Gastritis and pain in spine

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I’m having really bad problems with chronic Gastritis, the nausea is terrible, burning sensation in my stomach all the time, been on numerous meds, I also have pain in my upper right quadrant, I’ve had two ultrasounds and their clear, I had the pain again the other night. I’ve had pain in my lower back right in the spine since the Gastritis started, I’ve now got really bad pain in the middle of my spine. I’m worried that the PPI’s  may have caused this, if not, can Gastritis cause pain in the spine? 😞

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes pain can radiate into your back and stimulate "your brain" to think its spine...

    Similar way people with hernia thinks they have hearth attack.

    How long time are you takin ppi? Whats the cause of your chronic gastritis?

    • Posted

      I’ve been taking PPI’s on and off for 2 years, I’m getting to the stage where I don’t feel well at all, I’m getting really tired, I’m always feeling sick, everything I eat affects me, I get daily heartburn, acid reflux, indegestion. My endoscopy showed inflammation of my stomach and small bowel. I’m stressed every day because I am always in pain with my stomach. They don’t know the cause of my Gastritis, or at least they haven’t mentioned it to me. I’m thinking it might be alcohol related, as I used to drink a fair amount of beer. 
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      Hi . those ppi meds are not to be taking for long periods. They can stop natural ways your stomach produces acid. That will ruin your system.
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      Yes, I know Fernando. Problem is, I’m in that much pain I don’t have any choice at times. I know it’s up to me to change my whole diet, I’ll need to get my act together, I hate meds. 
  • Posted

    Hi Gillian sorry to hear about your gastritis.I've just stop taking ppi s after being on them for 20 years.They do cause problems but never heard about pain in spine.Gastritis is horrible I'm suffering at the moment to.

  • Posted

    I have burning sensation at all the time as well.. just saying that you are not alone in this...

    It was destroying me.... every little pain i had my brain would be alert and i would try to asociate it with my condition... anxiety is normal.... but i am just not letting the thoughts go through my head....

    I am not much better but i have no more negative thoughts and if i feel pain i take it like a champ... it is what it is...

  • Posted

    Gas and particularly acute gas can make you think that you're having a heart attack. And yes PPIs can make gas worst. Try a teaspoon of baking soda in a half glass warm water to relieve gas by belching. You may have IBS A colonoscopy would help drtermine if you do. If you do I would advise staying off the PPI, they can make you feel good while on them or bad.

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      Been offered a colonoscopy, but refused for the reason my nephew died with a perforation after one. 😢

  • Posted

    hi I have gastritis I have had this for 3 months now I have been on ranitidine and still not worked I have got all the pains u have and been admitted to a and e many times and nothing thy can do I have had a endoscopy thy took a biopsy to see if I have h pylori but I have not got it the doctor said but still got all the pains

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