Gastritis Heartburn
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I have had Gastritis for 5-6 weeks finally it seems to be improving on 40mg Omeprazole. However I get intermittent heartburn, maybe this down to something I have eaten even though I am eating a bland diet and avoiding acidic foods etc. Has this happened to anyone else? How long does it take for Gastritis to heal? I am fed up with it!
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raluca31453 karen457
i heard those ppi cause acid rebound , i took pantoprazol for 10 days , today is the 8th day without them and i have bad acid in my stomach!
karen457 raluca31453
Hi I have read this too. I want to come off the PPi but when I cut down I got stabbing and sore pains in stomach, so I will continue for the 4 weeks which Dr recommended, then hopefully be able to get off them.
Gooddaywillcome karen457
I m feeling sorry for you
I had a indigestion for a couple years on and off
then last September (2019) it got really bad, every day and pressure in my chest too.
I went to see Gap, got tested for H- pylari , positive 😦 .I thought ok at least I got an answer , week of antibiotics , indigestion improved but stomach pressure and bloating was still there
tested for h -pylari again still havent cleared , another, different lot of antibiotics.
now in March 3 rd test- negative
well .... guess what 😦
we are in May now ,my stomach still not right , if not pressure its indigestion , if not that its bloating , pain on the left upper right and all sorts
because pain and discomfort travels doctor is not concerned, well I m
and I m fed up and tyred , no normal life since September
good luck and hope you will get sorted
karen457 Gooddaywillcome
Hi Thank you. Did you have Gastritis as well? I tested negative for H Pylori but have all the symptoms you describe. I am so fed up with it! I can't understand how the stomach pains have calmed right down, but I got bad heartburn last night on 40mg Omeprazole. The only thing I ate different was a rice cake maybe that aggravated things.
Gooddaywillcome karen457
nobody have diagnosed me with Gastritis, doc said h pylari can cose sore stomach
I dont think 8 month is normal
it is hard , now even worth, cant see Gp
I m so fed up of it
Gooddaywillcome karen457
not sure if anyone still reading this ,
after hpylari treated successfully .
I m still in pain 😦
cant cope no more
called GP over phone consultation
10 min after ,he said time is up 😦
prescribed 30 days of 30mh omeprazole , detergent its health anxiety and GERD .
i told him i havent been pain or discomfort free for 8 month, pain under my rib cage ,pressure
now I n worried about it so much - my shoulders so tense , pain all a way down my neck , feels like lump in my throat
I m so so fed up guys
hope you all sorted
craig04397 karen457
Try oats and organic oat milk, this resolved my gastritis in 2 weeks.