Gastritis Help
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I've posted before about some symptoms I've had for almost a year. In April I had the worst stomach virus of my life. Symptoms subsided and life went back to normal. In Novemeber I had chest pain and went to the emergency. EKG's were done and nothing was found. About two weeks later the pain returned and I was having trouble breathing. Returned to hospital and same thing was done. Doctors said it was an anxiety attack. From November until now I've had severe abdominal pain, gas, bloating, diahhrea, and nausea. I vomited bile once. So far all they have found out was that I have low vitamin b12. Today I had an endoscopy and they found signs of mild gastritis. They are doing biopsies so those results will take some time to get back. After the endoscopy today my stomach is very sore and I have diahhrea with a headache. Anyone have these side effects before? Anyone have low b12 and gastritis and know what it means? My follow up isn't until 2 weeks from now where hopefully my biopsy results will be back. Thank you all.
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j30542 christina1008
Sorry to hear you are poorly.
Gastritis; is common term for inflammation; inflammation is caused by bacteria in the main; too much acid etc. Hot drinks 'kill' bacteria - good bacteria and allow for bad bacteria to 'flourish'. That said; vomiting bile indicates your gallbladder, and if your liver isn't working well; this may also affect your gallbladder. Or you could have a 'blockage' somehwere..
AS with all inflammatory conditions you should be on anti-inflammatories. Garlic is a natural anti-inflammatory/ anti-oxidant so is good for both your liver as well. You should be taking a vitiman tablet; preferably one for liverhealth - as the liver can also affect the gallbladder.
In addiiton; if you take Milk Thistle' this can repair the liver on a cellular level.
Liquorice tablets can kill 'bad bacteria (h pylori etc ) and anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory foods might assist. And you can buy acidophilus from a health food shop too - introducing 'good bacteria'.. However; if your GP has given you medication you should perhaps check with them first if these are suitable to take with your meds.
it's possible diarrhea may have caused the headache due to dehydration; so try to drink some water in the meantime; perhaps swap caffinated drinks to coconut water or apple juice. Apple juice can soften items.. & hopefully the GP's can confirm whether or not there is a blockage..
*please do post an update to let others know the outcome ;and feedback is always welcomed so we know what works and what doesn't work.
Wishing you a speedy recovery :P
kath2014 j30542
kath2014 christina1008
I to have had gastritis for over a year now. I have been treated 4 times for helicabacter and have just had my 4th gastoscopy and have been told I still have gastritis and helicabacter!! I'm seeing a specialist on 5th Feb 're all this. I have had a cat and mri scan and have been told I have a structure of my biliary duct which may require a stent. I do sympathise with you as I have all the same symptoms and more...Sharp pain right side under ribs. Did they test for helicabacter? I cannot digest food so now only eat small amounts of food and have cut out all fast! I live off soup at the moment. I have cut out all gluten and wheat too. Try a probiotic everyday. I also use gaviscon to help with burning in tummy and nausea. Drink as much water as you can. Good luck. Keep me posted
j30542 kath2014
It was not enough for me to change my diet to rid my slef of right sided abdominal pain.
kath2014 j30542
Thanks I will get my hubby onto this at once. My liver results are slightly out according to doctor....I cannot eat at the off soup. Just hope I get some answers on 5th Feb!! What is milk whistle? Is it a drink. What did you have to do to rid the right side pain? It's worse at night time when I lie down. I know this sounds wrong but it's good to know I'm not on my own. Thanks for everyone's advice!
j30542 kath2014
Milke thistle effervescent tablets ; (they come in capsule form too). I read somewhere you can take 200mg but the tin says one dose a day of 100mg. On ONE occasion i took teh 200mg. i think you should be feeling better soon; please keep me updated if you can..
My right side abdominal pain was worse laying down on my front.. i just did take those three things in the main (along wiht red grapes and some other anti-oxidant foods (beetroot and suchlike, just for a few days).. i took a clove of garlic a day.. and the liquorice tablets..and within a couple of days; i could 'function', within a week i almost felt normal..
Got rid of any bad bacteria, introduced good, took the antiinflammatory garlic, and the milk thistle.. and it worked.. With the breathing thing (yes i have suffered that) i introduced some feroglobin (for red blood cells) and that helped with my breathing..
i am not sure how long you have been suffering; but you may want to read up on oregano oil in the future (when you feel better). ..
kath2014 j30542
I've been like this for over a year now. Treated 4 times for h pylori and have it again now. They scanned me twice and have told me I have a benign structure of the biliary duct.. 4mm. This is what's causing right upper pain. I have gastritis and a hernia also. I'm hoping to have a stent fitted. Fingers crossed when this all happens I'm hoping I'm ok again. I take morphine for back pain as I also have degenerative facet joint disease. I'm a walking disaster really. I have however reduced my morphine and hope I can do it some more. I really feel for everyone on here as doctors won't touch diets or other no medical means of treatment. Like you I will try anything once in the hope it works so I do appreciate your advice. I tried aloe Vera juice for a while but it didn't work. But it may work for those with just gastritis as it heals the insides.
I will let you know what the quack says in Feb. Everyone on here keep smiling....we need to stick together.