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Hi ladies am back wit new stuff i hav been monitoring. Of lately my period cms wit different symptomz hwever dis time i hav been getting aches in my chest an stomach. Wen i do it i pass gas i get relief hwever theres always one place it stivks which is on my left under arm in upper area under my breast, it causes my to get anxiety .its worrying an dr gav me meds .can someplz tell me am nt going crazy again? D tingles r mor as well ..
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jacqueline06286 wendy36287
It could be acid reflux are you in perimenapause or menapaus
wendy36287 jacqueline06286
jacqueline06286 wendy36287
Remember we all have hormone receptors all over are body ,
Back in November I had really bad gerd thank god I'm doing much better I get pain now and then, my biggest issue right now is major fatigue I'm praying that it goes away I'm looking into bioidentical hormone replacement.
wendy36287 jacqueline06286
tina00239 jacqueline06286
Looks like I'm not the only one who cant sleep! Flushing like mad at moment and mouth so dry it is almost choking me. Another night of laying awake until some decent tv comes on.
Hugs and x's to all out there who are wide awake!
jacqueline06286 wendy36287
jacqueline06286 tina00239
Yes Tina I live in florida usa it's 10 o clock here I been having pain behind my right ear head neck shoulder that comes and goes also teeth gums on that same side went to dentist he did a ct scan could not find any thing I'm scheduled for an mri on Tuesday I think it's all related to perimenopause I'm so sick of this I'm looking to try bioidentical hormone treatment
tina00239 jacqueline06286
Boy do I know what the dental problems are! Due to 31 years of steroids to treat various medical issues my upper teeth are disolving away and my bottom ones are not far behind! I have a wierd numb like sensation in my mouth all the time and a foul taste that makes everything taste poisoned. I'm lucky in some respects because the cause of my losing my teeth is prescribed medication which means I'll get the best dental implants there are. And at no cost to me! I hate dentists due to a couple of bad experiences when I was a child, so I'm not looking forward to the work being done but I am looking forward to th e perfect smile I'll have when they are done! Xx
tina00239 wendy36287
Hi Wendy, dont panic excess gas is very common. I never used to pass gas at all but since perimenopause began I fart like a machine gun and belch like a hog on fizzy drink. I never had these issues before and its a good job my man and my son just laugh it off otherwise I think I' d die of embarassment. Its 2am where I am now, no sign of sleep and not a damn thing on tv to keep me occupied. My man is sleeping soundly next to me, and my son next door so I thought I'd look see who was up and on here. Hope this helps. XX
wendy36287 tina00239