? How would you rate it on scale of 10....10 being the strongest pain?


    • Posted

      Hi, i was diagnosed about 8 weeks ago with gallstones i had an ultrasound done with them. I have been in pain for 5 months now constant pain in my stomach at the right side also get tje feeling of a heart attack which is quite scary before i was diagnosed. As Iam only 30 with a young son was at the doctors 6 times in 2 weeks and on call doctors out during the night the pain shoots from 0-10 in minutes! Wouldnt wish it on anyone, iam petite anyway and lost over 2.5 stone which is making me fell very sick and dizzy it's been a struggle most times and hoping to get it all sorted soon, was admitted to hospital last sunday to get sent home to see my GP! Who now thinks i have something wrong with my stomach to go for an endoscopy. It's not a nice thing to go through and hope you all get better soon.

    • Posted

      Thank you for answer... i have 4 months burning in my stomach.. 24/7 after some food poisoning and antibiotics - 2 tripple therapys..... my stomach feels like a soft tissue...and i am strugling to recover.... cant even live normal live.... i wouldnt say i am in pain.... but the sensation is there 24/7.

      Had endoscopy.... gastritis and duodenitis....confirmed... but at that time doctor send me home with gaviscon....

      Its crazy...

      But i wish you spedy recovery.. btw i am 34 male with 2 wee boys..

    • Posted

      Its not a nice thing to go through especially having kid/s to look after. I do you take a lot of antacid tablets and pain killers I find a hot water bottle can sometimes ease the pain. I can usually put up with pain but when i eventually went to the doctor it was like begging them to help after a few weeks they kept saying it was just gastric and possible stomach ulcer. Hope it's all over soon.

    • Posted

      Can you explain more about the dizziness symptoms ?..I too have dizzy feeling with gallstones.Also, do you have bloating and fullness in the stomach?
  • Posted

    It does all depend on how severe the gallbladder has become and where you live in the country too. 

    Mine in total was 10 weeks as it was ready to rupture. 

    Have they not given you a chose and book option so that you could get it done quicker in a private hospital under the NHS funding.  Worth asking your gp about this option. 

    Hope they get you sorted soon x

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