Gastritis..? H.Pylori..? Ulcer..? All in my head..? :(

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Hello, my names Andy. I'm 22, 6ft 1", 12 stone (last time I was weighed -5 months ago I think) I don't drink alcohol at all, I don't ever eat spicy food & I think in all my life I've smoked about 3 cigarettes the last one being on new years eve 2011. I also have Ulcerative Colitis, I was diagnosed with that via colonoscopy in October 2012, however I've lived with the symptoms on and off for the last 4 years. Other than that I'm fine... well not recently anyway. sad

It all seemed to start about just over a month ago when I was stressed out and nervous about almost everything in my life. I started missing the occasional meal, or eating one at an odd time or too late. I've always eaten a lot, not too much, but a lot. My diet has never been top notch, but I wouldn't say it was awful.

Anyway I was getting stressed about things in late August and like I said my eating habits were thrown wildly off for about a week. But then it became two weeks & then three sad And before I knew it I was feeling sick,nauseous and weak. I had a heavy feeling stomach and couldn't bring myself to eat much. My stomach would complain that I wasn't eating and I would get really bad hunger rumblings that would be quite nauseating, but then if I did eat something I would feel sick. sad

I found myself in the doctors and her diagnosis was stress induced Gastritis, which I had never heard of before. I wasn't really told too much about Gastritis, but I was told to basically try and de-stress myself & get myself eating again. I was also given some tablets called Lansoprazole(?) I was supposed to have one a day, which I did. So I took all 28 of them and have now been off them for about 5 days.

I feel as though the Lansoprazole didn't do much, if anything at all. After having been on them for a week I ended up back in the doctor's office for a follow up to see how I was doing. At that point I was more or less eating again, (still not my normal amount though) and my stomach didn't feel too bad anymore. So my doc said "ok well finish the course of tablets and you should feel better" and that was that.

I didn't really manage to "de-stress" in the end, if anything I was getting more stressed. I ended up looking up Gastritis on the internet, which I will say right now was a mistake sad I ended up reading about stomach cancer among other stuff.

On top of this constant nausea,to make it all a little worse I had stopped taking my Mesavant tablets for my Colitis because of a silly fear that the combination of those and the Lansoprazole would make me feel ill. sad So for about a week or two I've had a slight flare up of my Colitis sad

Anyway I have not been on the lansoprazole now since last friday. My stomach still hates me and I've been feeling nauseous pretty much every day. I've made myself take my Mesavant Colitis tablets again but I know from experience that that SHOULD clear up in a week or two. I have been much better with my eating habits, I've made myself eat even though I haven't always wanted to. I've eaten more this week than I think I did all last month. However I ended up having an emergency appointment with my doctor on monday morning sad I got up, felt more or less alright, had some cornflakes and before I knew it, it was as if my stomach had grown a fist and was trying to get out of my body. It was the most discomfort I've felt since this all started so I was in a bit of a panic to say the least.

Another thing to point out is that I have noticed an odd sensation this week. And that is that when I feel hungry, my stomach seems to struggle gurgling. Its hard to explain sad My stomach doesn't seem to rumble as much anymore, but if it does it is VERY "deep" and it feels rather more horrible than it used to normally. Also I've not been burping as much as I used to (if that's relevant at all), even though a lot of the time it feels like I need to burp. When I DO burp however its always a small pathetic one that doesn't relieve anything sad

Anyway I told my doctor about how the lansoprazole gave me a bit of relief, but my appetite wasn't great still. I said that I had nausea still and a heavy feeling in my stomach and that I couldn't seem to notice a pattern. By that I mean I can't tell if my stomach is aggravated by certain foods etc. I told her that I hadn't been taking my Colitis tablets & I more or less got told off sad rightly so I think in a way, I've just made things a little worse for myself sad

My doctor gave me some anti-emetics I think they're called Cyclizine(?) I've been on 2 or 3 of those a day since Monday. I think they've given me peace of mind if nothing else. The Doc booked me in for some blood tests which were taken today. The results should come in by next week apparently. My doctor is still certain that this is all because I get so stressed out, but I'm going in circles here sad I have still never vomited throughout this ordeal, which I'm assuming is good...? sad But this nausea is just crippling me.

