Gastritis, could it have healed and re-flared?

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Very fed up, been suffering a variety of problems, upper stomach pain, right side pain and reflux for best part of this year with no diagnosis.

My question is re the reflux, I was taking Lansoprazole until a few wks ago. It didn't seem to be helping my symptoms, right side stomach pain.... so I stopped. Fast forward a few wks and the burning stomach/heartburn is worst it's ever been. Hit me like a ton of brick, with vomiting including small amount of blood.

Just before I stopped taking Lansoprazole, about 2 months ago, I had an endoscopy which found nothing. Could I have had gastritis which healed and has now flared up again after i stopped?

I am also waiting of a CT scan of my intestines after an inflammation of bowel lining was noted. 

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6 Replies

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    I think when you are taking ppis like lansoprazole etc the problem can get worse if you stop taking them because your stomach will produce more acid again.Gastritis can re-occur at any time but you shouldn't be vomiting blood,I really think you should tell this to your doctor as soon as possible
  • Posted

    Have you had a scan to check if your gall bladder is ok, could account for the pain, and reflux.  Wondering how long youve been taking omprazole for. lve been taking them for the last few month following scope showing a bit of gastritus, sent for scope due to persistent nausea for months, but had used cimetidine for years following reflux diagnoses. Now read of many talking about long term problems with omprazole, and they or my drastic change of diet have settled the nausea, but also wondering about coming off omprazole slowly and see how it goes. Vomiting is going to put a strain on your stomach on top of rest of symptoms, but the blood in it does need checking out, and it could be connected to bowel inflammation, more so if you get diarreah.

    You could check out bowel probs thread to see if inflammation of bowel can have simular symptoms, or check out gastritus, tell doc whats going on and see if they can rush ct for you, best wishes

  • Posted

    It's a bit of a story, i'll try be brief. Have always suffered from heartburn/indigestion but it began to impact my life so i visited GP. Presribed ranitidine, took if for 8wks didn't help. Saw GP again, prescribed omeprazole, took it for 6 weeks didn't help & pain in middle stomach was very bad. Presribed lansoprazole & ended being off sick, at times I nearly went to a&e through the night but soldiered on. Was referred for ultrasound as by this time the pains were right side mostly & upper stomach.

    Masses were seen on my liver, had an MRI, these eventually diagnosed as cysts and two hemangiomas. I do know that one is 5 cms is a typical (originally thought to be an adenoma) and involves the gallbladder bed. I don't think they've looked any further at gall bladder though.

    Endoscopy after 6wks of lansoprazole saw nothing of concern just a small polyp. No h-plyori.

    I had to bager the consultant to see me again as despite the above the pain is still there & has been terrible since June. Frequent back pain, as if i've done a full day hard labour after small tasks. right side rib pain. The newly horrendous burning pain is new in the last few wks. Stomach pains like period pains also which I've guessing is the bowel thing. I have a ct scan on Fri after a letter in post telling me re bowel inflammation (tests were taken 4 weeks ago).

    So I guess I will just need to keep badgering the consultant. If any more bloody vomit I might call NHS24 i think.... it's a bit scary.

    • Posted

      l dont really understand the info about the liver, but do know its connected to gall bladder and your pain does sound like gall bladder pain, l guess the burning could also be connected re acid, l used to have terrible heartburn, really uncomfortable, untill my gall bladder removed, end of, and l didnt have stones, inflammation  chocylitus.

      again connection with bowel, l had a bowel scope before they did gall bladder. You know there are many post that have been declared all clear by scans, some it might be down to diet etc, but some do have serious problems that just havent been found diagnosed, sorry that we have to be pushy, probably more so now due to changes cuts. l wasnt for many years despite frequent pain and poor health, l didnt even get a referral, l,d a very poor gp, finally a visiting gp referred me and with scope finally got diagnosis of intersticial cystitus, relieved to know and get treatment that did settle 90percent symptoms and improve lifestyle, but l cant get them years back for me husband or kids, also affected.  So l,d advice anyone now with persisting pain ill health, to not rule out stress related, but also push for consultant.So hope you get some answers with your scan,l think its same sort of  ologist who do gall bladders also, let him know about the rib area pain and blood in vomit, Hope its not too bad till Friday and that brings results. 


    • Posted

      Thank you Lynn I that's really helpful.

      Sorry to hear of your own struggles, I hope these are mostly in the past now. Bring on Friday!

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