Gastritis flare ups
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Hi friends,
My digestion has been the most challenging. I get gastritis flare ups and I want to know if anyone has any suggestions on what they do when it flares up? Mine is bad as the acid reflux hits my vagus nerve and then it causes spasms that feel like heart palpitations that last for hours. Yuck!!!!
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Sochima822 shara04249
Eating green apples helps, but the best way to combat the acid reflux is to eat raw cabbage 2-3times a day. Just eat a leaf or 2 per 2-3 times/day. However, if you juice it you'll get rid of a lot sooner. I juice 1/4 cabbage with 1/2 an apple. Drink it 2-3 times a day by the end of the week it'll be gone. This is how I got rid of my gastritis/acid reflux issue. Or if you prefer otherwise, just take antacid pills that will only make it worse with time.
shara04249 Sochima822
CarolKelso shara04249
Hi Share....i am the same as you...flair up of wind and neasea and was only on this forum yesterday complaining about has beem the worst symptom for me also like a feel like i caught a bug.....but i am feeling better on the whole or there are bigger gaps between episodes . I got a probiotic tablet from health store and my bowel is much better. I take one each day and really notice a difference. For my tummy i got a tablet for boots (UK), there own brand for wind relief amd they settle my tummy so always carry them in my handbag...and ive tried everything. This is all due to a slowing down of our gut....its awful and debilitating...
Hang tight. You are not alone and hope you feel better soon. CK
sharcerv52408 CarolKelso
What is the name of the tablet you take for tummy issues and where can I find it?
CarolKelso sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 shara04249
Oh my God!!! Thank you so much for posting this!!! I couldn't figure out what that was flickering like a shorted out wire in my upper chest near my neck. I always thought it was heart related too and then my anxiety would kick in. But I have a stethoscope and BP cuff at home and one time when I had that sensation I listened to my heart at the same time and it was beating normally and so was my pulse; not at all like the sensation I was feeling. But I never knew what it was that was doing that. It makes sense that it would be the vagus nerve because I usually have this reaction when I have anxiety or when I have heartburn/gastritis. So thank you for helping me come to the conclusion of what this annoying thing is.
lori93950 shara04249
katyD211 shara04249
lori93950 katyD211
Guest shara04249
I have a whole arsenal of natural remedies that I go to first: marshmallow tea helps with acid and DGL chewable licorice tabs coat the stomach and the esophagus. I also take a capsule that is a combination of aloe vera, marshmallow and slipper elm bark. It's called Aloe Vera Plus+ and it's produced by Whole Foods.
When those remedies don't help, I will take a Zantac and that will calm the acid. When it is awful (burning in chest and upper back), Gaviscon is the only thing that will keep the acid down.
It's terrible when it rears up because it impacts everything - sleeping is difficult and eating is awful. I have to limit so many foods when it is bad. Hopefully some of these will work for you as well!
shara04249 Guest
I can tell you really did your homework to go as homeopathic as possible too. I have all your arsenal. I have yet to try Zantac in fear of rebound. Does it work fast and can you just take it here and there with flare ups?