I asked my doctor if maybe I needed to cut out dairy or gluten from my diet but she said "no you need to eat" My doctor is lovely but that felt very dismissive of her sad To be honest though if I DID cut out dairy and gluten I feel like I would be left with nothing to eat sad

My appetite is pretty much back, but its nothing like it used to be. It's very depressing I have to say. I'm not going out anymore because even walking around seems to make my tummy feel bad. I don't even want to imagine what would happen if I ever got on a bus or a train, I've never really been susceptible to motion sickness before... but then my stomach has never felt like its dying on me before sad

What I've been left with is a recurring sensation that's like a brick in my stomach in the middle area under my ribs. Whenever I'm hungry my stomach feels too weak to tell me so. But then I'll feel just sort of sickly a little while after eating. I wouldn't say I've been in pain as such, more of a nauseating discomfort. I'm annoyed at myself that I've read through pages and pages of the internet for what might be wrong with me. I know I should trust my doctor, she knows what's up after all, but I'm just a little sceptical since she didn't perform any kind of tests on me, apart from her lying me down and feeling my abdominal region in a few places.

Right now I'm in a horrible position of waiting for my blood tests to come back to me. I don't even know what they are looking for or what they might find? What if hey find something bad? What if they find nothing at all & tell me I'm fine when I might feel no better or worse even? The nurse took about 3 phials of blood out of my arm and I remember the doctor saying they would do a general blood count or something... and look at my liver funcions for some reason..? sad I don't know. Can Gastritis be confirmed through a blood test?

My doc said she didn't think I had an ulcer, (or cancer). But this H. Pylori thing, (I've done my reading to say the least) If I DO have Gastritis that seems like the only reason to me how I would have it. I've read though that some people have Gastritis/H. Pylori for years and sometimes it might never go away and then could perhaps lead to ulcers which then lead to cancer anyway sad If I was to feel like this for any more than a few more weeks I feel like my life will be destroyed & I might end up in hospital...

On the other hand I suppose this COULD be all due to anxiety and extreme stress, but I can't seem to make any progress, I'm in a vicious circle & it's upsetting me sad I miss eating the food I used to eat & I miss not worrying about myself so much sad I'm sorry this is a ridiculously lengthy post & if anyone has actually read through it all I'd like to say thank you. Perhaps leave me any advice? Or even a kind word or two? I feel like I'm at the end of my tether. If I do indeed have Gastritis, what should I do to help myself? If I have H.Pylori what would that mean for me?



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    Hi Andy my name is Oscar im 17 years old and I have read everything you have wrote and I am also going through the similar thing you are going through I have had stomach pain and ache and none of my medication of Omeprazole and Ranitidine seem to work. I have had this pain for 7 weeks now and it does not go away, its been really hard and frustrating for me since I do sports such as Cross Country, Soccer, and Track & Field I have had to avoid running I been trying to run but I just cant run as I used to because the pain comes in when I start running or working out. I also get hungry a lot especially when im in school, the pain gets worse if I do not eat the only way to stop the stomach pain is by eating but then it comes back after. I have been to the doctor and hospital so many times but they tell me the same thing everytime that its stress gastritis inflamation in my stomach. I have been tested blood tests, CT scan, and tested for pylori but it appeared I had nothing at all. I have been demanding the doctor for a endoscopy which is also a gastroscopy and she has told me I have to take omeprazole and rantitidine and if does not work she will prescribe me new medication. I have took so much medication anti-acids nothing seems to work my doctor has been strict not wanting to send me to a gastro specialist to do me a endoscopy because she says its stress. I have been demanding for to get referred to get send to specialist and she finally did me a referral which will take about two weeks to arrive. I wanted to know Andy how did your appointment go with the specialist? Did you get a gastroscopy? Did they find anything? Were you given new medication? How are you feeling now? If you dont mind sharing. Thanks.
  • Posted

    Hi Andy, very sorry to hear all the pain and discomfort you're in. I am like you with similar symptoms and went on the same journey. May I suggest you look at alternative medicines to ease your symptoms. I have been prescribed PPI's and they had a REALLY bad effect on me! I then turned to natural medicines and I have to be honest when I say they are working. Research Mastic Gum and look at the benefits. Also look at probiotics. I have changed my diet radically and eat cabbage, broccoli, sprouts etc. I realise these types of vegetables cause bloating but after a week my stomach has accepted them and the wind and bloating has subsided. I have 2 probiotics a day, 1 in the morning and one before bed. This has helped ALOT. My symptoms which were similar to yours have now gone. Also look up the benefits of bananas. All the food I have mentioned are good for gastritis and colitis. I hope this may assist. Good luck.
  • Posted

