Gastritis..? H.Pylori..? Ulcer..? All in my head..? :(

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Hello, my names Andy. I'm 22, 6ft 1", 12 stone (last time I was weighed -5 months ago I think) I don't drink alcohol at all, I don't ever eat spicy food & I think in all my life I've smoked about 3 cigarettes the last one being on new years eve 2011. I also have Ulcerative Colitis, I was diagnosed with that via colonoscopy in October 2012, however I've lived with the symptoms on and off for the last 4 years. Other than that I'm fine... well not recently anyway. sad

It all seemed to start about just over a month ago when I was stressed out and nervous about almost everything in my life. I started missing the occasional meal, or eating one at an odd time or too late. I've always eaten a lot, not too much, but a lot. My diet has never been top notch, but I wouldn't say it was awful.

Anyway I was getting stressed about things in late August and like I said my eating habits were thrown wildly off for about a week. But then it became two weeks & then three sad And before I knew it I was feeling sick,nauseous and weak. I had a heavy feeling stomach and couldn't bring myself to eat much. My stomach would complain that I wasn't eating and I would get really bad hunger rumblings that would be quite nauseating, but then if I did eat something I would feel sick. sad

I found myself in the doctors and her diagnosis was stress induced Gastritis, which I had never heard of before. I wasn't really told too much about Gastritis, but I was told to basically try and de-stress myself & get myself eating again. I was also given some tablets called Lansoprazole(?) I was supposed to have one a day, which I did. So I took all 28 of them and have now been off them for about 5 days.

I feel as though the Lansoprazole didn't do much, if anything at all. After having been on them for a week I ended up back in the doctor's office for a follow up to see how I was doing. At that point I was more or less eating again, (still not my normal amount though) and my stomach didn't feel too bad anymore. So my doc said "ok well finish the course of tablets and you should feel better" and that was that.

I didn't really manage to "de-stress" in the end, if anything I was getting more stressed. I ended up looking up Gastritis on the internet, which I will say right now was a mistake sad I ended up reading about stomach cancer among other stuff.

On top of this constant nausea,to make it all a little worse I had stopped taking my Mesavant tablets for my Colitis because of a silly fear that the combination of those and the Lansoprazole would make me feel ill. sad So for about a week or two I've had a slight flare up of my Colitis sad

Anyway I have not been on the lansoprazole now since last friday. My stomach still hates me and I've been feeling nauseous pretty much every day. I've made myself take my Mesavant Colitis tablets again but I know from experience that that SHOULD clear up in a week or two. I have been much better with my eating habits, I've made myself eat even though I haven't always wanted to. I've eaten more this week than I think I did all last month. However I ended up having an emergency appointment with my doctor on monday morning sad I got up, felt more or less alright, had some cornflakes and before I knew it, it was as if my stomach had grown a fist and was trying to get out of my body. It was the most discomfort I've felt since this all started so I was in a bit of a panic to say the least.

Another thing to point out is that I have noticed an odd sensation this week. And that is that when I feel hungry, my stomach seems to struggle gurgling. Its hard to explain sad My stomach doesn't seem to rumble as much anymore, but if it does it is VERY "deep" and it feels rather more horrible than it used to normally. Also I've not been burping as much as I used to (if that's relevant at all), even though a lot of the time it feels like I need to burp. When I DO burp however its always a small pathetic one that doesn't relieve anything sad

Anyway I told my doctor about how the lansoprazole gave me a bit of relief, but my appetite wasn't great still. I said that I had nausea still and a heavy feeling in my stomach and that I couldn't seem to notice a pattern. By that I mean I can't tell if my stomach is aggravated by certain foods etc. I told her that I hadn't been taking my Colitis tablets & I more or less got told off sad rightly so I think in a way, I've just made things a little worse for myself sad

My doctor gave me some anti-emetics I think they're called Cyclizine(?) I've been on 2 or 3 of those a day since Monday. I think they've given me peace of mind if nothing else. The Doc booked me in for some blood tests which were taken today. The results should come in by next week apparently. My doctor is still certain that this is all because I get so stressed out, but I'm going in circles here sad I have still never vomited throughout this ordeal, which I'm assuming is good...? sad But this nausea is just crippling me.

