Gastric Band Referral

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Good afternoon everyone, I wonder if you can help.

Two weeks ago my Doctor said she would refer me for a Gastric Band, now I understand that there are various processes to go through before the operation.  I just wondered how long roughly it took for those who have had the operation for the first referral appointment to come through?



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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I went private but I've read that there are many nhs hoops to jump through and it can take a few years.
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    I'm also paying private because I was told it a big waiting list here in South Wales up to 3 years..
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    Hi from my 1st hospital appointment to the actual op I waited 1yr!! I had my band op on the Nhs.
    • Posted

      Hiya, that's good. Did you have to wait long to get the ball rolling from first being referred by your GP?

      How are you doing so far?

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      I can't remember exactly but was only around 3-4mths. Am doing gd, op was almost 3 wks ago, am eating pretty normally now, just very sma meals! Weight loss is slow, lost 15lbs since starting pre op diet.
  • Posted

    Thank you everyone.

    My Doctor said it could take up to a Year due to certain hoops etc. I sooo hope it happens sooner as am so desperate now.

    I wish I could afford to go Private but best quote ive had was from Spire for £6,850.

    Those of you who have had it done, how are you doing with your weight loss?

  • Posted

    Hi Sarah, I had my band fitted on NHS on 31st March (2 weeks ago). Believe it or not I had been waiting for ten years, but I think this was rather extraordinary!  There were so many issues to do with funding and criteria and every time I thought I was there, the goal post would change. But it is my belief that things are simpler now with common guidelines for all areas. From meeting the criteria this time, to actual op has been about a year. Its too early for me to say how its going, but the op was fine and I have recovered well. I'm on fluids for another week and can then progress to pureed foods - the aim is to be on normal, dry foods by eight weeks. During the four week pre-op diet and the two weeks post op I have lost 2 stone, which is encouraging. Hope all goes well for you.
    • Posted

      Hi Deborah

      Thank you for your reply. 10 years, wow! I am glad you have finally got there and are on your way to your goal.

      2 stone is amazing! I imagine you are very pleased with the result so far :-).

      I really cannot wait for the day I have it done

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