gastric bypass

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I am having gastric bypass operation on 6th i am so nervous and excited, i have put about a stone back on and im so nervous they wont do it now i had intentions of trying to try lose it again but i got the date so quickly i havent got time to, wil i get turned away now?

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    I haven't had a bypass but have recently had a gastric band.

    I'm not sure whether with the bypass you have to do a pre op diet a couple of weeks before? For example I was only allowed milk and water for 2 weeks before the op and I lost over a stone, so this could help you but only if you are advised to! The idea is to prepare you for life after surgery but mainly to shrink and reduce the fat of the liver as this is moved slightly for the band placement, as I say I am unsure about the bypass but maybe worth a ask. My surgeon said that he wouldn't do it if I hadn't lost any weight as it would be too risky if I hadn't done the pre op diet which obviously makes you lose weight! 

  • Posted


    I haven't had a bypass but have recently had a gastric band.

    I'm not sure whether with the bypass you have to do a pre op diet a couple of weeks before? For example I was only allowed milk and water for 2 weeks before the op and I lost over a stone, so this could help you but only if you are advised to! The idea is to prepare you for life after surgery but mainly to shrink and reduce the fat of the liver as this is moved slightly for the band placement, as I say I am unsure about the bypass but maybe worth a ask. My surgeon said that he wouldn't do it if I hadn't lost any weight as it would be too risky if I hadn't done the pre op diet which obviously makes you lose weight! 

    Has there been any mention of a pre op diet? X

  • Posted


    I haven't had a bypass but have recently had a gastric band.

    I'm not sure whether with the bypass you have to do a pre op diet a couple of weeks before? For example I was only allowed milk and water for 2 weeks before the op and I lost over a stone, so this could help you but only if you are advised to! The idea is to prepare you for life after surgery but mainly to shrink and reduce the fat of the liver as this is moved slightly for the band placement, as I say I am unsure about the bypass but maybe worth a ask. My surgeon said that he wouldn't do it if I hadn't lost any weight as it would be too risky if I hadn't done the pre op diet which obviously makes you lose weight! 

    Has there been any mention of a pre op diet? X

    • Posted

      I thought i would need to go on a pre op diet but i have the operation in less than 2 weeks and i havent been told about wat diet or anything and i have pre assesment tomorrow which i am so nervous about ive had 1 already but they said i will have to see a physiotherapist and am not sure why when its before op
    • Posted

      Maybe they will tell you about pre op diet tomorrow? Some people only need to do it a week before, depends on your weight as to which diet you do I believe! Maybe some surgeons don't feel is necessary to do pre op diet so I wouldn't worry too much but I would defo ask tomorrow! 

      A physiotherapist? What for?!

      Or do you mean phycologist? I had to see one before the op to check that you are having surgery for the right reasons and to check you are able to cope afterwards! They didn't use the words 'to check' but that's what I got the jist of! Xx

    • Posted

      Tbh i kinda wana do that diet just to ease my mind to make sure everything wil go to plan cos i am panicing about it alot and its so hard cos i dont have anybody to talk to about it who understands

      No hun defo a physiotherapist it says on letter but im thinkinf maybe thats to either check my fitness or to explain if i need to do cerrain mild exercises after op

    • Posted

      Well although I didn't have the bypass, I had the band on the 24th October, I'm here if you want to talk as apparently they are fairly similar x
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      Thank u hun that wil be great ive got pre assesment today which i am so nervous about i actually feel so sick im that nervous but i wil let u know how it goes
    • Posted

      You get so nervous and then they take your blood pressure and wonder why it's high!! Hehe!

      How did your pre-assessment go? X

    • Posted

      Lol i know haha, everything wen perfect the hospital staff were absolutely lovely ppl had an ecg and blood tests and blood pressure n all that stuff and everything was fine im so excited now x

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