    Hi Andy

    I am 22 years old. I started the symptoms you described about three years ago - after being on a antibiotic called roacutane - I repeatedly went for tests and and to the doctors but they just said you have gastritis and that's it. They then said it may be an intolerance to wheat. So I cut this out my diet.. Six months later I felt no better I was feeling lethargic, depressed, bad ance, constantly burping, bloatedness...etc.

    two months ago I went to my friend who has a bio residence machine, she hooked me up to this and as I suspected the machine said I did not have a wheat intolerance. It said I had no good bacteria in my gut, and it said I had bacteria called HPYLORI, a small stomach ulcer and LEAKY GUT/DYSBIOSIS.

    If you have the above symptoms then I recommend finding someone who has a bio residence machine. It tells you what you lack and what you need.

    In my case I need to remove the bad bacteria - hpylori and then put in the good bacteria.

    Swedish bitters remove bacteria from your gut, and then probiotics - I take 120billion organisms a day - help to put the good bacteria in your gut.

    I went 2 months with no sugar and coffee or processed food and this helped and last week for two days I felt normal but I was stupid and thought I was better and ate loads of sugar and coffee.. Unfortunately I'm back to square one again now.. Feeling seriously lethargic, STARVING all the time but as soon as I eat I feel sick.

    Today I got more supplements... Probiotics and glutamine and leafy elm.

    I am going to go to a nutionalist too to see if they can recommend anything.

    DO NOT take any of the crap the doctors give you it just has chemicals in which will only mask the problem. You need to get to the root cause, which to me sounds like hpylori bacteria which if not treated WILL lead to a stomach ulcer like me and to leaky gut.

    I'm not a doctor but I know the hell your going through cause I feel the same, it's sick and tiring and unfair and I strongly suggest you go on a bio residence machine as the NHS WONT recognise leakygut / hpylori / dysbiosis so head ups.

    Oh and endoscope is the worst thing ever I wouldn't recommend it to am enemy- if you have to have it make sure they put you to sleep!!

    Good luck smile update me


  • Posted

    I hate to add to the sob story but I have also been suffering

    Exactly the same symptoms. Bad burps that if I dont get out can lead to being unable to breath correctly.

    feeling of being lethargic, worn out and generally in bad shape.

    Can I ask did anyone get it from going on holiday? Me and 6 mates went to Grand Caneria, I got it the worst but 2 of my other mates also have whatever it is.

    I have had blood tests including for HPYLORI which came back fine. Ultrasound fine, Stool test fine. Is it worth now doing a camera down my throat and a allergy test. I have been on lanzoprazel for 3 months like you guys, it gives me relief but im still not the same as I was before.

    Im feeling like it would be more use asking my nan to get out her medical dictionary and diagnose me than go back to the doctors again, im down there more than my best friends lol.

    I cant eat pizza, bread or drink anymore. Have cut gluten out my diet 2 weeks ago to no avail.

    I have had a few nights out drinking but have not been able to get out of bed for 3 days after. Im 31 and a little at my witts end,

    Oh It first came on with a week of intense roughness, I was on holiday and after day 2 I was in bed. trying to throw up but nothing coming out, burping continually, exhaustion. Now the burping is less frequent but seems to linger longer, Its almost as if its lodged half way up my throat. Its been 6 months and would try anything to get rid of it

  • Posted

    Hi Kelty,

    It wasn't after a trip I suffered this but after a Christmas party! Not a great deal of drinking but enough to make you feel a little rough the next morning.

    I am only just starting to feel better. It’s taken a complete change of diet cut out alcohol :o( and no bread at all. Like you I can’t eat pizza or any tomato based products as it makes me want to throw up.

    My body feels constantly tired and this is not like me at all. I have had to stop the PPI's and this took about 2 - 3 weeks to get out of my system. It appears according to the tests I have had I do not have H Pylori so I have no idea what’s caused my issues.

