Gastritis? Anxiety? Or something else?

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Hi there. Firstly, thanks in advance for reading this.

For the second time in 12 months, I have started with a strange set of symptoms which is driving me mad.

In early March, I began to get a very acidic feeling in my stomach, as well as pain under the rib cage on both sides. I spoke to the GOP who suggested I had a mild touch of gastritis and suggested some dietary changes or a short course of medication should I choose. I went Yogurt/Fault mad for a week or 2 and it seemed to clear up. However, I was left with the following issues:

* Tingling in feet

* Dry mouth ( regardless of how much water I drink)

* Pain under the rib cage in both sides - like a belt of pain from lower rib to lower rib on both sides

* Fatigue

* If I have one alcoholic drink, I feel dehydrated and exhausted the following day

* Overeating - I am constantly craving food

* Intermittent pain just above where the kidneys sit ( both sides)

I worried it might be an issue with my pancreas/liver/ kidneys but an abdominal ultrasound showed nothing. The songrapher was very confident there was no issue as he said he had a perfectly clear view of all organs and would have been able to pick up on any anomaly.

My GP has run a couple of urine tests in the past few weeks which were clear. I have also had blood tests for full blood count, liver function, thyroid, U&E, b12, Folate and Diabetes and they are all normal.

The pain under the ribs is often notable after eating and sometimes radiates through to the back. The GP is suggesting there is nothing wrong with me and it might be stress related, but there seems to be a lot going on, particularly the dehydration and upper abdominal pain.

I suppose my ask is, can anyone relate to this or share any light at all as after 5 weeks of it, it is making me miserable and my GP no longer seems to be an avenue I can explore.



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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds like gastritis; an endoscopy would confirm it.  Gastritis can come and go.  Try a food diary to identify food triggers.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your response Pippa. Have you suffered similar? If so, are there any tips you could share?


    • Posted

      My troubles are IBS and GERD.   My IBS is managed by learning to relax and laugh more and the odd dose of Buscopan or nurofen.  I control my reflux with gaviscon or milk and avoid very spicy and fatty foods.  I have also had costochondritis which is rib cage pain and this went away on its own after three months.  It was very painful when I had it and was stress induced.
  • Posted

    Hi James yes I can. I had similiar for a while, constantly wanting to eat , dry mouth, unable to eat without pain, more down the left side but started with abdominal cramps. Everything I did eat went straight through me like water. Initially told it was gastroenteritis. Had CT colonoscopy, gastroscopy and sigmoidoscopy and it turns out it's diverticulitis. Hope you feel better soon

    • Posted

      Hi Carolyn. Thanks for this. The one thing that I have struggled to understand is the dry mouth link; so it was interesting to hear that you too had this symptom with an upper abdominal complaint.

      How did/do you treat/manage this. Also, what test diagnosed it?

      Again, I appreciate that based on the response it doesn't mean I have this, but equally, with my GP not seeming overly concerned, then any practical tips to managing abdominal/digestive disorders surely cant do me any harm.


    • Posted

      The sigmoidoscopy and dedicated CT colonoscopy. It's all about diet and antibiotics, ciprofloxacin for a week sorted out. Now having more fibre but low fibre while you have symptoms

    • Posted

      Hi sorry to jump in on your comment but I'm having problems with chronic diarrhoea. I wrote a post and someone else mentioned diverticulitis. Where is your pain on the left? And so you always get pain? I'm having a colonoscopy soon, would that pick it up? What is a ct colonoscopy?

  • Posted

    Hi james,

    It would be more helpful to us if you could tell how old are you?

    Next is, I highly recommend you to change your total lifestyle.You did not tell us that you could discuss related doctor or any endoscopy or Ultrasound Test. Please if you have time do an ultrasonography test.


  • Posted

    One thing I forgot to mention, another symptom I have struggled with is itching. It doesn't leave me with dry skin, cause me to draw blood nor does it leave a rash, it just demands a scratch and this is body wide.

    Notty queen - I am 35 years of age.

  • Posted


    I had all of this but I had my gallbladder removed and it left me disabled. So I wouldn't advise removing it!

    I know he checked your liver ect I had this then 3 weeks later I had gallstones that were notably large and appeared to have came from nowhere as they had the results that only 3 weeks earlier I had none!

    Hope you find out and feel well soon. If it gets to painful go to a walk in I got advised to as hospital said they couldn't find It so if a Dr saw me incredibly in pain he'd be able to pick out straight away what it was

  • Posted

    Have you had a test to check you're blood sugar? Some symptoms sound like diabetes. I'm having problems with diarrhoea and living on imodium. I get some pain on my left side more in the kidney area. I've been suffering with dry mouth and throat. It comes and goes though. I'm having a colonoscopy. I'm more worried about my pancreas though. Try to take comfort from your ultra sound results. That's very reassuring. Could be acid?

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