Gassy stomach. Please help.

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Hi. Im a 27 years old male. 4 months ago I started having pain in esophagus and i went to the doctor who said it could be hiatal hernia. I already had my H. Pylori test which came out negative so he gave me a syrup named "gaviscon". I had it for two weeks and everything was fine. Later i had the same pain in esophagus and acidic taste in my mouth which again went normal by taking gaviscon. Then 2 months went all good. Now I have extreme gassy stomach i dont know why. The only bad thing im doing is giving alot of gap between meals but this is because of my work routine. I never had this much gas in my stomach. Im almost always burping and passing wind. It is very irritating and embarrassing please help.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    This sounds just like me. Infact I am considering resigning from a very good job due to the embarrassment. Feels like funny in my mouth most times.I used Gaviscon, activated charcoal, prebiotic, nothing is working even antibiotics. I did an endoscopy very evasive but nothing. Am tired and scared too.

    Pls anyone with help?

    • Posted

      HI, I just replied to anosh.. I hope that helps you, too..
  • Posted

    I also did the H/pilory test mine came very positive so doc placed me on pylorest twice so am clean now yet smelly gas persist...

    I am 33 years.

  • Posted

    I know how you feel. The feeling of being super gassy all the time is so awful. Nearly everything I eat causes me the worst gas and bloating. Have u tried gas-x for temporary relief? I always make sure to have gas-x on me. It usually takes 30-40 minutes to start kicking in but it really helps with the trapped gas pain and such. I usually take the extra strength soft gels, two tablets with water only.  If u cant afford the brand name, Walmart has their own brand of Simethicone 125mg that work just as good as the brand name, and it only costs about $2. I’m sorry I can’t offer much advice, I know how embarrasing it is to be constantly gassy and belching/farting. You can’t control it so don’t let anybody make you feel ashamed. Hang in there! 
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      I do a lot of farting but I am long past feeling embarrassed about it.  I just have a good laugh at the explosions from my anus.
  • Posted

    Hi, well, there is many things you need to change *(if you haven't yet) since you have to heal your stomach lining and get your stomach work properly again (in regards to the stomach acid production etc.) Some things (too fatty) just make the stomach produce more acid. So do everything to calm your stomach. Start your day with a glass of water with mineral drops (check your water if it is filtered..since that takes all the minerals out). Eat clean (nothing fried, nothing too fatty, nothing too acidy and stay away from sugar ..) Also eat more cooked food than raw since it is harder to digest. Also stay away from heavy meat.. eat chicken or grilled fish rather than everything else.. Red meat is harder to digest.. Just  make things easier on your stomach. Eat small meals frequently instead of big and heavy meals./..try to avoid the gaps.- drink water to fill in.. I for example love hot oatmeal with cinnamon and applesauce. I also eat it in between as a snack instead of chips or anything that is unhealthy..or just a little bit of white bread with margarine. 

    Also never eat fruit last.. but first...there is a rule of eating - depending on how things are digested.. 

    Also take a good probiotic and a good multivitamin in the morning. (in the beginning the probiotic will kind of clean your system so the first 5 days could not feel so good, but don't stop..)

    You can also drink kefir and kombucha.. (everything fermented is great!) AND DRINK enough water over the day... at least 2.5 liters. 

    Sleep a little bit elevated. 

    Also for the stomach - take a magnesium/ calcium complex .. that helps great.. (500mg in the morning, 500mg in the evening the first will see you won't need it later.. I just take it once in a while maybe every second day in the morning or evening .. 

    And I can tell you this works! Your body is just reacting on what you are feeding him..and bad bacteria loooove crappy food : ) especially sugar.. but I went from being gassy all day to not even thinking about it... it's all what you eat! I promise... And if you make sure to make the right choices... It will be all right... (also the right choices in bread... some are just stuffed with so many bad preservatives the one that is like homemade..) 

    Hope this helps!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your response! Well Its been 2 months now that I have stopped taking fatty foods. I cook at home and mostly chicken which is properly cooked. You are right that i should not be giving gaps between meals but I will try to avoid this. I was just wondering that how come my stomach is not coming back to normal its been 3 days now. I have the same amount of gas. And one thing I forgot to mention that Im fasting in this month. I'm a Muslim and we fast from sunrise till sunset in the month of Ramadan which will end on 15th of june. Can it be because of fasting? As far i remember I have experienced the same situation last month when i was not fasting. Do you know any of the medicines that can help heal my stomach and get me rid of gas. I really appreciate your response smile

    • Posted

      Hi, sorry for my late response. I think the gas is probably from eating not frequently enough and eating too fast... you might also drink while you eat.. you shouldn't do that 

      Well, let's start in the morning. Start your day with a glass of water. Drink 10-20 min before you eat. Also about 20 min after you eat otherwise you will dilute the stomach fluids and so the enzymes that help to digest your food. Chew properly and eat slowly while sitting down. Eat small meals instead of big meals. Eat clean food as I said - grilled, cooked food rather than raw etc.

      And in regards to your fasting. Make sure to add up on your carbs intake in the morning and evening. Carbohydrates give your body energy and also feed your brain. It's the energy source number 1 for your body and brain. (of course healthy carbs that last) Add also fiber to your breakfast since then you are not getting that hungry so fast. (I add a spoon of hemp seeds or flex seeds ... But you need to increase fiber intake slowly otherwise you will get bloating etc.)

      And chicken is a great source of protein. Usually you won't feel so hungry when eating this. Maybe you should even eat some grilled chicken in the morning. 

      And in regards to healing your stomach... I really don't like to take any medications since they might just stop the symptoms but they won't heal the body. Cooked oatmeal, kefir, kombucha, aloe vera (take that as a capsule but there is drinks also)  are great. As it comes to spices.. tumeric, ginger, cinnamon (all anti-inflammatory). And the only supplements that I recommend for the stomach is calcium and magnesium and the probiotics. 

      Also teas are great - fennel, black tea, green tea... but make sure to drink as much water as you drink tea. 

      And all in all... drink lots of water : ) (2.5.l per day) That's what you should do first when you are allowed to eat in the evening again during Ramadan. Have one glass (8oz). It's kind of a body cleanser and get the system running. Water is life! 

      I hope this helps. 


  • Posted

    Eat little but often.  Having large gaps between meals can cause gas and sometimes acid because your stomach will be expecting food.  Keep taking Gaviscon since that helps and do not worry because anxiety will aggravate your symptoms.

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