Gastritis - Constant severe stomach pain
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I wondered if anyone could help me, since about January 2013 I have on and off had a dull ache in my stomach, sometimes flaring up to make me feel sick. I actually put this down to anxiety however in the past few weeks my theory has changed.
About three weeks ago my stomach flared up however to the worst pain I have experienced as yet, made me feel like I was going to be sick constantly and made me not know what to do with myself. I feel like there is a lump in my thought and my stomach feels tender and swollen when flares up feels like my stomach is on fire/knotted up!
The pain was so sever I went to the doctors (2 and a half weeks ago), my doctor felt my stomach and said it felt swollen, I told her the symtoms and she says she thinks I have gastritis and prescribed me with Lansoprazole 30mg tablets to take daily for 1 month, this however to date hasn't helped my stomach at all, the flare up comes and goes however the pain in my stomach is constant and the Lansorprazole is causing terrible upset stomach to the point I am worried to not be near a toilet.
I went back to the doctors on Tuesday 22/10 explained all of the above to her and she said I am to keep taking the tablets and she is happy to see me again in November (once the months course has been taking) however im in dispear with this pain HAD ENOUGH OF FEELING ILL and can't help but think the worse
Has anyone experienced symptoms same as above as I feel extremely on my own shouting and no one understanding what im going though
Comments greatfully received.
19 likes, 392 replies
leanne91209 jenny33426
Hiya in so glad Iv found this post Iv also been suffering with the same symptoms feels like there's a lump in my stomach at the top in the middle my pain also moves around sometimes in my right side sometimes left this all started when I had my daughter delivered by c section but over the years the pain has got worse bad wind burning sensation pain like Iv banged my stomach but haven't mine always gets worse when I am due on my monthly cycle about the week before and then when Mother Nature comes it disappeares Iv had blood test /ultrasound /MRI scan and different tablets and nothing works im starting to work my self up as it's on my mind all the time
leaona36820 leanne91209
susan79360 jenny33426
Hi jenny. I have had a similar problem for 6 years with no diagnosis. My pain is severe and I have had it for 8 weeks non -stop this time. I have had all the tests, but now I have them all over again. I'm on ranitadine an osemeprazole, but they don't do much. Tell your doc you want to be referred to a gasterenterologists. For tests. I drink ginger and lemon tea for the nausea and suck crystalised ginger .
sophie40794 jenny33426
Yes your not alone I suffer this too every so often I feel drained with it stomach flairsbup swollen to the point I think I’m going to pop trapped wind ?? absolutly cramping pains in back stomach can hear the wind in stomach poop cream colour I thought it was because I’m taking fat burners still not sure but I drank sea salt water two table spoons and warm water it helped go toilet but I’m still in agony going to try fybogel tomorrow will let u no if works I no the pain 3 days I’ve been crying and wanting to be sick it feels like food stuck just under my breast so tight and stomach massive Xx
sophie17667 sophie40794
hi everyone so nice to find this thread !!! And that it's still going talk to me everyone ! I have the same problem I've had it about a month now upper abdomen bloating and pain that doesn't really go away it will settle abit and I get good days but it's swelled up tonight for no reason I've had such a bland meal tried cutting things out of my diet and nothing's working I'm on ranitidine atm which does help a small amount but the dull ache is still there ... I'm going back to the doctors tomorrow I'm so fed up of this constant pain it's getting me down anyone found relief? Doctors think it's gastritis
annaf36 jenny33426
Just wondering if your still experiencing gastritis pain? I am currently having extreme burning pain. Meds aren’t helping. In fact my symptoms are getting worse. Thanks
chris41971 jenny33426
I can't believe there are so many people with similar symptoms that are being undiagnosed. I've had the symptoms for about 3 weeks and have been scouring the internet looking for answers. My dull pain mostly on my right side under my liver, pulses on and off all day for no reason. I'm being set up for a colonoscopy. Not sure what that will show. The pain is more annoying than anything and is sometimes accompanied by a wave of heat throughout my stomach area. Obviously for most of us, the pain just doesn't feel organ failure or something not right.
I don't drink or smoke. I need to exercise more, but I eat pretty healthy. Lots of fruits and veggies, healthy meat, barely any sugar, no caffeine and organic whenever possible. I drink almost strictly filtered water.
I've done a lot of research on fasting and intermittent fasting having great success in resetting your gut and microbiome. I just ate my last meal (6oz. Flank steak, steamed broccoli and some fresh fruit) at 2pm today. I'm going to fast for 24 hours and then eat 6oz of protein and about 18oz of steamed vegetables and then fast again for 24 hours. Then do intermittent fasting where I only eat betterment noon and 6pm and fast the other 18 hours. Eating only small protein portions and unlimited steamed vegetables during that 6 hours.
From what I've been reading and researching, it should hopefully solve the problem unless I actually have some type of serious issue. I'm 6'6" 230lbs so fasting isn't it's all a mindset. All you feel is hunger and your brain trying to make you give up and eat. I can deal with that.
