Gas Indigestion
Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi, girls anybody got indigestion my food always feel like it riding up and down some kind a feeling like that..belly look weird bloated or fat I look pregnant anyone.
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi, girls anybody got indigestion my food always feel like it riding up and down some kind a feeling like that..belly look weird bloated or fat I look pregnant anyone.
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aimee1970 maria76995
Guest maria76995
I am menopausal - 2 years now without a period. Digestive issues were one of the first things I experienced when I was peri-menopausal. I experienced awful heartburn, bloating and a general slow down of my digestive system. Everything I ate felt like lead in my stomach. Unfortunately, I still suffer from these. I've learned to manage them better now with enzymes and other herbs and teas that help digestion but I've never been the same since before this all started.
Takingtime maria76995
maria76995 Takingtime
HI,Linda me too I can't bring myself to having that endoscopy don't like nothing down there. What is a barium swallow test is that similar
Takingtime maria76995
Hi Maria, a barium swallow test looks at the esophagus and how it is functioning and it can tell if there is any reflux. You have to drink a solution called barium...which doesn't sound pleasant either then they watch how it goes through the esophagus. The upper GI X-ray is done the same way they give you some fizzy pop to put air in your stomach then you drink barium and roll around until it coats it then they take X-rays of your can get images of abnormalities if there are any, the only downfall is it can not take biopsys like an endoscopy can. So that is why the doctors pick this test as first choice. I really hope I don't have to get any of these tests, but this phase I am in along with my anxiety my stomach feels like it is taking a beating at times....sigh
maria76995 Takingtime
Hi Linda, drinking that stuff depends on how it taste bothers me as long it don't make you feel sick I would be concern about really...sometimes I think something wrong with my stomach, but if you had ulcers you should know because I get the burning and gassy, anyway that be a big decision for me.
Takingtime maria76995
Maria, we must be twins, because that is why I cancelled the Barium swallow last month because they want you to fast before hand, well when I don't have food in my stomach for a long period if time I feel very sick to my stomach....and that is what happened. It is a tough call..because I like you have had digestive issues on and off for as long as I can remember, but now getting the perimenopause stage I find it seems a bit more on going, my anxiety makes it worse, and the not knowing what is causing it makes my mind wonder where it shouldn't. Right now I can only go by what the doctors think is causing my issues and that is GERD.......I have not taken the medication because I am super sensitive when it comes to medications so I have been watching what I eat, and sleep elevated.....some days I feel amazing, while others I feel nauseated or aches....and sometimes I get a pesky lump in the throat sensation. I wonder if my anxiety triggers it and when I don't get proper sleep as that is when I feel it the worst. I know at some point I will have to give in and get something done just to make sure everything is okay, but either test is not too appealing at this time. I have had a fecal test done in the summer and there was no blood so that is a good sign, and I had a blood test rule out those are promising....I have to start keeping a diary of the foods I eat that bother me.
maria76995 Takingtime
Hi Linda, again tell me about it scared stiff, oh no I can't either go long periods now with out food more air to get it and feel sickly I guess.. I also had that h,pylori test done years ago though and it was fine, when it comes to my food diary I don't drink coke those sort of drinks or fruit drinks to acidly for me, I would Apple pressed drinks and water, try my best to keep away from what bothers's hard when you have stomach problems because you would like to be like other people eat what you want...gas can also cause the burning too if you eat late sometimes,
do you feel like you get lump in your throat sometimes or your you feel like something is there if so yes TWINS, I always feel like something in mine and gets worst if I Dr not long send me for antibodies test but that was for my dry mouth, maybe it is Anxiety causing it, my doctor nearly send me too see ENT that was worrying because it's looking down your throat but that percedure is through the nose I think I could deal with that more then the mouth..if you ever have your stomach look at let me know you can message me on here ok.
Takingtime maria76995
I have heard of the nose to the throat test...but tgat doesn't look into the stomach right? Today has been tough very nauseated I stopped the progestrone cream a couple months ago as I felt this might have contributed to acid reflux...but I didnt get nausea in fact I over ate and gained weight...since being off I feel queasy like I did yeats ago....yes I will keep you posted...It wont be until the new year and I may have to wait until spring as the place they are sending me too is not local and we get a lot of snow hete. We sound very simular..its refreshing.
anetta94863 maria76995
amanda59745 maria76995