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When you have gastritis can you have bad back ache?

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey ledgy85, everyone is different with there symptoms but I experience chest pain, nausea, excessive burping it's annoying. I can't take it anymore

    • Posted

      Hey Hun thanks for replying I've got all them and Back ache I think I'm looking more into it but the pain in my back today has been horrendous X

    • Posted

      Im so scared I have an endoscope that I will be having this friday. I just want my symptoms to go away and feel normal. I'm 27 years old I been suffering from acid reflux since 21 but I think it got worse over the years

    • Posted

      Hi tabitha, the scope will be done in 10 mins flat, ask for sedative like I did, I know hoe u feel I'm 31 a d feel like 70, I've just had my ct scan as well so it's all come back clear, nothing other than gastritis but I do have something floppy in me that should be hard X good luck as keep me informed xx

    • Posted

      Thanks for your advice. I just can't wait to get this all cleared up. It's so annoying and hard to deal with. I just want to feel like myself again. I will let you know how the endoscopy goes.

  • Posted

    Yes it is possible to have back ache with gastritis. I too have chronic Gastiritis which was due to h pylori and I got the same pain which you are mentioning. Please go for endoscopy and get clarify.
    • Posted

      Hi I had the endoscopy on Friday and today I am going for a ct scan, I've got no h pylori but they have found gastritis and then something else but she didn't tell me the name of but its suppose to be firm but mines floppy

    • Posted

      As I doubted earlier you have gastritis. And please check the name of that something else from your doctors.

      Since gastritis is already confirmed, now you have to think about healing it, you have to start taking proton pump inhabitors to cure it.

      Recovery is slow journey and it takes time, so you have to have patience.

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