    I also have to admit the whole experience has really left me shaken almost with anxiety, something that I have never had in the past. Also has left me with headaches and spells of light headedness and dizzy. A very strange and unnerving feeling.

    You may want to do some research around gastritis and have a look at some of the super foods which can assist. Try drinking water, add good leafy greens to your diet and look up the benefits of mastic gum.

    I hope that helps and I wish you well.

  • Posted

    I didn't think about giving up tomatoes that might not be a bad idea.

    I've been watching the walking dead and I think it's happening (just kidding),

    What kind of super foods would you recommend.

    I know alcohols deff of the diet for a while

  • Posted

    Hey everybody, me again

    I didn't ever think this post would ever get such a response, I really do appreciate everybodys input and support much love to u all smile

    Anyway, BIG update

    It's been about a week now since I finished my steroid treatment for my Colitis flare up, but my bowel movements have been nice and normal now since mid February *SO HAPPY* :D

    I had my Endoscopy and Colonoscopy done about 4 weeks ago, my Colonoscopy revealed a Total Pancolitis, which means that my whole large intestine had been inflamed, the biopsies confirmed that I DO have Colitis not Crohn's (something I was panicking about)

    Having the two procedures straight after each other at 8:30am wasn't fun. The prep was typically the worst part, like always. The Endoscopy restricted me from eating pretty much all the day beforehand & I had to down the bowel prep drink for the Colonoscopy ...BLEEUURGH!!! haha, it wasn't that bad actually. You know what they say, "3rd times a charm" I tolerated the bowel prep a Hell of a lot better this time, I actually finished it & didn't gag, like at all, I was really surprised & proud with myself smile

    Anyway I didnt really handle the Endoscopy well, the throat numbing spray didn't seem to do the trick I thought. I was given a pretty high dose of the sedation through my hand & I felt pretty drunk after about 10 seconds which was cool, but the feeling didn't last long. Once the camera was in there I for some reason was unable to stop swallowing sad I couldn't really feel anything but the whole situation was really quite unpleasant. The nurses looking after me were really really nice, they could tell how nervous I was.

    I felt like the camera was stuck in my throat when actually, I learned later on that they did get to my stomach. At one point the nice nurse sitting by my head said to me "If you want us to stop sweetheart just raise your hand" & without thinking I did so. If I had known that the camera was all the way into my stomach I would have been a bit braver & let them finish sad oh well hindsight is a great thing.

    Anyhow I had to do a barium meal swallow to make up for the failed endoscope test, which got arranged for me just 4 days after the scopes, the quickest the NHS have ever been for me haha. The cup of Barium was ok, I think bowel prep has desensitized me to horrible drinks. The barium tasted like milky, chalky... something I don't know. The guys who performed the whole thing were pretty cool, they were pleasantly chatty with me. I got given a plastic shotglass which I described to my dad as "extreme lemonade" which was to slightly distend my stomach, it made me really gassy but I had to try & refrain from burping lol. I haven't actually heard back from the x-ray dudes & its been almost 3 weeks, so I'm assuming everything was ok...?

    My symptoms have cleared up, I'm so very happy smile H. Pylori WAS found in my stool samples, I'm starting a 1 week course of triple therapy next week. Even though my stomach ache that lasted 5 months is now gone, my doctor still wants me to have the treatment to kill the bacteria, I can't wait to kill the little b*stard. I've also been referred for an abdominal ultrasound scan on the 14th of this month. I think at this point it's just for good measure.

    In regards to my Ulcerative Colitis, I have enjoyed nice solid bowel movements for about 3 weeks now. I apologize for being graphic but hey this is a medical forum for abdominal issues smile The only bump in the road was this morning when I had to suddenly go for a poo that was very soft, but I put that down to the fact that it was pancake day yesterday haha (the price I pay for indulging myself I think)

    I'm seeing my gastro specialist again this friday. Hopefully the last time for a while. I'll be able to ask him about the barium results & the treatment for H.Pylori. I think I'm gonna have to have some blood taken as well (I rekon doctors at my hospital are secretly in league with a vampire cult, they seem to take 3/4 blood samples off you at the drop of a hat haha)

    • Posted

      I'm really glad everything turned out well for you. I've  been going through something similar . The last couple of months have been really stressful, I lost someone who was like familly, health issues with my brother, and bunch of other things.

