Gasping for air
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Ladies I need to know I’m not alone lately I’ve been experiencing a shortness of breath and my mouth feels like I’m having an allergic reaction I’ve never suffered from allergies and the gasping for air is scaring me please tell me it’s hormones
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monique_93857 betty90997
I too have been suffering from this seems like my nose stays stuffy but it's also dry and it's hard to breathe through your nose when it's like that so you're going to find yourself taking deeper breaths my allergies have been through the roof lately and that was one of the things that just got me I can't stand when I can't breathe through my nose it puts me into anxiety they said as we develop and go through menopause allergies seem to rise I use saline solution in my nose it helps just keep calm and try using it also I use cough drops to help keep my nasals open hang in there it's hard but we got to do it
Guest betty90997
I felt like someone was sitting on my back at one point.
When my symptoms start flaring I have a hard time breathing in.
If you are having a hard time breathing out then you should be checked for asthma.
dora_39625 Guest
I now have an inhaler and recently prescribed nasal spray .
dora_39625 betty90997
Hi Betty,
I've too have been experiencing bad asthma/hay fever symptoms recently.
I developed this a year and half ago but took almost a year to find out what it was!
A nurse checked my chest and also did an asthma test which revealed it.
Never had a problem with hayfever or asthma until perimenopause struck.
Get checked out properly by a doctor or nurse.
It's crazy what hormones are doing to us.
CarolKelso betty90997
Hi Betty
?I have had this also when the change started for me. One point I drove myself to A&E as I thought there was something horribly wrong but it was my hormones. It has eased with time but it is very distressing when it first begins. Try and take deep breaths and focus and tell yourself it is going to be okay. It may seem hard but it will help with it. Many women experience this ... When I was at my GP, the nurse who took my bloods told me she had the same so it is frightening. But hang tight. You are not alone. Hope this helps. CK
debra16694 betty90997
Hi Betty - Yep, I have it - started about 8 months ago - I had had allergy induced asthma about 22 years ago after a particularly rainy season with lots of flooding - never had another issue until now - Went to allergy Dr who put me on Flonase & Symbicort & albuterol for bad episodes - I asked her why now & she said she does see an increase in woman patients coming in their late 40’s 50’s 60’s (although she wouldn’t say it...sounds like hormones or lack there of) also, I would always get the shortness of breath around dinner time & she said that was when your cortisol was at highest or lowest (can’t remember which it was, but cortisol related) I also, think it can be anxiety related, best to get checked out though -