Gastric problems.
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Hi all.
It's been a while since I posted on here but I have been keeping up on all posts. I was wondering if anyone else has to take Omeprazole for acid. I have been on it now for a while (20mg). How do you feel when on it. Do you have any side effects. My doctor wants to increase my dose to 40mg but I'm very reluctant to. The doctor has suggested an endoscopy which terrifies me. I worry that I've got an ulcer ( I'm sure unnecessarily!!) but it has set my health anxiety off. This peri sure is hard going.
Any thoughts?
Thanks all.
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nancy0925 helen95781
gastric issues seem to be common. I take omnepazole now with no side effects and I am having an endoscopy done on 19th. I've had a colonscopy before and its the same thing but other end lol. You won't feel anything. Since I've had gastric problems for the last 2 years, I feel better having my tummy checked. You may feel better if you have it and find out there is nothing wrong
helen95781 nancy0925
nancy0925 helen95781
nancy0925 helen95781
gastric issues seem to be common. I take omnepazole now with no side effects and I am having an endoscopy done on 19th. I've had a colonscopy before and its the same thing but other end lol. You won't feel anything. Since I've had gastric problems for the last 2 years, I feel better having my tummy checked. You may feel better if you have it and find out there is nothing wrong
sue976 helen95781
i have just come off Omesprozle, I too had really bad acid for no reason, so had a endoscopy (make sure you get sedated, you can't remember anything , it really is nothing to be afraid of when you go for the sedation, your not asleep but very drowsy) it turned out I had h Pylori, had the avid tablets with antibiotics and it cleared up, still suffered a if but not as bad, and it ended up been the anxiety that was causing the acid, I now have the anxiety under a better control so no longer need the omesprozle. I was also on 40mg it is safe to take because I asked the pharmacist about it, please don't worry and the endoscopy will settle your mind once you gave had it xx
helen95781 sue976
Thanks for the reply. As I said to Nancy I don't fancy the endoscopy. Terrified they might find something but I suppose it would be better to have. Funnily enough I've only noticed the stomach problems more since the doctor suggested one!
sue976 helen95781
teresa18635 sue976
sue976 teresa18635
i got a herbal remedy called Batch flower for anxiety and panic attacks, us all natural and doesn't interfere with anything and is completely safe, it has been my miracle cure, just 6 drops a day and I feel like a different person, it's not cheap but it sure as worked for me, I wouldn't be without it now , if you google it it comes up xx
teresa18635 sue976
sharcerv52408 sue976
sue976 sharcerv52408
within the first week of taking this I noticed a difference, it's also got great reviews, I've just ordered some more myself, let me know how you go on with it. Just out of interest have you been tested for h pylori for the acid. Xx
ursulauc62 sue976
sue976 ursulauc62
has the h Polyri not gone on your son, I got re tested about 9 months after the antibiotics and was clear, now I don't need them, but the consultant that did my endoscopy did say mine was down to anxiety xx
ursulauc62 sue976
sue976 ursulauc62
sharcerv52408 sue976
sharcerv52408 sue976
Do you have to take it every day or is it on an as needed basis?
sue976 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 sue976