Gastritis diagnosis but worried it may be more....

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Hi all so I have been having horrible symptoms for a few months now since May this year, it started with a gnawing pain in my upper middle abdomen then I got a melanoma scare that turned out to just be a mole we’ll ever since that diagnosis I have literally thought I’ve had every cancer I have horrible periods and cramping in my lower abdomen around that time of the month that I thought I had cervical or ovarian cancer I was in such a panic for 2 months straight that my body was starting to suffer. After all my tests for cervical and ovarian cane back good with only find being a cyst on my right ovary I started to notice my upper abdomen pain never went away I was also having some minor lower back pain I also noticed my stool were floating which I had never even really looked at my poop before so have no idea if it was a new symptom or not. Well they’ve been floating ever since and every time I go to the bathroom which I found out gallbladder removal can make that happen and I had mine out when I was in my early 20s. So I made an appt with a GI and they think I’m crazy because I went in there convinced I had pancreatic cancer my pain was starting to happen on the left and right sides and my lower back pain was still softly there. So they scheduled me for an endoscopy instead because they said they have to eliminate more common things first. So far from the endoscopy I was diagnosed with slight gastritis but still waiting for biopsies to come back for the rest. Well after the endoscopy the GI sent me for an ultrasound and there was nothing showing wrong it was able to see portions of my pancreas liver and spleen as well as kidneys. Not even a fatty liver was detected. Since then I’ve developed and all over back pain that I feel in certain spots throughout the day with my lower back hurting more but it also hurts everywhere in my back. I’m so scared something might be more wrong then just gastritis but also not sure if I’m just being overly anxious still. If you’ve read this far thank you so much. I’m also a 30 year old female who is overweight. 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Sounds just like health anxiety. Same thing happened to me after I got a heart disease scare years ago. The fact that you have symptoms jumping all over the place says something. Anxiety can impact digestion and make random pains appear throughout your body. A ultrasound would be able to pick up tumours. Plus, pancreatic cancer is considered rare, especially for people under 40. Gastritis can easily cause the abdomen pain you experienced when this all started. I think you are all right.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for replying. The back has been worrying me lately as it’s pretty painful sometimes but I know you’re probably right. My anxiety is awful sometimes. 
  • Posted

    Accept your gastritis diagnosis since nothing else has been found; back pain goes with gastritis. Your health anxiety will make your symptoms worse.  Keep off fatty, rich and spicy foods and eat blandly.  Concentrate on hobbies and light exercise to distract you from your worries and your gastritis.

    The tests you have had are extremely accurate and would have picked up anything sinister.  Since nothing bad showed up, this is good for you!

    I had the exact same heath anxieties as you for three and a half months three years ago.  I worried myself sick every day until my IBS diagnosis.  Once I got answers, my health anxiety cleared up and my IBS got a lot better.  Trust what you doctor has told you, acceot your test results and your gastritis which can be managed and in some cases it can clear up.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for the reply. I know I have to accept it because at least I was diagnosed with something. I do wake up in panic almost every morning so I’m sure that is making my back pain a lot worse. And it does go away when I am up and walking around. 

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