I asked my doctor if maybe I needed to cut out dairy or gluten from my diet but she said "no you need to eat" My doctor is lovely but that felt very dismissive of her sad To be honest though if I DID cut out dairy and gluten I feel like I would be left with nothing to eat sad

My appetite is pretty much back, but its nothing like it used to be. It's very depressing I have to say. I'm not going out anymore because even walking around seems to make my tummy feel bad. I don't even want to imagine what would happen if I ever got on a bus or a train, I've never really been susceptible to motion sickness before... but then my stomach has never felt like its dying on me before sad

What I've been left with is a recurring sensation that's like a brick in my stomach in the middle area under my ribs. Whenever I'm hungry my stomach feels too weak to tell me so. But then I'll feel just sort of sickly a little while after eating. I wouldn't say I've been in pain as such, more of a nauseating discomfort. I'm annoyed at myself that I've read through pages and pages of the internet for what might be wrong with me. I know I should trust my doctor, she knows what's up after all, but I'm just a little sceptical since she didn't perform any kind of tests on me, apart from her lying me down and feeling my abdominal region in a few places.

Right now I'm in a horrible position of waiting for my blood tests to come back to me. I don't even know what they are looking for or what they might find? What if hey find something bad? What if they find nothing at all & tell me I'm fine when I might feel no better or worse even? The nurse took about 3 phials of blood out of my arm and I remember the doctor saying they would do a general blood count or something... and look at my liver funcions for some reason..? sad I don't know. Can Gastritis be confirmed through a blood test?

My doc said she didn't think I had an ulcer, (or cancer). But this H. Pylori thing, (I've done my reading to say the least) If I DO have Gastritis that seems like the only reason to me how I would have it. I've read though that some people have Gastritis/H. Pylori for years and sometimes it might never go away and then could perhaps lead to ulcers which then lead to cancer anyway sad If I was to feel like this for any more than a few more weeks I feel like my life will be destroyed & I might end up in hospital...

On the other hand I suppose this COULD be all due to anxiety and extreme stress, but I can't seem to make any progress, I'm in a vicious circle & it's upsetting me sad I miss eating the food I used to eat & I miss not worrying about myself so much sad I'm sorry this is a ridiculously lengthy post & if anyone has actually read through it all I'd like to say thank you. Perhaps leave me any advice? Or even a kind word or two? I feel like I'm at the end of my tether. If I do indeed have Gastritis, what should I do to help myself? If I have H.Pylori what would that mean for me?



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68 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi andy...

    I read all your post really sad i am on same boat as you in august 2010 i started left side sharp chest pain i started to go gp he said its my stomach i was thinking its my heart and then doc reffer me for endoscopy which i had that endoscopy after a month and they found i have H.pylori and then doc put me a seven days tablets therapy to cure H.pylori i took those tablets but no diff pain was same then i kept goin gp he started change diff tablets first omeprazole then lanzoperazole and then zantac but nothing helped me....

    And then they thought i have gluten interlorance they done endoscopy again but found nothing all theu said.its. gastritis now i feel nauseaus all day i dont feel like to eat anything dont know wat tell any progress ????

    • Posted

      If you had h.pylori the medicine you took would have cured it. He is giving you proton pump inhibitors to reduce stomach acid so is this what is needed? You can get nausea with acid reflux and other things.
    • Posted

      Hi, the treatment did not work for me... its a shot in the dark with the triple treatment, it works for some and others it does not!! Im still searching for answers myself but toxoplasmosis gondii ( latent) was found first in my eyes and now we know its in my brain!!! my immune system does not exsit!!! I feel your pain im in your shoes still!!! Toxoplasmosis gondii ( latent)  is like H pylori in alot of ways and is also a parasite from Africa... my personal doc and specialist are just flabbergasted over it!!  A spinal tab is the only way to truely detect it after you have had it for over a couple of months!! the brain fluid holds the parasites IgG .... a biopsy of my brain is the next step to make sure it is the strain for sure not just thinking it is!! good luck dont give up on YOU kk another word of wisdom is the toxoplasmosis can only be contracted human to human from in the womb  of a mother who has it... so if your mother has sysmptoms such as yours have her with you to talk to the docs


    • Posted

      Carmel do u have  H pylori? I've had four lots of triple therapy and am still suffering. It's so god damn annoying to a point I want to give up! I have had enough of feeling rubbish all the's ruling my life. With your condition does it make u feel ill?? 