I'll report back as I make it through my fasting test. In the mean time, good luck to everyone trying something to help themselves. .
chris41971 jenny33426
I would just like to say to anybody who found themselves here reading all these posts that sound very familiar to your own symptoms. To please do yourself a HUGE favor and research SIBO and a naturopathic doctor who specializes in IBS/SIBO named Dr. Jason Klop. His page and seminars are free, you just need to sign up for them from his Facebook page. What we are all dealing with, are the results from poor dietary choices we made in our lives, that have caused certain things to happen in our bodies, incorrectly. This is completely 100% reversible with modifications to your diet, which will create the changes needed in your digestive system, which will then alleviate everything from cramps, pain, diarrhea, constipation, sinus issues, migraines, headaches etc...
Don't cheat yourself out of this opportunity to finally right your ship. This IS the answer. No medicine is going to help you. You don't need your doctor to do this. You likely have small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).
Bridget123 jenny33426
I don't know if anyone is still reading these responses, but I also have this Mysterious stomach pain. I did actually get diagnosed with H-Pylori about 4 years ago and took the massive amounts of antibiotics to cure it. But i am still having this chronic stomach pain. I've had an endoscopy, ultrasound, gallbladder check. Everything clear. I have tried reading many articles to try and pinpoint the issue. Eating foods that are not too hot or too spicy, cut out coffee. Stay relaxed and not stress out. Every time i think i have it figured out it will mysteriously pop up out of the blue. BUT I have reduced the pain from once a month to just once every couple of months.
My doctor prescribed me HYOSCYAMINE for STOMACH SPASMS. THIS HAS BEEN A LIFE SAVER. They are small pills that dissolve under the tongue and the pain will be completely gone with an hour. HOWEVER timing is important because there have been some times i have taken it and it doesn't fully work but it does lessen the pain.
WHEN THE PAIN STARTS, I don't eat anything until the pain goes away I ONLY have sips of water or lemon water. Unfortunately sometimes I will go hours without eating but its worth it because having even a crumb will make my stomach hurt worse. So after hours of only drinking water the pain will start to subdue and then once I feel less or no pain I only have liquid food like Milk, yogurt or cream of chicken soup but don't chug it because you are starving, just take a small spoonful and wait a few minutes to see if it brings the pain back, if not you are safe to eat liquids. I don't eat solid foods until the next day. Also if I am home while waiting for pain to go away it makes my back feel like there is a dagger stabbing me right in the middle. I lay down on my left side with a heating pad on my back and try to take a nap, this is helpful in reducing pain as well.
I hope this helps someone. Its not a cure, but how I have managed to reduce and deal with this pain for the last 4 years. I hope to go to the doctor this coming year and see a specialist and allergy doctor and hopefully one day get a real diagnosis of what is happening to our stomachs!!!
barbara65928 jenny33426
I was so relieved to findthis post & all the other discussions on this topic !! I have the same upper abd. Pain, the nausea, the feeling in my tummy like theres a heavy ball in there, then it just aches and all of this has been going on for over a year. Same as so many others, all tests done to date are negative, yet the symptoms remain. Next test is upper GI, but they wanted $1000 before they would schedule it, even with my ins., so haven't been able to have that one. In the mean time, im o n Carafate, protonex, pepcid, mylanta and a probiotic. A friend recently sent me a link about a Kombucha drink. Its a fermented cold drink found in a grocery store. I added that to my arsenal and have had a calming down down of the terrible pain and nausea! I've been a nurse for 36 years but this has me stumped, as well as my doctors. Thank you so much for your posts, i dont feel so all alone in my battle. I will research the other recommendations also. My sister gave me a soup recipethat helps with gallbladder issues, but i did get a good result using it: 2 zucchini 's, 20 green beans, one bunch parsley, & 4-5 stalks of celery. Steam these together for about 10 mins., then puree. I would eat this for lunch and dinner for about 2 days, and the relief was amazing. I slowly add tolerable foods back in as tolerated. For me this works. Im 5 days into my latest flare up, so will make the soup in addition to everything else (meds) and hope for relief. I wish us all relief in whatever works for us!
mary40992 jenny33426
I've felt nauseated everyday for months, but when I ate it did seem to help. This was about 10 years ago. At that time I was told to get my Vitamin D checked. It was very low, and I begin to get Vitamin D shots, and I was so surprised did it help, a lot. And to my surprised my fingernails even begin to grow. I always assumed I was one of those people whose nails just didn't grow. I also had acid re-flux and got on medicine. My stomach still gets upsets from time to time but nothing like it was before. I don't know if this helps, but I wish you all the best.
gaby11465 jenny33426
nicki14652 jenny33426
kelliesherriff jenny33426
hi my name is kellie sherriff my pain been going on for about 2 1/1 years now. It all started with about of gastro that caused the lining of my gut to spasms. Put now I am still waiting for answers I recently just had ecoli posioning that made my guts angry and I lost 7 kgs in under a week through diarrhea and vomiting. I got to be careful what I eat also like deep fried chips from a home cooker with old oil it will make me vomit and my gut spasm. my gut spasms when ever it want to I could be having a conversation with my mum or sister and it spasms or goes as hard as a board. I am still waiting to see a gastroenteriris dr cause my gp has done all she can do by giving me collet tablets for spasms which 95% of the time they don't work. thanks for listening to my story