      It all started about two months ago. I had stomach ache, it felt swollen, later that night I felt a bit of nausea. I thought it would go away the next morning so I decided to sleep it off. The next morning I woke up to the same symptoms. I've been to 3 docs, the last one told me I needed a psychiatrist(he said it jokingly , but it still annoyed me, I'm the one feeling like this). I'm nervous all the time imaging something is terribly wrong with me. It feels like I'm trapped, can't concentrate on anything.  I'm currently waiting for the results which should be ready next week. The wait has been  nerve-racking, my parents told me to stay positive, and try not to think about, but that's all I can do. 

    • Posted

      Hello Andy, I have been following your situation.....I have just recovered after having a perforated duedenol ulcer which was due to the H/ whole life has changed with regards diet etc....I never saw it coming...well didnt think so at the time.

      My only symptons were that i was pretty miserable and lethargic for a few months which i put down to depression and a bit of bloatedness.  A couple of days before it perforated i had a feeling of wanting to be sick which lasted for over 24 hours which yet again i put down to maybe a bug of somesort...and it certainly was a bug...the horrible H/Pylori.  I have just had a gastroscopy done just a few days ago and like yourself found it to be an awful experience....the only good to come out of it was that my ulcer has healed and i can now move on with life.....not as i knew it but as i know it now.

      I am pleased that your symptons have cleared up now and that you can now get on with enjoying life.

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      hey man, i feel for you. I hope this message finds you feeling better. Have you had the results?
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      hey there, im glad your ulcer cleared up, gastroscopies are proper bad arent they? sad oh well its gotta be done eh? have you sorted out the H.pylori bacteria? if so what was the treatment liek for you?



    • Posted

      Hi Andy

      Not sure if your still on this forum. I have had chronic nausea for 14 months started back when yours did. I have tried many things and had so many tests. It's a mystery illness, sure my nausea intensity is not a 8.5 it's about a 2.

      I have a scope scheduled Mar 1, was going to do with no sedation but I think now I don't want to gag a lot where I will have to say STOP and this year wait for a scope will be a waste cause I made them stop.

      So can you tell me how long in all you were nauseated and your final diagnosis.

      What helped it go away .

      Thx Robin

  • Posted

    Glad to know things are looking up andy. The worst parts not knowing as they can't treat. Hopefully soon u be fit as a fiddle.

    I just had my h.pylori tests back and they were all fine. I definitely don't feel fine tho. The dr was about as much help as a condom with a hole in it and had to Fight to get referred to the gastro people. Redid my bloods, they were all fine, my white blood cells came back border line but the dr, said that was normal.

    Have started mastic, been on it 4 days and still on a Ppi. Still not making me feel much better tho.

    Just want to return to a normal healthy life tbh but doesn't look like that while the NHS fart about.

  • Posted

    Hey andy im glad ur doing better. I read ur story and cried bcuz my boyfriend is goin through same problems u were having. And has not been doing anything at all to find out wut is da problem. Everybody is different so
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    CON'T..... ii accidently pressed post reply to soon... oops anyway andy my bf has almost da same similarities u were having bt doesnt seem to care, as if he givin up on himself, which stresses me out cuz he has changed so much. Dat it makes me go crazy. He goes through so much pain bt doesnt realize i feel im goin through it as well cuz im da 1 dat has 2 deal wit him cuz we live 2gether so i hear all da moaning and ache'n he has on a daily. I tel him lets go get checked, god forbid its notsumthin serious. Im scared for him, his mom passed away 2 years ago 4m pancreas cancer, his cousin who is da same age as us 26yrs old died of cancer last year so he died @25yrs old. Im stressed out, i been wit my man (aka babydaddy) for 7yrs now. I love him so much i dnt kno wut im doing wrong dat keeps him 4m goin to doctors to get checked. These symptoms are not little, i deal wit all his pain on a daily as much as he has his pains in stomach. Idk wut to do anymore and was hoping u can giv me sum type of advice. Ur a guy so maybe u can tel me how i can motivate my man to get checked. His mentality is he assumes he has cancer (jus lik his mom & cuzn dat died) and says he knows da. Outcome of it, which means death, i swear my man acts lik he knows as much as a doctor wud kno. It can be sumthin i hope will get better lik ur situation sort of. What shud i do andy pls reply wit sum type of advice for me

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