    • Posted

      Hi Kath. No do not have pylori. And the doctors were wrong about ulcers and hernias. I was right. It was an imbalance of biotics which I am working on and are nearly 100% now. It made me feel awful before kath, a lot of pain and generally so bad I could not work or go out - which was pretty boring too as I live on my own with no visitors.

      But I persevered and it is almost totally fine now. Had the endoscopy and have had it confirmed there is nothing wrong there. My own theory is that IBS is just a state that can be rectified by getting the biotics right and those who get it for years and years or get it bad just have not rectified that balance.

  • Posted

    Andy doctors know nothing about diet and nutrition and often overlook that it might be connected or make a difference. Asking if dairy is a good idea is fine but ask the right person, a naturopath, not a doctor. You should be able to find all of that information on here for free but it takes hours of looking.
  • Posted

    Hi Andy and everyone else that suffers with the same symptoms!

    i am actually writing this from my bed.....yet again....I have all the exact same symptoms that you describe and I mean exactly. This is the four time I have had this since January....after being hospitalised for two weeks. I was diagnosed with hpylori, gastritis and a sliding hiatus hernia. I was given the triple therapy and it cleared up only to rear up again six weeks later. I have now just taken a fourth lot of antibiotics which don't seem to be working after trying a different combination. To be honest I am at my wits end and I've had enough of feeling this bad!! So Andy I feel for u so much!!! I am about to pay private to see if I can get the right one seems to know how to get rid of it for good! I've done all the changing of diet and nothing works! I take manuka honey every day and am on a gluten free diet. I just don't see an end to it. I have just retired through ill health (unrelated to this) so life is pretty rubbish. I want answers now so when I get some I will let u know. My symptoms are exactly the same as yours!! 

    I feel eel for everyone!! 

    Kath (ormskirk Lancashire) 

  • Posted

    Hell Andy, I was looking up different reasons why I don't ever get hungry. And for me a lot of the reasons is because I am always stressed out, even about little things. And like you, it stresses me even more that I'm stressed and causing me to not get my normal appetite. I haven't gone to the doctors because I don't really feel sick. I was more curious to know what all has happened? What happened when your results came back? Did anything ever go back to normal?
  • Posted

    Hi. I suffered with this too. Heavy stomach. Rock hard guts and feeling sick with a constant feeling of needing a poo. after months of doubled up dose of lanzaprazol no better no change. Then blood tests which all come back ok. A scan of my stomach revealled nothing. When I told my dad he told me at same sort of age he suffered this too. Anyway ask for a secong opinion and get it with a endescope doctor. After my endescope they discovered just like my dad I had these little bugs eating away at my stomach I was given 3 sets of tablets which I cant remember the name of them now but I have never had a ptoblem since. I dont know why doctors are reluctant to send u for a endescope but they are. I suffered for so long and all I needed was a endescope and them tablets. I know these tablets are expensive as is the endescope. I read the endescope comes out there budget hence they dont wanna send you for it. Might be wrong though. All the best. I hopey comments can help others. How I coped was laying on my back and a hot water bottle. Drank plenty of milk not fizzy ot tea and coffee. Stress dont help.
  • Posted

    Hi Andy 2 months ago i finished treatment for h pylori which i was

    finally diagnosed with after 5 years of stomach and bowel problems

    that were diagnosed as irritable bowel. I had a gastroscopy which

    found some changes in the stomach wall and inflamation i had

    biopsies which came back benign but i did have h pylori.whilst on

    the treatment i contacted a homeopathic practitioner who advised

    me to take allicin capsules as well as my treatment.2 months on i

    am so much better and the stomach and bowel problems are much

    improved.I have been advised by the homeopath to carry on taking just

    one allicin capsule daily to keep the h pylori at bay.Ask about an h pylori test.

