Gallstones. What can i eat ???

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Hi I have an infection in my gallbladder. Plus gallstones. The pain is awful. Finding it so hard to eat. Any suggestions please

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5 Replies

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    The best thing to do is control how acidic the foods you eat. I mean like try to avoid any food that would cause heart burn or indigestion. I had my gallbladder removed because it was full to the brim in stones, turns out it runs in my family. If your pain gets bad like to were its worse than child birth, because that is what they rate passing a gall stone feels like, you should seek medical attention immediately. In the meantime you should check with your primary care doctor as to recommendations for gastric intestinal doctors as they are hard to come by, at least in the US.

  • Posted

    oh poor you, my sympathy, sounds horrible, I would just still to very small amounts of bland food, avoiding anything rich.

    very best wishes and hope you feel better soon.

  • Posted

    My friend had success avoiding gallstone pain by avoiding foods rich in fat. This means little to no dairy, meat, eggs, avocado, oils, cheese, desserts, greasy foods...

    The way they explained it to her is that fatty foods cause your gallbladder to release bile which can push the stones into the duct, causing the pain you feel. Hence, avoiding fatty foods will keep the gallbladder from activating and prevent the stones from moving around.

    She did eventually have the stones removed, but a diet of mainly fruits and vegetables kept her comfortable for almost a year until she could have the surgery.

  • Posted

    I'm sorry you are in pain. Let me just tell you that should you begin to vomit fir mire than two days go to an ER.

    I had gallstones and infection for a good 2 years, and the gastroenterologist kept saying mine was not bad enough to warrant removal.

    About a month after HIDA test was done, which Dr. once more refused to treat, I had 3 days of steadily vomiting, A high fever and

    I thought I just had a virus that was going around.

    The 3rd day I couldn't even get off the bathroom floor.

    Get to ER and I am having a heart attack due to my gallbladder. Because I waited 3 days to go to hospital, I had septicemia. They sent me to emergency surgery.

    The heart attack was called a Taksubotu type. Also called a stress heart attack or broken heart syndrome. One side of the heart gets huge.

    Once they removed the gallbladder and put me on high doses of Iv antibiotics, my heart went back to normal.

    It is kind of like when you get appendicitis.

    So I would request it being removed before you get to the worst stages. My younger brother had his gallbladder get sepsis and he would not get it taken out, plus he could not afford the hospital bills. Unfortunately, he passed away when his gallbladder burst.

    I hope you get this resolved.

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