Gastritis and being unable to eat- is this normal?

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Towards the end of May I started to lose my appetite and wasn't able to eat as much as normal, I also kept feeling nauseous. I didn't think much of it at the time as I was doing a lot of running and thought it was just the exercise.

it progressively got worse to the point where I felt so sick I wasn't eating. I went to the GP and was told it was gastritis and given omeprazole to take once a day. I have stuck to a plain diet and am only really eating plain rice, homemade veg soup and plain omelette but it doesn't feel like I am getting any better.

My my main symptom is that I feel incredibly full after eating the tiniest amount such as half a banana. I have tried to eat little and often but I feel like the food just sits in my stomach and makes me feel sick. I have now lost 1 stone in 2 weeks and the weight is continuing to drop off me but I can't eat enough to sustain my weight. I've gone from being fit and active to being signed off work and unable to do anything.

Blood tests all came back normal so I'm being referred to a specialist, however in the meantime I feel like my whole life is on hold.

Has anyone else been unable to eat with gastritis? And are there any tips for reducing the uncomfortable feeling of fullness after any food? 

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    Hi Emily I had several of the same symptoms you are having.  The only one you didn't mention that I had was diarreha.  Just one day I ate a gluten free lunch (I have Celiac Disease) and within minutes it went right through me.  From there I couldn't eat anything.  I don't know what '1 stone' is but I lost 13 lbs in one week.  I have stayed at this weight for a month. I was belching a lot and my abdomen was very distended.  I had a full CBC bloodwork done, along with stool tests. Everything came back normal.  The doc put me on Prilosec (same as you), this helped with the belching.  But I still couldn't eat anything but chicken noodle soup and crackers.  I did get to the point where I was able to eat a very small amount of fruit.  Still not knowing what was causing all this, the doc put me on two different strong antibiotics.  My doc consulted with other doctors and they feel I may have a bacterial infection in my gut.  This cocktail of medications will kill any bacteria that might be in me.  I was also told to start a Probiotic, especially with the antibiotics, because unfortunately these not only kill the bad bacteria they also kill the good.  So the Probiotics will replace the good bacteria that gets killed while I am on these antibiotics.  Keep in mind that due to your weight loss your stomach has shrunk and cannot handle much food.  I'm having the same problem.  I've also read that once you have any kind of abdominal sickness, it takes a long time for the stomach and intestines to heal.  I hope you're able to find out what the problem is soon, I have sympathy for you, knowing how you are feeling.

    • Posted

      Hi sorry to hear you are also unwell, I hope you are on the mend now. How long was it till you started to feel better?

      Luckily I don't have any diarrhoea it seems isolated to just my stomach. I've lost 14lbs in 2 weeks so your weight loss is even more extreme! I am aware that my stomach will have shrunk from not eating although this feels like it's more than just that but I appreciate that this will be a factor.

      I hope the antibiotics work for you, I have been taking a probiotic just in case that will help.

      I think your right from what I've read it does sound like it will just take time, I think the problem is there is a lack of understanding from GPs as every one I've seen has said I should be back to normal now which makes it frustrating when you still feel rubbish.

      Thanks I hope you are feeling better now.

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      HI Angelgyrl

      ?I have just came across your post. I have been having the most awful 7 weeks, it  started where i felt sick every morning, then i felt sick most of the time, the thought of food was turning my stomach, i went to the doctor, they done blood tests all came back normal bar one which came up saying i had H pylori, I was given 2 lots of antibiotics for 7 days as well as  lansoprazole?, i did start feeling a little better whislt taking them but still felt as though something was stuck in my throat, i took them all and was told to double dose on the lansoprazole while on antibiotics, which i did,its been about 3 weeks since antibiotics and its been over a week that i stopped the lansops.  Soon as i stopped i started to get the heartburn back and diarreha, burping and backache, I'm also feeling sick but not actually being sick, I feel as though i am forcing myself to eat as i haven't got much of an appetite, though i am not sick after eating but i get full quick! I went back to the doctor on wednesday, thinking he may give me more lansops or something similar, instead he is sending me for an endoscopy but that could take weeks.  I'm just wondering if the antibiotics didn't work or the HP has returned as this morning I brought a small bit of yellow bile.  Did you have any more problems after the antibiotics?  You have put that it takes a long time for the stomach and intestines to heal? I wonder if mine have not healed as yet. I also suffer from IBS other than that i am normally healthy person.

      ?Sorry for rambling just after some advice.

    • Posted

      Hi kazza

      I'm so sorry to hear your story, but as our symptoms are quite similar I do sympathize with you!!!  First, to answer your questions; I've got three more days on the antibioics and all they've done is increase my diarrehea (like I needed that!).  I've had no improvement whatsoever with my symptoms.  The only things I can eat that cause the least amount of diarrehea is chicken soup and a banana, anything else and it's a full blow out.  It's been so bad several times that I haven't been able to get to the bathroom in time (and I have a small apartment) and I've soiled myself terribly.  I'm so over all this.  I've been in constant contact with my PCP and his PA and I believe they are at the end of their knowedge base regarding my issues.  So I've been referred to a gastroenterologist to have them take a look inside to see what they can see.  I surely hope they discover what is causing all this diarrehea.  I just want to be able to eat normally again.  All of my blood and stool tests (including H-pylori) came back negative so I honestly can't wait to find out what the problem is and what I can do to fix it.  