  • Posted

    im just wondering if h-pylori is what is causing my stomach problem ive been having the same symptoms since i was 18 it flares up every few years and makes me feel ill for about 4 months my symptoms is a really bad burning pain from my stomach right up in my neck like heartburn pain that is constant i also feel like i have a tention headache my muscles feel sore in my neck and shoulders.I have had the camera in my stomach about 3 times and every time the doctor said its gastritis stop smoking and drinking so 3 years ago i stopped smoking but i still had a bit of alchol. im now suffring again with this burning pain sore muscles and feeling like crap everyday so ive been to the doctors again he said he will do a stool test to see if it is h-pylori thats causing all this but i carnt do the test for 2 weeks because i was taking lanzoprsole it can intfere with the test so i have to wait till the 25th of this month berfore i can do the test i hope they find somthing im at my whits end i just want to feel better.
  • Posted

    Hey Andy, best advice I can give to you is the pill capsule test. I was seeing a G.I. Doctor for ten years and was diganosis with colitis 10 years ago. I started having severe stomach pain summer of 2013. My doc kept putting me on flagil with is a medication to put the good antibodies back in your body. They did nothing, after months of going back I decided to switch doctors. At this point I had lost 40 pounds and couldn't eat anything. After explaining my situation to my doctor he recommended a series of test. 1 being a colonoscopy 2. Endo and the 3. was the pill capsule testing. The first two found a stage two hernia and celiac dz but my doctor informed me that that procedure still misses 75% of your intestine and to do the pill capsule procedure which is as easy as swallowing a pill and wearing a device for a few hours. With the results of that they found 12 ulcers and I've now just graduated to crohns. This was not what I wanted to hear but it was relief to know my body was telling me something else was wrong. Don't give up keep fighting because I gave up but the pain was unbearable and I am a single mom who has to put on a front for my son. This has all been new to me and I found out everything in the last four months. This is my first time joing a group to talk about things because I've been so depressed and just not able to do anything. Ive accepted what I have but wish this pain wasn't an everyday feeling I've been feeling for 18 months now. Keep faith and if one doctor doesn't help you see another and another and another till you get the results you need. This G.I that I am seeing now is a small practice unlike the big and well known practice I was at before and he was an angel sent to me to help me through this tough time I'm having in my life. I know there's still hope because I went under remission for 5 years with no symptoms. I'm crossing my fingers that happens again soon and I wish you the best of luck with your health. Talking about it helps because I go through everything you go through, and trust me when I say I read your WHOLE article. The one thing I notcied was the amounts of sad faces and that's what kept me reading. I know exactly how you feel. Being in pain everyday turns you into a different I just have to get to know the new me. Turn that frown upside down and smile there are people out hear to listen to your story and be able to talk you through this.
    • Posted

      Sorry I name is Jasmine ☺️
  • Posted

    I came to these forums months ago to try to research my own stomach problems, and was taken aback by how much we all worry about our stomach issues. They are a real bother and make us think that there must be something very wrong, but that's not always the case. Let me just say here that when the doc doesn't find anything after an endoscopy, it is likely that your stomach issues are caused by a stress cycle. The only way to get out of it is to eat bland for a while and destress your life as much as possible. I never thought my stomach issues would go away but they did. It took 3 months but the best thing you can do is keep your spirits up, grab some books to read, take some time off work, eat simple and relax. For me, I mostly ate bread with peanut butter, eggs, apple sauce, and also took a probiotic once a day. This worked for me and I wanted to post this so that anyone reading who is currently suffering can see that there are some success stories out there.
  • Posted

    hi, andy,

    i have been suffering with almost exactly similar condtion.

    stop everything and just start taking , equal amount of -Fennel, Liqourice, Turmeric (freshly ground all 3 ingredients) take 1 teaspoon (after a few days, increase to table spoonful) take 3 times a day with warm water (avoid tap water) you will find excellent results.

    Believe me i had tried dozens of remedies (allopathy and homeopathy, nothing helped, except the above remedy.

    get well soon.


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