Gas issues and breast pain/soreness with Peri
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Ok so I know all of us love all.the wonderful prizes we get while being on this crazy carnival rollercoaster ride. I have had quite a few over the past year. Well today for the 1st time I had such bad gas pain in my chest for a few minutes that after it passed I went into a small aniexty/panic attack and didn't feel good. I had to lay down for about 15 mins and it passed. I felt ok for awhile and then had a lot of gas in my tummy. UGH. I took a gas x pill but this gas is still hanging around in my tummy which I can deal with its just driving me nuts. I got up to do something a little while ago and got a sharp pain in the bottom part of my breast. This lasted about a minute or 2 and then went away. I now have a little soreness on other side of.fhe same breast. I have never had any issues in the breast area. Ugh why now. Im.assuming that this pain is because of my hormones. I was wondering if anyone else has this issue as well as what you do for the excessive gas. Thanks so much.
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l18293 amy602
I am currently experiencing awful gas. I have had cramps, bad aches, urge to pee, and gas for weeks. I got an ultrasound on Tuesday. Tech said all looked good. but still waiting on doctor report. I have another fibroid since my last ultrasound last July so now have a three total. I was thinking the fibroids were causing my cramps and gas. But I don't think that is it. Now I think it may be a bad UTI but I don't think an UTI causes bad gas. On Cipro for five days. Hoping that makes me feel much bad. But tonight about 10 minutes after I ate, i was doing dishes and got the worst gas pains i have ever experienced. I was hunched over and had to stop doing dishes and couldnt stand up or sit up straight for about 30 minutes. So you are not alone with gas. I am 47 and have been in peri I would say based upon my erratic periods since 43!
sue71885 amy602
have horrible problems since peri. meno. Also the breast pain could be the gas since you had it in your chest. It has happened to me. But could just be another symptom as painful breasts is a big one. Beano sold over the counter in tbe US has been a lifesaver for me. I take one before every meal now. It has been amazing for me! Hope this helps. With every wk there seems to be a new symptom for me. You are not alone. Hang in there!
Rhis too shall pass. Good luck!
juanita93228 amy602
Lillioui amy602
You're not alone.
I've got excessive gaz as well ( I'm 51 and in premenopause) and my belly is big though I'm very slim.
I take some coal to help and it works. I don't know if you can get coal in England. I buy it in a natural shop in France.
I've got breast pain too and I've been bleeding for 4 weeks now very lightly but it's really annoying.
Ididnt know menopause was such a pain !
amy602 Lillioui
I'm in the US so I will have to see about natural coal. Was wondering what I should get if I can? Thanks.
Lillioui amy602
Thanks everyone for all the help. I'm going to get beeno and try that as well. I feel a little better today still have mild gas and now a little sadness and the feeling like I want to cry is starting to kick in. Breasts are still mildly sore but it comes and goes. I'm hanging in there but I'm just so done with all this.
I have to say I would be totally lost with out this site. All the woman on here are wonderful and have helped me so much.
Takingtime amy602
Interesting I read this, because I am experiencing something like this. For the last year I had been dealing with bladder issues, and burning issues down below....I finally got that sorted out that it is tolerable......but now the gas and blating business. The gassiness usually is worse a day or two before my period, but this last month it has taken a new twist, instead of gas in the bowels, I feel it in my stomach and throat, one night three weeks ago my chest hurt and felt tight I thought oh heart.....I went to the hospital to get checked out to rule out the worst. They didn't see any signs of heart issues, but I have a few more tests to rule it out and I am wearing a holter at this very moment. I still get the sensation that I have air or something lodged in my throat and then I feel the need to has been on and off for the month. I started to think it could be my back issues as my upper back was tight, I gave in and went to the chiropractor last night, and felt some relief, but still feel lump in my throat. I am not sure if it is anxiety making it worse, I am trying to relax, but very hard to do when new symptoms appear, you think you start to feel better only to have something else brew.....grrrrrr.
Struggling50 Takingtime
I have throat issues too. I clear my throat a lot. It feels like there is something stuck in my throat. I have trouble swallowing sometimes. I feel like I am swallowing past a lump. So irritating!
Takingtime Struggling50
juanita93228 Struggling50
The lump in the throat os anxiety. I've had that. I just drink water. I've also noticed more mucus in my throat and I'm also clearing my throat, especially at night.