      Why did you say it would take weeks for you to get an endoscopy?  I'm really curious about that.  My referral was sent in on Thursday and I got a call from the gastroenterologists office on Friday to set up an appointment! I was really surprised that they called so fast!  But I think my PCP probably told them it was urgent for me to be seen, and it is.  This has been going on for three weeks now.

      It could be possible that your H-pylori has not gone away yet, has your doctor said he was going to do another stool test on you?  I would think he/she would to see if you still test positive for it.  How else would you know if it's gone?  I'm so sorry for your suffering, it's nice to know at least that we're in this together.  Please let me know how you're doing.

    • Posted

      16 0zes equals 1lb 14lb equals a stone xxxxxx

      Reading through all this makes me want to give up but im nog

      I hope your feeling better hugs 😀

    • Edited

      hi kazza,

      I know this was a long time ago, but I have very similar symptoms to you, particularly the back ache that very few others appear to have.

      I was just hoping you could update me on how you got on in the end? manage to get it under control? I have my endoscopy coming up so preparing myself.


    • Posted

      Hey Kazza. I think i am suffering from almost the same thing but this has been over 1 year and counting, moving from one hospital and doctor to the other, carrying out many tests, endoscopy, that which ends in the throat, the other that goes down to the intestines, i even did swallowing scan, a blood culture, a biopsis was done even HB Pylori, all, i mean all came out negative. I have been put on Pantoprazole. At some point in time i started eating freely, eating hard food but behold, i ate some spicy food, and that was it i went back to square one. For months now, i have been living solely on milk (yoghurt and smoothies). I dont know what to do now at this point in time. PS: I am based in France.

    • Posted

      I suffer with Autoimmune gastritis. It is very rare, so they may not have tested you for it. Ask the gastroenterologist about testing. Everyone is different in regards to which foods they can tolerate. I don't tolerate dairy products well. Sometimes I can tolerate hard cheeses. I drink unsweetened almond milk rather than regular milk. When I was first diagnosed oatmeal was the only thing I could tolerate. I moved on to adding fruits or Raw honey to the oatmeal. Eventually, you will be able to tolerate other things, but it is a slow process. There are many gastritis diets online. Try suggested foods. Eliminate those that bother you. Once your stomach heals some, you can add more things to your diet, but don't over do it.

    • Posted

      HI Derrickan,

      How are you at present ? I truly hope you're better !

      I've been in a terrible state like you were for 10 months. I can't eat anything .... so like you I've only been able to drink milk and eat yoghurt.

      Oats in particular always made me very very sick. It was the worst food for me.

      This is the 3rd time I have been in this terrible Gastritis state. The last 2 times I recovered and each time I WAS IN HEAVEN !!! Now back to square one . I of course often look at the internet - which I shouldnt do - as you get so much bad information on the internet - and it always says : No Milk No Yoghurt. But if you cant drink milk or yoghurt .... what then ??? I feel lucky I can at least eat something.

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    Hello Emily

    I sent you message in your private mail. Some reason moderator wouldn't allow it to be posted. Hope you get it

    • Posted

      Hi Emily, I feel your pain. I've been going through this for 7 months now. Lost 42 pounds. I've had almost every test that can be done. Still no answers. Turning in another stool test this morning. They are looking for parasite, due to the fact that i was in the Bahamas for a week in November. And became very sick after returning. I hope you get some answers soon! It can be very debilitating and wreck havoc on ones life style! Best of luck to you!!

  • Posted

    Hi Emily! How have you been feeling?  Any better yet?  Unfortunately I am no better.  Have been taking the antibiotics for four full days now and see no improvement at all.  I still have terrible diarrehea any time I try to eat.  Honestly, I have had several severe bouts where no matter how much I try to 'tighten up' I cannot stop it and have soiled myself terribly.  I've been in constant touch with the doctors (normal PCP and his PA) and I believe they are at the end of their knowledge regarding my problem.  I've been referred to a gastroenterologist and will see them next week.  I think it's time to take a look inside to see what we see.  The only thing I can consume that doesn't cause severe diarrehea, just a little bit, is chicken soup and a banana, but the weight loss continues.  Being physically disabled, I work a small part time job at a thrift store that employs young adults with autism and other intellectual developmental disabilities.  (It's awesome).  I work a 5/6 hour shift but I don't eat while I'm there because I'm afraid of having a 'blow out'!  So I wait until I get home.  With no food for energy my fatigue continues to get worse also.  My apartment is SO messy!!  I'm taking a Probiotic, Prilosec, and making sure I drink a lot of Gatorade or Propel to hopefully avoid dehydration.  I'll post again when I find out more from the gastro doctor.

    I really hope you're feeling better.  Let me know how you're doing!!!

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      You need to finish the course of antibiotics first before you can judge whether or nor they have helped.  The usual amount of time they prescribe them for is a week. Antibiotics can cause diarrhoea.  and upset stomach.  If you feel worse on them, see your regular doctor to change the medication.  Doctors temd to play down drug side effects.  The medication may be the cause.
    • Posted

      Hi Angel! I hope you're doing fine. My symptoms are similar to yours. Did you experience aby improvement ?

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