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Friday of last week my right arm was very painful, I couldn't even wash hair in shower, I just put it down to my PsA. The next day my back was throbbing at base of spine and up the right hand side, left arm started throbbing too along with rib pain , upper abdomen pains and a stabbing pain that felt like it was from the kidney area. I went to GP and he said I have Gastritis!! I'd ñever heard of it. He gave me Omoprazole. My question is though I've never had acid reflux, heartburn or indigestion ever and as he didn't offer any tests how can he be so sure?? I lost my dad to Gallbladder cancer so that is a worry. Did anyone have tests for Gastritis? Thank you.
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alison_74603 jane96717
alison_74603 jane96717
alison_74603 jane96717
carole90410 jane96717
I also had the pain that you describe in the same places and I didn't really have any acid reflux. I had severe pain in my left side and round back. Did the stupid thing of googling my symptoms and it brought up pancreatic cancer. I was petrified so went back to GP as after taking omeprazole I was still in pain. I was then changed over to lansoprazole and ranitidine which allowed me to have an appetite and to eat a bit better. I was then referred for an endoscopy which I was dreading but believe me case I went without sedation and it was nowhere as bad as I thought it would be. This confirmed mild gastritis but they told me that this didn't mean that the pain would be any less. I've had this since xmas now and I've just come off one of the tablets but the pain is still there just not as severe. Please don't do what I did and worried myself about cancer. If tests come through normal it really is just gastritis. Keep us posted and let us know how you get on xx
alison_74603 carole90410
carole90410 alison_74603
I have just come off ranitidine and now just taking Lansoprazole so waiting to see if I get any more pain. I only drink water now
and I've started to introduce new foods back in. I've given up
alcohol completely. The Dr that did my endoscopy told me that
in most cases it is just time and it can take longer in some than
others. I'm not cured or completely over it so I guess we just have to wait. Xx
alison_74603 carole90410
Have you cut out gluten or dairy . what do you eat generally is there anything you avoid .. x
carole90410 jane96717
I also had the pain that you describe in the same places and I didn't really have any acid reflux. I had severe pain in my left side and round back. Did the stupid thing of googling my symptoms and it brought up pancreatic cancer. I was petrified so went back to GP as after taking omeprazole I was still in pain. I was then changed over to lansoprazole and ranitidine which allowed me to have an appetite and to eat a bit better. I was then referred for an endoscopy which I was dreading but believe me case I went without sedation and it was nowhere as bad as I thought it would be. This confirmed mild gastritis but they told me that this didn't mean that the pain would be any less. I've had this since xmas now and I've just come off one of the tablets but the pain is still there just not as severe. Please don't do what I did and worried myself about cancer. If tests come through normal it really is just gastritis. Keep us posted and let us know how you get on xx
richard89308 jane96717